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  1. I

    Caylee Anthony 2 yr old #29 general discussion

    I find it freaky in a sense, that she just smiles and smiles, even when other inmates are yelling things at her. Starting to remind me of someone else....
  2. I

    Caylee Anthony 2 yr old #29 general discussion

    ...and if that's the case, the producers need to give credit where it's due...Websleuths, lol ! :D :D
  3. I

    Caylee Anthony 2 yr old #29 general discussion

    I was saying the same thing to my husband today, LOL :)
  4. I

    Caylee Anthony Missing 2 Year Old- General Discussion #28

    LOL, yeah, that's what I said in an earlier post, I'm going to start calling Cindy "Pinocchio", I think I will now... :D
  5. I

    Caylee Anthony Missing 2 Year Old- General Discussion #28

    That was very "nice" of her! I'm going to start calling this woman "Pinocchio" pretty soon! Sorry all, had to vent...all their lies are really aggravating me. :furious:
  6. I

    Caylee Anthony Missing 2 Year Old- General Discussion #28

    Exactly. I had to roll my eyes when I read that the former inmate said: "And she started smiling and then she went into the cage and went into court," She obviously thinks everything is hilariously funny about this case. :furious:
  7. I

    Caylee Anthony Missing 2 Year Old- General Discussion #28

    LOL LI Mom! I definitely needed a good laugh today! :):)
  8. I

    Caylee Anthony Missing 2 Year Old- General Discussion #28

    The same thing happened to me! I was an RN, working in ER Trauma for 15 years, had done some Psychiatric Nursing as well, but mostly ER Trauma unit. I was also disabled from the attack. I gave up my nursing license soon after, and reinvented myself in other ways. :)
  9. I

    Caylee Anthony Missing 2 Year Old- General Discussion #28

    IMO, I think they could flee, even if the person isn't named publicly. If there is another person involved in this, they may be paranoid, hear mention of another person involved, and then attempt to flee. That's what I think, anyway....
  10. I

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #24

    Reminds me of the old saying: "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar".... But I know I would have lost my patience long ago, when it comes to getting to the truth in this case, IMO :furious:
  11. I

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #24

    Thanks, Ladybass, I'll definitely do that! :):)
  12. I

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #24

    Wow, I haven't been here since Sunday, I've missed alot, lol! So here I go, catching up again.... :):)
  13. I

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #17

    Yes you're right, they do :) Thanks for jogging my memory about that! :)
  14. I

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #17

    Now I'm just speaking from personal experience, but right before my son was delivered, I was given a spinal injection, which of course numbed me. I wasn't even allowed to lift my head, nor could I hold him, as I was told that any head or body movement could cause severe headaches afterward, or...
  15. I

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

    They're playing the calls on Greta right now....the show is probably going to be a rehash of what we all already know
  16. I

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

    Very well said, Raine (((Hugs))) :blowkiss:
  17. I

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #15

    Oh I know! I don't watch NG on a regular basis, does that happen alot?
  18. I

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #14

    LOL...I've had insomnia for so many years, that's why I have this nickname :)
  19. I

    Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #14

    Thank you for sharing, you have every right to be proud of your sister! (((Hugs))))) :blowkiss:

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