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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #2

    Kimmi Family Here in Hoyt we are still praying for your mother to be found. Like so many hundreds of people all over the world, we are lifting this situation up before the Lord. Please Lord, let it be soon!
  2. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #2

    Kimmi Kids (((((HUGS))))) to you all!! Bless you and your families ~ we are constantly in prayer for you and for your mother! Hang in there.
  3. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #2

    Rita Just checking in. Hang in there! I am praying that God will lead the person(s) responsible to come forward!
  4. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #2

    Let me know about TES. I am sure that The Recorder would like to get a story when they are here.
  5. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #2

    Rita Praying for you all today. PLEASE Lord - let this be THE DAY!
  6. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #2

    It is really hard to say if there were one or two people involved. Hopefully one day we will know. I (for some nutty reason) think that there could have been just one - because Pat probably "played injured or subdued" to buy time. It is clear that she was able to think and reason- most people...
  7. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #2

    No matter where Pat is, I know that she is so very proud of her kids. Even if the worst has happened, I know that she would be fully aware of the examples of Faith her kids have been for the community. So many times things happen and we never get to know God's purpose while we are here on this...
  8. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #2

    Treasure every minute with your mother. I lost mine over 5 years ago very suddenly and I miss her so much!! Nothing is more important than your family!
  9. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #2

    Precious Heavenly Father, There is nothing hidden from you in all the earth. You alone can make a man out of dust, set the stars in the sky, part the Red Sea, and cause a virgin to deliver your son. You know every hair on our heads - you knit us in our mothers' wombs, you alone know the...
  10. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #2

    The picture of the guy that Donna Jackson shot was a mug shot wasn't it? It is just too wierd!! Sad and troubling- poor Mrs Jackson, she will be haunted with this for a long time yet she did the only thing she could do.
  11. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #2

    I enjoyed the pictures, especially the ones with Taylor in them. What a close knit bunch of cousins these children are! Praying still for Pat's safe return.
  12. cclearly

    GUILTY KS - Karen Kahler, 44, two daughters & grandma murdered, Burlingame, 28 Nov 2009

    Last spring the Kahlers were involved in a domestic dispute. He was arrested and charged with domestic battery and she filed for divorce. (By the way, I think that today would have been his day in court on those charges) He was asked to step down from his job not too long after the...
  13. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #1

    Rita You have so many awesome friends and supporters on here! Everyone wants this to be over and for Pat to be home with you and for the mystery of what happened to be known ~ but in the meantime what a great group of up-lifting people! I was moved by what Harleysmom wrote and i know that...
  14. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #1

    LA Law I understand what you are saying and the obvious suspect would be Pat's ex-- and it could very well be that he had something to do with this -- It would make sense.. But the ballcap coming off someone's head-- well- yes, a person may know that it came off -- but depending on what is...
  15. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #1

    I was so relieved to hear you say that because of what you believe you do not want to go to a psychic!!! I so wanted to email you and remind you of what the Bible says about consulting such people. --- but I could not bring myself to do it. Thank you for staying true to the Word and His...
  16. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #1

    Rita I watched the America's Most Wanted last night. When they had the "Missing" part of the show and it was not your mother... I worried about you. - cause I knew that you would be worried that people would be upset that it was not on. DON'T WORRY! So, it wasn't on and we got to see a...
  17. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #1

    Did your mother let her dog outside to roam when it had to go out or did she put it in a fenced area, or on a lead or something? This just occured to me -Maybe she put the dog out when she got home -- then she sat down to the computer when someone knocked at the door. When she...
  18. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #1

    Sorry to hear that - but I really can't imagine he would have done this himself - so the DNA may not have helped from him anyway. I am concentrating prayers for the person responsible -- that God will so convict their heart to turn themself (ves) in and come clean about what happened.
  19. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #1

    I saw the KHP (or someone) had a small plane flying over Banner Creek Reservoir around noon today. It makes sense, noon is when the shadows are the smallest.
  20. cclearly

    KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #1

    eyestowardheaven I really believe that we need to have some organized fasting and prayer over this. Obviously - as far as fasting -- you kids are probably so worried that you aren't able to eat much anyway... but Biblically fasting and prayer is a best means to go to the Lord and petition...

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