Zach Adams on trial for the kidnapping and murder of Holly Bobo Sept 20 & 21, 2017

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One thing I don't understand is why anyone is questioning lack of evidence that ZA kidnapped Holly. If he had her in his truck (or anywhere) against her will he kidnapped her.

Kidnapping of Holly is not limited to the minute she was taken into the woods.

It doesn't seem to matter how much this is pointed out, and I know it's been posted several times over the past week. There's some unspoken standard that is expected, maybe some combo of DNA, hair, and actual photos of HB's body in ZA's truck required in order to be convincing enough that there was a kidnapping and that ZA was involved in this crime, which occurred over a few hour period. Further, the acting in concert rule appears to either be confusing or otherwise ignored.

The law is clear that kidnapping can occur in a mere minute -- the act of preventing someone from leaving of their own free will at any point in time.
Just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who posted tweets/videos/pictures/comments! There's definitely some very thought provoking posts from both sides of the fence here! Thanks very much everyone!

Echoing this!

:tyou::yourock: some point in all of this, JA, ZA, DA, and SA have all implicated themselves or the others in this. You don't do that if you are innocent. That's the bottom line.

Excuse me for the I think eruption but we are checking on
lost members" from the Hurricane Harvey mess. Geevee I saw this post in the last thread here:

Geevee: Sorry for the interruption but I just wanted to say thanks so much for all of the tweets and commentary everyone, like all of us, I waited so long for this trial but we were flooded in the aftermath of Harvey (the Addicks reservoir release) and due to (still) being in a motel I missed all the trial streaming.

I finally got caught up and current just as the state rested, the last witnesses should seal the case, can't imagine the jurors having any doubt about ZA's guilt.

Thanks again!

are you still away from your home? If you have the chance, would you update at Harvey thread, please? Missing you! some point in all of this, JA, ZA, DA, and SA have all implicated themselves or the others in this. You don't do that if you are innocent. That's the bottom line.

This is so true.

The defense did a great job trying to put the focus on Britt, the vile rapist. I am relieved that he is going to be incarcerated for another rape and I hope he never gets any more chances to continue---enough already.

But his other rapes do not seem to end in death and dismemberment.

And if he was the only guilty party, why did so many of the A-train team confess to the deadly crimes?
This is so true.

The defense did a great job trying to put the focus on Britt, the vile rapist. I am relieved that he is going to be incarcerated for another rape and I hope he never gets any more chances to continue---enough already.

But his other rapes do not seem to end in death and dismemberment.

And if he was the only guilty party, why did so many of the A-train team confess to the deadly crimes?

dismemberment? I thought they pointed out in court that animals may have dragged parts of her body to their den. TBI even excavated the dens. Do you have a link to the dismemberment assertion?
dismemberment? I thought they pointed out in court that animals may have dragged parts of her body to their den. TBI even excavated the dens. Do you have a link to the dismemberment assertion?

Ah, I do remember them saying this about the animals dragging parts of her body. But I was thinking that would be a bone or two.

I did write up a post on this thread about the separation of her body as I truly thought that had to be the case, factually.

Is it not odd that after excavating the area animal dens as it was testified they did, that not one bone was found from below the lower torso. And not one bone from either arm or hand was found? Not one bone from one foot was found.

No wrist bone. No joint bones.

So really, animals took EVERY other bone leaving nothing behind, no joints??

I think that would be impossible.

(I must admit, this never occurred to me until I read purely heresay that she was dismembered. Then I went back to look at the bones found. To me, this actually seems the only plausible thing. But no, not one person, unless it was today as I haven't seen it all yet, mentioned dismemberment in the trial.)

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I feel for the Bobos, especially Karen. A mother/daughter bond is a special thing and she will never feel the joy of helping Holly plan her wedding or celebrate the birth of her children or her nursing degree. When these trials are over, regardless of the outcome, I think then it will hit them the hardest. They have had the trials to stay focused on for 6 years. The holidays will be here soon, without Holly. I can't imagine the pain they are going through. I am still optimistic there will be a guilty verdict. Justice for Holly.
The state hasn't proven to me exactly who was in the carport. Until they can; I think he will be acquitted, sadly.
This is so true.

The defense did a great job trying to put the focus on Britt, the vile rapist. I am relieved that he is going to be incarcerated for another rape and I hope he never gets any more chances to continue---enough already.

But his other rapes do not seem to end in death and dismemberment.

And if he was the only guilty party, why did so many of the A-train team confess to the deadly crimes?
I feel like If Britt did this crime, he would not have testified in this trial. That would really be opening up a can of worms for him.
Quick question here and I apologize if this has been discussed and I missed it: Can anyone tell me WHO will decide on the sentence -the judge, this jury, or a different jury?
Quick question here and I apologize if this has been discussed and I missed it: Can anyone tell me WHO will decide on the sentence -the judge, this jury, or a different jury?
This jury will.
dismemberment? I thought they pointed out in court that animals may have dragged parts of her body to their den. TBI even excavated the dens. Do you have a link to the dismemberment assertion?

The defense tried to cast suspicion on Britt by making a big deal about him buying a chainsaw after the abduction. Why did they do that? It seemed like they were implying he used it on the body, imo.
As for Britt - didn't one of the LE go by his home on 4/13 and he had the tub and plumbing supplies in his truck- I thought that was testified to on the first or second day of the trial. If I remembered that correctly then the defense is saying he got up early - abducted Holly between 7:45 - 8, raped, killed, and hid her body. Got home, went to Camden, back to Decaturville, back home before noon. I was going to rewatch videos tonight and see if I could find that testimony but I have my grandson tonight so not much time for anything else and was hoping someone here remembers. I think he is guilty of many things - but not Holly. I keep wondering who that blonde hair they found in his vehicle belonged to

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Ah, I do remember them saying this about the animals dragging parts of her body. But I was thinking that would be a bone or two.

I did write up a post on this thread about the separation of her body as I truly thought that had to be the case, factually.

Is it not odd that after excavating the area animal dens as it was testified they did, that not one bone was found from below the lower torso. And not one bone from either arm or hand was found? Not one bone from one foot was found.

No wrist bone. No joint bones.

So really, animals took EVERY other bone leaving nothing behind, no joints??

I think that would be impossible.

(I must admit, this never occurred to me until I read purely heresay that she was dismembered. Then I went back to look at the bones found. To me, this actually seems the only plausible thing. But no, not one person, unless it was today as I haven't seen it all yet, mentioned dismemberment in the trial.)

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In support of this theory, the skull and a small amount of bones were found beneath a bucket. And yes, no bones from the waist down. If animals didn't cover the skull with the bucket I really don't see any other way to interpret the reported testified to facts of skull beneath the bucket with no associated limbs
Okay - how's this Harmony

April 13, 2011
In case others want to see all in chronological order.

4:54a - 8:18a – Zach – no activity (from 8:17a to 8:25a Holly's phone is moving near Cox Rd @ 641/I40)

6:50a - Jason-- near Camden (GF house) text
6:51a - 8:19a – Jason -- no pings

7:00a - Karen Bobo leaves for work/Holly was sitting at dining room table, also texting back and forth with classmate Hannah
7:30a -- Holly speaks to BF, Drew re hunting on grandmother's property
7:30a - 7:40a - Holly -- home area
7:40a - Neighbor hears a scream
7:42a - Holly -- last outgoing call (wondering "who" she dialed?)
7:45a - Neighbor's mother calls Karen
7:50a - Clint is awakened by dogs barking/Karen calls Clint
7:53a - 8:09a - Holly's phone connect to towers close to home
7:55a - Karen calls 911 from work

8:00a - Karen calls Clint to call 911 after he tells her what he saw
8:00a - Holly's phone is moving
8:17a - Holly's phone going north I40
8:17a - 8:26a – Holly -- ping off 2 different towers (anyone "which" towers & "where")
8:17a - 8:55a - rape and murder occurred between 8:17am and 8:55am (if Autry is to be believed that Holly was already in back of Zach's truck, wrapped )
8:18a - Zach's phone on ("where" ? - at home?)
8:19a – Zach's phone at Cox Rd @ 641/I40- incoming text From JA
8:19a - 8:53a - Zach's phone utlizing same tower close to his home
8:28a -- Defense witness (Dikas) says ZA phone pings at home (several miles from where Holly's pings)
8:30a – Zach -- outgoing text to JA
8:30a - 8:52a - Zach and JA-- texting back & forth
8:53a - 8:55a – Zach - phone call from JA-call went to voice mail--Zach called JA back –Zach’s phone near Yellow Springs & Adams house (Holly's pinged twice just after 9 near where Adams' phone pings - by Yellow Springs near Cox Rd)
8:55a – Jason phone - Autry, Adams & Holly's all shown in same area (same tower) - (at Shayne's where Jason sees Holly's body wrapped in back of Zach's truck)
8:57a - 9:00a -- Holly's phone pings Yellow Springs area (2nd ping)

~8:19a - 9:12a -- Zach's phone close to home-in same general area of where Holly's phone pings)
9:06a –Holly's phone - East of Shiloh Rd @ Cox & I40/641 (3rd tower pinged) Same tower as Zach's house
9:10a – Holly - Sugar Tree near Tennessee River (Shayne leaves to dump her phone)
9:10a - 10:43a -Zach - texts between ZA & Shayne Austin/Zach @ Birdsong area
9:12a – Zach's phone pings Yellow Springs area (Holly's 2nd ping in same area)
9:25a – Holly - pings near home - final ping - sim & phone found in this area.
9:40a - Holly's phone stops pinging/probably dead battery
9:42a - 10:37a – Jason phone -- pings near Tenn River near Birdsong Rd exit (Zach & Jason at Birdsong with Holly's body)
9:50a – Zach - pings near Tennessee River

10:01a - 10:32a - Zach continuallly texting Shayne
10:35a - Zach's phone uses the other side of tower near Birdsong Rd exit
10:35a - Jason's phone uses the other side of tower near Birdsong Rd exit
10:38a - Zach's phone moving away from tower & going back home
10:39a – Jason - phone is moving away from tower at Birdsong Rd exit (again pings near Cox Rd. (leaves Tenn river area)

11:04a -- CCTV at AmFarm shows TBI SUV traveling to Parsons
11:05a -- CCTV at AmFarm shows TBI SUV traveling to Parsons
11:07a -- CCT at AmFarm shows ZA's Pickup traveling to Parsons
~11a - 12p – Zach - in Parsons (video store w/GF)

~2:30p - 3:30p - All (Zach, Jason & Shayne) at Dinsmore house (per house cleaner)

9:47p -- First 911 call by Dick Adams (ZA's GrF) - ZA is causing a problem
9:49p - Second 911 call by DA - Didn't want officers to come over
9:51p - Third 911 call by DA - ZA is back & causing problem; was raising hell, wanted guns & keys to his/Dylan's truck. More frantic call - sounds exasperated (JMO)

Ok. I'm confused here. If I'm reading this correctly. Holly wa kidnapped at 7:40. Was seen walking into the woods by her brother. By 8:55 Jason Autry is apparently on his way to meet Zach to buy some drugs. At 8:30 Zach is texting back and forth with Jason about drugs and where to meet or whatever.

Am I supposed to believe that Zach Shayne and Dylan all raped Holly between 8:17 and 8:55, in a barn.... Zach was texting Jason. Dylan was giving out *advertiser censored*. Then holly was wrapped in a blanket and inthe back of a truck by 8:55. Is that something that happens in 38 minutes ?
I'm also confused where Jason's involvement ends. At some point he says he has to go meet his old lady and he has Zach drop him off at his car but Holly is still in the truck when he leaves, only now she's certainly dead ?

Ok. I'm confused here. If I'm reading this correctly. Holly wa kidnapped at 7:40. Was seen walking into the woods by her brother. By 8:55 Jason Autry is apparently on his way to meet Zach to buy some drugs. At 8:30 Zach is texting back and forth with Jason about drugs and where to meet or whatever.

Am I supposed to believe that Zach Shayne and Dylan all raped Holly between 8:17 and 8:55, in a barn.... Zach was texting Jason. Dylan was giving out *advertiser censored*. Then holly was wrapped in a blanket and inthe back of a truck by 8:55. Is that something that happens in 38 minutes ?
I'm also confused where Jason's involvement ends.
At some point he says he has to go meet his old lady and he has Zach drop him off at his car but Holly is still in the truck when he leaves, only now she's certainly dead ?


I think that is why JA was initially charged with murder, and it is why he does not have total immunity now. I am hopeful and pretty certain that he will end up prison for his involvement at the end of this.

I think he is telling the truth that he called that morning to get drugs--but then when he arrived imo, the gang rape was still ongoing. And I think the mattress was outside , standing against the wall for a reason.

I cannot believe TBI did not take it in right then for testing.
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