CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #5

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I would love to know what plans dad had for the week to keep Dylan entertained.

He could have stayed home if it was to hang out with friends.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #5[/ame]
I don't know anything about how you analyze what people say, but I did notice right away he talked about the mom feeling hurt a lot. Imo

M: Well, it's been a tough time for all of us. I know it's been difficult on me and I can only imagine how it's been for his mom and his brother and his family over in the Colorado Springs area.

R: I want to get this subject out of the way first. There's a lot of suspicion out there, even when Elaine went on ABC news...

M: Right.

R: She was... can you address that?

M: Um, well I can only imagine being the mother and the frustration of hearing about your son going missing.

Dylan’s mother, Elaine Redwine, said he texted her when he arrived Nov. 18 at the Durango-La Plata County Airport.


Dylan, his mother, Elaine, and his brother recently moved to Colorado Springs.

She said she drove here from Colorado Springs Monday evening, “as soon as I found out he was missing. I was on the road by 5:30 p.m. I also called the Sheriff’s Office.”

Saturday, December 1, 2012
DURANGO, Colo. - The search for a missing 13-year-old boy near Durango is part of a criminal investigation, as a task force finished searching the home of the boy's father.

Dylan Redwine has been missing for 12 days.

La Plata County Sheriff's spokesman Lt. Ray Shupe said the father, Mark Redwine, is cooperating with the investigation into his son's disappearance and volunteered to give an interview to authorities Thursday afternoon. He was questioned by representatives from the La Plata County Sheriff's Office, Durango Police Department, Bayfield Marshal's Office, FBI and Colorado Bureau of Investigation.

It was not revealed whether the father consented to a polygraph examination.

Hmmmm, it sounded like "weren't" to me and if I had to bet on it I'd bet on Peach's accuracy, and she did it at 3:30 am on top of that! :yesss:

ETA: clarification post ahead!

Just listened ... I believe he used the term "haven't been able to hook up"

I know that its been said that the divorce and split has been years ago and that any negativity from that should have long since died down..but what needs to be remembered is that there is a significant change that has recently occurred with the issue of custody..and while I know some people are of the opinion that the custody issue goes no further than just being a technical necessity thru the courts due to the mother moving with their one minor child 5 hours away.. Imo I have had a bit of a different opinion of this matter and Now that we have MSM validating that there is a domestic violence issue involved as well.. Well I'm just going to put out there in theory what I personally believe is at the heart of this entire matter and sadly why I believe Dylan is no longer here.. Its jmo, tho..

The mother went before the court a couple of months back seeking to have their joint and shared custody of their one minor son, changed to the mother having sole custody..primary custody.. IMO the way this court decision came about set off a rage within this father.. The father had to go back to court after the mom's having the change of custody JUST TO HAVE A VISITATION SCHEDULE SET UP..this battle is what set in motion where we are today..whether for valid reasons or not IMO mom's having changed the custody to her having full custody of Dylan with no visitation schedule for the father ..this ENRAGED this father.. I believe that what is at the heart of this matter is an angry vengence between two ex spouses.. I believe that when the father went back to court to readjust the newly court ordered full custody to as of Sept his being awarded a visitation schedule BEGINNING WITH THE FIRST VISIT TO HAVE BEGUN ON NOV 18TH FOR A WEEK VISIT ..that was done out of pure anger(again whether or not there was a valid reason for that anger IMO IS IRRELEVANT)..IMO the fact is this IMO set off vengeful anger of this man towards his ex-wife..

IMO Dylan's being gone is an absolute direct result of that bitter, vengeful anger that this ex-husband has for his ex-wife.. I will not go any further or make accusations of what possibly he did or didn't do to Dylan.. But I will add that per the admin of the FindDylan Facebook its a known fact that this father prior to the move/court ordered change of custody from joint to full custody of Dylan to his mother, prior to that when they did live in the same town, and did share custody that the father did not keep up a relationship with Dylan.. IMO this only further lending credence to the possibility that the entire motive for the dad going in and having this visitation court ordered was out of enraged anger toward the mother/ex-wife..rather than for a dedicated relationship of a father to his son..jmo, tho..

IMO the war that's been waged and raged between this ex-husband and ex-wife is the sole reason for why Dylan is no longer here.. Jmo. And I wish I was wrong and maybe I am wrong only time will tell but IMO this is what IMO is at the very heart of the matter and exactly when this whole nightmare was originally set in motion months ago..not days or weeks ago..months ago..

All jmo and nada damn thing more...

I dont is just the way the custody laws work in Colorado. The mom moved away in July of this year. It was only then that physical custody was awarded to her and there isnt anything sinister about that change either fact its just the law in Colorado.

I put the Co. custody laws up already in the thread but I will try to find it and link it again since some seem to think getting physical custody means something sinister when in truth it doesnt.

In Co. if one parent moves away from where the other parent lives and the other parent cant see the child X amount of times (I believe the law quoted 90 days a year) due to distance then the one who has the child living with them in their home is given physical custody. Iirc Co. does not have the sole custody rule in their state.

So there is nothing sinister about this. When they lived in the same town they both had shared custody for many years since 2007 but when she moved he was no longer able to see his child easily due to the distance of hundreds of miles apart, irric. 5-1/2 hours away.

But he does have visitation rights and exercised those rights.

Dylan would have been in school during most of this time since 9-21-12 and would not have had a week off from school so the first time he did have that much time off he went to visit his dad.

ETA: Here are the custody laws for Colorado.

What is joint custody? What is sole custody?

Colorado does not have joint custody or sole custody. Colorado uses the term parental responsibility – which can either be joint or primary. If you equally share in overnight visitation with the minor child, you have joint parental responsibility. If a parent has less then 90 overnight visitations with the minor child, the other parent is considered to have primary parental responsibility.

Long ways? I guess it depends on where you live. I live outside of Santa Fe, NM and it takes me well over an hour to get to the Sunport Airport in ABQ, NM.

Vallecito, CO to Durango-La Plata County Airport - Google Maps

Thanks for the map, Ransom!:seeya:

I think this poster may have been referring to the phone call taking place away from the mountains ..... since there is limited to no coverage in most places in the mountains where dad lives? :waitasec:

Investigators end search of house

Authorities say they will not release any information about the interview or what was, or was not, taken from the residence.

The task force concluded its door-to-door canvassing that began Tuesday and has shifted its focus to following up on leads and evidence.

“Until we put together any leads or information that leads us in a certain direction, most work is going to take place internally,” Shupe said.


It sounds to me they are no closer to knowing what happened to Dylan or who may be involved. They continue to count on leads and info to lead them in a certain direction.

With great thanks to Peachy:

Reporter: OK. So, thank you so much for speaking with me on camera, Mark.

Mark: You're welcome.

R: What's it been like?

M: Well, it's been a tough time for all of us. I know it's been difficult on me and I can only imagine how it's been for his mom and his brother and his family over in the Colorado Springs area. And we're doing everything we can to try and find Dylan and keep the focus on finding Dylan. And you know, I've been working with the investigators and to make sure all the bases are being covered on that end. And that's pretty much where I'm at with that. I mean I'm doing everything I know how to do.

R: I want to get this subject out of the way first. There's a lot of suspicion out there, even when Elaine went on ABC news...

M: Right.

R: She was... can you address that?

M: Um, well I can only imagine being the mother and the frustration of hearing about your son going missing. And you know, I can only think that has to do with lashing out and trying to find who is accountable for this in this situation. I've been working closely with the investigators to do what needed to be done because you know, he was last seen at my house. And there's rumors going around that he's been spotted by people. You know, our concern is that something has happened to the point now where we just want to keep in the public's eye, you know Dylan's face, keep the focus on Dylan. And you know, don't worry about me and everything's going to be alright on my end. But I know this is a troubling time for Elaine and my son Cory, I spoke with him last night and I'm surprised we were able to hook up today because one of the things we're trying to do is unite together. And I have my oldest son from the Phoenix area here and of course my brother is here. And we're trying to unite as a family and stay focused on what's important here. And you know everybody wants to focus on me but the focus isn't me right now. The focus is finding Dylan and that's where I'm at.

R: Why do you think people want to focus on you?

M: Well, because I think that's a natural part of the process and because you know, he was last seen with me and he was with me the night before. And you know, I saw him in the morning before I left to go run my errands. You know, that's the logical place to start. And so, it doesn't at all surprise me, you know that they searched my home yesterday because quite frankly, I was expecting that to happen a week ago. So, you know my opinion is that we're all a week late and in where were at with this. So my focus is what do we need to be doing now to keep searching for Dylan and bring him home.

R: Do you have anything directly to say to Dylan?

M: Dylan, my prayers are with you and I love you very much. He was the light of my life and he meant everything to me. And I just want him home just like everybody else does. And that's why we've got to keep searching for him. Because somebody knows something. We've got to find him and we need to know he's okay.

(Part 2 coming up)

Thanks, Momrids!

And thanks, Peachy! You Rock!

He said it was not something he could address at this time, or something like that.

I dont even know why that question is asked time and time again. How many times does it take for LE all over the country to answer the same way to the same question.... 'they arent going to comment?"

If we learn about polys taken or the results its from the people that took them if they speak to reporters about it........polys given or the results do not come from LE. They know that is a private matter and is used by them as an investigative tool.

There are smart folks here whose hinky meters are way up, and also there are smart folks here who, at least after this interview, seem to trust MR's statements. So very interesting.

With that being said, there is no other option than for all those who believe MR to be telling the truth to come up with / focus on alternate theories / suspects. If MR didn't do this, then who did? For those of you who truly believe in MR, go back to the first threads and look at what I said about other abductions in the area, etc. I, personally, after playing devils advocate, am now on the hinky meter side, but that could change after watching the interview tomorrow.

All I gotta say is if MR didnt do this, then we have lost a lot of time, unfortunately. Because we are some damn good trackers. I know I was just a few steps behind Sigg.

Well this man has to be the first person Looked at because this young man was with him.
As Marc Klass would say ( because he was in this situation and was looked at in his daughters disappearance)Take a poly and rule yourself out as soon as possible so LE can move on and find out what happend.

Too many things in this situation raise red flaggs!
And none of these things have found any resolution or have an answer.
That we are aware of!

Teens are not typical!
They sleep late because they stay up late.
They are on cell phone i pads and computers all at the same time while playing a video game on xbox.
If my son was to meet his friends he would have gone Kids are not tired like us oldies....but if his plans were changed he would stay in bed till the afternoon.
I cant see him going fishing alone
I think the Fishing pole might play a big part in this case.
Id elaborate but ill wait till we are allowed lol

I find no cell activity disturbing!
Not reporting him missing till 6 pm!
Im sure MOM was checking in to see how he was doing and was distressed when she couldnt reach him.
I think she called DAD and he didnt call her back.
something was going on!

Within the first 1:30 minutes of this media interview, MR seemed intent on making it known that he has been "working with investigators".

Why is it so important to him that the public knows that he has been "working with investigators"?

The only people that need to know he's been cooperating with investigators are the investigators themselves, IMO.

I see he did speak of working with investigators...

but... Then again... That was the first question the reporter asked of him...something like... "what do you think of the people that are pointing fingers at you?"

I don't know if this video has been posted yet:

The reporter says that when investigators went to serve the search warrant at MR's home, he answered the door but left soon afterwards.

LE probably suggested he should leave during the search. It is not a good thing for a parent with a missing child to have to witness. Strangers going through dirty laundry, drawers, closets, and swabbing, snipping fibers, dusting for prints. Maybe even using luminol to look for body fluid stains. Peering into the attic, heating vents and drains...all very hard to do with the (not a suspect) in the way.

Peachy, THANK YOU, Amazing work. :loveyou:

I do think there MIGHT be one small correction though. Anyone feel free to correct this if I am mistaken but I think this sentence:

"But I know this is a troubling time for Elaine and my son Cory, I spoke with him last night and I'm surprised we were able to hook up today because one of the things we're trying to do is unite together."

Should be ' we WEREN'T able to hook up today...'

That is how it sounded to me and I just listened again. Anyone else think so ?
I had trouble making the distinction between WERE and WEREN'T, too, when I listened to the interview..... I still don't know...
I don't know if this video has been posted yet:

The reporter says that when investigators went to serve the search warrant at MR's home, he answered the door but left soon afterwards.

Thanks for that video! It's the first time I've seen the bike parked outside MR's home, although I had heard it mentioned previously. It looks like the same size and style that my son had at that age. I wonder why Dylan wouldn't have taken off on it when he left Dad's on Monday morning. :waitasec:
I do want to add that I do not do texting. SO I have no clue if text messages would get through to the Vallecito area. It has been two years since I have been up there, things may have changed, a tower may have been installed but due to the economy I doubt it.
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