ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition

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That is the max they can claim but I believe he has asked for punitive damages also which would raise the amount they are allowed to be awarded.

$15,000 is the minimum they're claiming. It's for the purpose of determining which court gets the case. Civil cases seeking a judgement for less than $15K go to the county court, cases seeking over $15k go to the district court. The $15k figure really means nothing, it just determines jurisdiction.

Yes, she said it was not her and she was too old.


page 2285

Thank you for finding the information.

About the only thing that I get out of Casey's statement regarding the photo of "the" ZG was just another lie.

I will always feel that "the" ZG is the one that Casey spotted at the Sawgrass Apts. and added ZG into her story, along with the vehicle that "the" ZG was driving.
I think the only message I am getting here is that Morgan is saying it's not right to tell a lie about a person, who you know does not exist and knowing that LE will investigate everyone with that name that is somehow linked with what you have told them in your statement. Sawgrass Apt. and the NY license plate drew enough attention to LE that they felt they needed to investigate ZG's background and tell her she was being investigated for the kidnapping of Caylee Anthony. LE admitted they did this, ZG admitted LE did this to her. ZG has a right to know why this was done. KC has never said in a public forum ZG never existed, I just made her up and this person had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance. Not through her attorney, not through CA who had no problem delivering other messages from KC to the media.

It's not as if KC said some hispanic woman I met in the park took Caylee. KC already had a name, someone she picked out to blame for Caylee's death. Hypothetically: If a person hearing that ZG was being questioned and was so enraged appoached ZG and killer her, where would that have left KC. It would have left her with a question in everyone's mind that this woman did, indeed, take the baby and once the remains were found KC would have been free and clear. You can't tell me KC never thought that far ahead. That she never knew the police would not have looked high and low for someone to fit this description. She said so herself in the jailhouse video. "they're only looking in the Florida database.....she's from New York, she's lived in NC......" KC was looking for someone to blame, not just telling a last second lie. KC had nothing to lose and she probably felt pretty lucky she would succeed. And she has, now, hasn't she.

No one should claim advantage over the law before they have lied. It's just not the way the justice system is suppose to work. Ironic.....KC said that Caylee was taken to teach her a lesson and now the justice system is the one getting the lesson. jmo
Bingo! She specifically wrote in her statement to police, "Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez took my child". Cindy perpetuated this lie on national TV. That's slander and libel, particularly when the police interrogated her based on Casey and she was at the Sawgrass apartments and received death threats. Doesn't matter if, when pressed, Casey made up a different physical description as a wild goose chase to get LE off her back! She didn't clear Zenaida!!! (And no poster here can honestly say that if their name was inserted in place of Zenaida's that they would feel okay being thrown under the bus!)
Orange County wants her out of their jail without incident is my feeling.

I would think that the urgency to get the depo in before KC leaves town would eclipse fear of something happening at the jail. Why does EVERYONE seem pro-KC, pro defense? :maddening:
And if I remember correctly she pointed out the correct car and had the names of at least some of Zanny's kids. Now Casey can change her story while twisting on a dime but the fact remains there never was a Zanny except this Zanny and this one was harmed.

Read Casey's statement to LE. The nanny was over 15 years younger than Z?G, she had NO kids, had NO tattoos, drove a Ford, was thin and had dark hair.

Z?G has 6 kids, drove a Kia (I might have that reversed), is heavy, and has bleached hair and is covered in tattoos.
Yeah, somebody better get to work on the "lawsuit spread sheet"............:floorlaugh:

I say throw 'em all in a room together and whomever can come out of it with their head is a better man than I am.............oh wait, I am not a man, well anyway. Sick of the whole bunch. I hope she leaves Florida and at some point all that sue her get their money from ICA or whatever the crap her name is or will be.:banghead:
Someone here pulled up Z?G's court records, which showed that she'd been evicted and documented her child support cases. It's back in one of the original threads. Z?G did not rent an apartment at Sawgrass, she did not even apply. Perhaps that's why.

Why would anyone want to do that? Investigate her??? This is what M&M is talking about. Basically it is still going on today by people trying to discredit her. It's possible she did not apply because she applied elsewhere as this was not the only apartments she looked at. But she did fill out a card and an information sheet. Home is where you live. A house is property. Morgan said she lost her home and had to go into hiding and at another time he said she was living in a shelter because no one would hire her.

Regardless of her situation prior to 6/16/08 she was thrown into this mess without warning. A hispanic mother trying to carve out a living and support her two young daughters suddenly becomes focus of an investigation of a missing child because the mother of the child gives police a name of the kidnapper, an address where she dropped the child and tells police Zanny is from NY. LE admits investigating ZG which means they opened a file, did a background check and followup interview. The media runs with the story and the nightmare begins. None of us have a right to judge what this woman went through regardless of how we feel about her motives.

No ZG did not have the nice home the A's had. No ZG did not have a nice backyard for her children to play. And no unfortunately she is not a 10 but all these things that KC had the advantage of having does not diminish the fact that KC told a lie she knew would be investigated by police and maybe, just maybe she might get lucky and take the focus off of her long enough to get out of jail and get away.

Amy was back and KC had to take a hike fast before Amy discovered the money was gone. "Give me one more day", if the focus is on someone else they may let me go and I can disappear. Endless possibilities with KC's reasoning. One more day tells me she was planning on running. Not a huge leap to figure out. jmo
Bingo! She specifically wrote in her statement to police, "Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez took my child". Cindy perpetuated this lie on national TV. That's slander and libel, particularly when the police interrogated her based on Casey and she was at the Sawgrass apartments and received death threats. Doesn't matter if, when pressed, Casey made up a different physical description as a wild goose chase to get LE off her back! She didn't clear Zenaida!!! (And no poster here can honestly say that if their name was inserted in place of Zenaida's that they would feel okay being thrown under the bus!)

Exactly. The woman suing is not Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. She has no case.
I would think that the urgency to get the depo in before KC leaves town would eclipse fear of something happening at the jail. Why does EVERYONE seem pro-KC, pro defense? :maddening:

Well this is teflon ICA we are talking about. Different rules for different days, IMO:banghead:
Even if FCA said that, it does not erase the harm done. ZG received death threats and was harrassed, she lost her job. Her children were harrassed at school and bullied. ALL BECAUSE FCA LIED. So, no matter what FCA "took back" the harm was done and FCA should be held responsible.

Granted, some people acted where they should not have - but the bottom line is that they would not have acted against ZG if FCA would not have lied. If Caylee's death was an accident, FCA had no reason to lie and ruin ZG's life.

Besides all that, as the story began to unfold it was very apparent that every word out of FCA's mouth was a lie. So... based on what we know about FCA, if we go only by what FCA says, is ZG the "ZG" or not? We will never know if we only go by what FCA says.

So true, that was my point- liars lie!
Why would anyone want to do that? Investigate her??? This is what M&M is talking about. Basically it is still going on today by people trying to discredit her. It's possible she did not apply because she applied elsewhere as this was not the only apartments she looked at. But she did fill out a card and an information sheet. Home is where you live. A house is property. Morgan said she lost her home and had to go into hiding and at another time he said she was living in a shelter because no one would hire her.

Regardless of her situation prior to 6/16/08 she was thrown into this mess without warning. A hispanic mother trying to carve out a living and support her two young daughters suddenly becomes focus of an investigation of a missing child because the mother of the child gives police a name of the kidnapper, an address where she dropped the child and tells police Zanny is from NY. LE admits investigating ZG which means they opened a file, did a background check and followup interview. The media runs with the story and the nightmare begins. None of us have a right to judge what this woman went through regardless of how we feel about her motives.

No ZG did not have the nice home the A's had. No ZG did not have a nice backyard for her children to play. And no unfortunately she is not a 10 but all these things that KC had the advantage of having does not diminish the fact that KC told a lie she knew would be investigated by police and maybe, just maybe she might get lucky and take the focus off of her long enough to get out of jail and get away.

Amy was back and KC had to take a hike fast before Amy discovered the money was gone. "Give me one more day", if the focus is on someone else they may let me go and I can disappear. Endless possibilities with KC's reasoning. One more day tells me she was planning on running. Not a huge leap to figure out. jmo
Bold = I don't know why people did that. I thought it was wrong at the time and said so. Regardless, it's not Casey's fault that people nosed into this woman's life. She never said this woman was the kidnapper.

I don't understand how the remainder of you post is relevant. It's obvious that Z?G has had a tough go of things, but that started long before Casey Anthony was ever heard of.
Truth be told I believe she took Zanny's name and tagged it onto a description of the friend that testified at the trial that fit the description of Zanny. What was her name?
Bold = I don't know why people did that. I thought it was wrong at the time and said so. Regardless, it's not Casey's fault that people nosed into this woman's life. She never said this woman was the kidnapper.

I don't understand how the remainder of you post is relevant. It's obvious that Z?G has had a tough go of things, but that started long before Casey Anthony was ever heard of.
Yes she did, and this woman's life was made a living hell by Casey, all because she had the misfortune to visit the Sawgrass apartments, and Casey saw a name that would work as a full name for Zanny the Nanny!!!
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