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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. E

    Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #1

    What do you mean by DM has another friend back. I thought his fb page was closed.
  2. E

    General Discussion and Theories

    I read a Toronto Sun story by MM the other day. The first time I read it, she said when they left, they left her alone with the baby, and who knows if they were going to come back. Scared my pants off. Yet, then later, I was reading it to someone at work and that sentence was gone. I don't know...
  3. E

    The Trailer: Who, When and How

    What made me say that was when I saw the picture from the neighbour when the police were unlocking the trailer to go in it. I kept thinking that they were probably so hoping it would be empty, and then when they found the truck, and saw the seats were gone, I think that is when they all realized...
  4. E

    General Discussion and Theories

    I think they would have had enough time to destroy any computer evidence. Surely, they watch enough crime shows to know this. Maybe their incriminating computer was burned in the incinerator. Somehow, though I am sure LE knows that if they went to all that trouble to kill TB and film it ( if...
  5. E

    The Trailer: Who, When and How

    For all the crap and criticism we the public often bestow on our police forces, and I'll admit I am always up for a donut joke, it must have been pretty darn hard on those guys when they opened up the trailer and found TB's truck. They are human too, and their hearts must have sunk when they...
  6. E

    Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #1

    Agreed. pot smoking and video gaming does not make you a murderer.
  7. E

    Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #1

    They are 25 and 27 years old, still living at home, unemployed, doing drugs and playing video games all day.... carjacking by night.... and this makes them fine upstanding members of society???
  8. E

    Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #1

    Pictures, well just pick one. How intelligent is someone that is implicated in a murder the next day from a one of a kind tattoo that was left uncovered. or... the victim's truck is in your mothers driveway.... an incinerator on your farm and remains found on your farm...your phone number is the...
  9. E

    Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #1

    I guess we will agree to disagree about DM's intelligence factor. When a group of video gaming stoners ( don't know if that is the term used today )get together to come up with a plan, it really cannot be this hard to figure out. They were arrested so fast, that the unraveling of this shouldn't...
  10. E

    Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #1

    Here is a kid, grew up in the city, played video games as a career, did drugs, hangs out in the city. Does it not seem strange that he buys a farm property in the middle of nowhere, has an excavator and an incinerator at the property. I am thinking there has to more bodies on that farm, burned...
  11. E

    Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #1

    Please excuse me for saying this, but in all the pictures I see of DM he looks to dumb to be able to think up an elaborate crime. I think they had a plan, carried it out, but didn`t think it all the way through. The tattoo had them scrambling. JMO
  12. E

    The Trailer: Who, When and How

    Did we ever decide if TB's truck had a fifth wheel hitch. Jeesh, sorry for asking but this throws a bit of a wrench into my theories.
  13. E

    The Trailer: Who, When and How

    Oh, I am so dumb. I get it. Of course you can't attach a fifth wheel trailer to a Yukon. I guess I won't be helping solve this crime anytime soon.
  14. E

    The Trailer: Who, When and How

    So, how did they get the truck into the trailer?
  15. E

    The Trailer: Who, When and How

    Not sure why you are saying the Yukon could not pull the trailer.
  16. E

    Cell Phone, Location and Mapping the Route

    Have they ever said who was driving when they left TB's house? If TB was driving and they pulled a gun on him right away and made him drive to where the cell phone was found. Made him get out to switch drivers and it was Tim that was smart enough to drop his cell phone, with no one noticing.
  17. E

    General Discussion and Theories

    Just came across this link in my searching of Grand Theft Auto scenarios. Found it interesting to say the least.
  18. E

    General Discussion and Theories

    I am not familiar with the game, Grand Theft Auto, however, if you you tube it, there are a lot of scenes that are replayed. I wonder if in any of the Grand Theft Auto games ( I believe there are 4 or 5 different games ) the theft of TB's truck and how it was done, is a scene in these games and...
  19. E

    Dellen Millard: Innocent Dupe? Alternative Theories

    Could it have been MB that called the tip line regarding the tattoo.? Then, for safety reasons she got the hell out of Dodge. ( no pun intended )
  20. E

    Dellen Millard: Innocent Dupe? Alternative Theories

    Yes, just in case there was a civil suit started by SB.

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