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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. mimimama5

    2008.07.15 Caylee allegedly called Casey

    momof boys, my thanks button has gone MIA again, but wanted to say that your post gets my potd award! I think you nailed it
  2. mimimama5

    Urgent:The FCC Won't Help KlaasKids Find the Missing./FCC Finally Provides Answer

    Ok, done and done! I sent my email, and was able to forward this info over to my father in law, who is a long haul driver. I have every confidence that the truckers want this to happen as badly as we all do!
  3. mimimama5

    TX - Rachel New charged in deaths of three newborns, Rendon, 23 Aug 2009

    How sad that she is only charged with tampering with "evidence"! Those poor babies, I refuse to suppose that all three were stillborn. I just pray that they did not suffer. having lost a baby, I simply cannot imagine tossing my son out in a suitcase! This whole epidemic just shatters me.
  4. mimimama5

    Dog Survives Horrible Accident... But Wait There's More!!

    Thanks so much for posting this! as dog mom to 4 wonderful loving rottweilers this one really hit me! I cant imagine losing one of my beloved dogs, and am so pleased these folks were able to be reunited with their big teddy bear.
  5. mimimama5

    How Wal-Mart could play into this.........

    I also wonder if the public can request the tapes of the interior door area? As we learned the LE "will not barr the A's from requesting tapes of sightings" Wonder if that goes for anyone and everyone? Sure would love to see that survailence tape!
  6. mimimama5

    2009.10.02 LKB & JB On Today Show

    Chiquita- ITA with you that I would expect Casey's DNA found on or with Caylee, If she has been found earlier. I suspect if you ran tests on any one of my children, you would find my DNA all over them right now. I hug, kiss, and hold my kids, everyday. I'm certain any number of my hairs would...
  7. mimimama5

    Stain in Trunk May Show Outline of Child**REVISIT FOR READING*

    Ok you scared me into learning more than i ever wanted to know about salami!! I read your link, as best as I could understand it anyhow, and thought that moat generally salami is a cured meat that can be hardened and sold room temperature even. SOOO, I found this link ( my google search is just...
  8. mimimama5

    Stain in Trunk May Show Outline of Child**REVISIT FOR READING*

    I agree RD wholeheartly! I am going to find that gasoline level air sampling thing I read, if its my undoing! I honestly think that she used the gas to cover the smell of decomp...perhaps she even debated throwing in a match, but decided it would be too noticable. maybe I give her too much...
  9. mimimama5


    Hi Cranky, I posted my dream a few pages back here. It was soley about Jr. and I didnt see Haleigh at all...very odd to me. I don't generally dream things about people I don't know personally, so this was a very odd thing to have happen to me. I don't know why or where Jr. was, but I for some...
  10. mimimama5

    Stain in Trunk May Show Outline of Child**REVISIT FOR READING*

    my concerns about this stain are great. So far, I think RobotDog is on to something. I swear I recall reading that the gasoline amount found in the air sampling was much too large to have been caused by simply an open container. Can anyone point me in the direction of where I might have read...
  11. mimimama5


    alright, I never ever post on Haleigh's forum, but I found this thread and needed to write this someplace so here goes. I saw someone lift Jr. up and out of a window...not Haleigh, but Jr. does that make any kind of sense at all? It was a very vivid replay of a night scene. Jr. was either...
  12. mimimama5

    2008.09.18 Rob D Interview Audio

    I find it interesting that GA states to Rob D that Erik Baker (sp) is Caylee's father. It seems like the JO story had been abandonded long ago, so why did the A's feel the need to perpetuate it in the media? This is all just too much. I cannot understand why they refuse to admit they do not know...
  13. mimimama5

    2009.08.07 Emails between Oak Ridge and OCSO

    I looked at Arm and Hammers webpage to see if I could find an ingredient list, to no avail. Im not sure if the product in question was even Arm and Hammer, but that stuck in my head from somewhere?... If you could provide me the actual product that was used, I will get the ingredient list no...
  14. mimimama5

    Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

    Not trying to be argumentative here, just to offer a personal insight into your question. Yes, my home has been the subject of a thorough forensic search. My child passed away at home, very suddenly and unexpectedly. So my home was treated as a potential crime scene. I too had spent the day in...
  15. mimimama5

    2009.08.07 Emails between Oak Ridge and OCSO

    -----Original Message----- From: Vass, Arpad Alexander Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:31 AM To: Vincent, Michael (OCSO) Subject: RE: **Exempt** Mike, I try very hard not to second-guess people since I am well aware that I know very little of what is really going on in an...
  16. mimimama5

    Letter from inmate claiming to know Caylee's killer

    My concerns are also many! The biggest for me is that this man apparently has falsely confessed to a crime of kidnapping and murder of a 13 yr old neighbor. Le dimsissed this because of his history of mental illness. The problem for me is excatly what you mnetion, who gave him pictures, and...
  17. mimimama5

    Letter from inmate claiming to know Caylee's killer

    Jerry Jackson states that he knows who killed Caylee, and it isn't Casey Anthony. He offers photographic evidence to back up his claims. I would love to see some supersleuthing about this gentleman, and about his claims. lets discuss and pick this apart please...
  18. mimimama5

    **Old thread**Focusing solely on George Anthony

    It looks to me that George has come down with a case of the Cindys. Now he believes himself to be so all important that he can interrupt press conferences and stop lawyers from doing what they need to do. Wasn't it a poor enough display to try to thwart Morgan, but now Nejame too? Any residual...
  19. mimimama5

    Anthonys Turn Over Requested Documents I think this link was pretty helpful in trying to determine what documents have been turned over at the 11th hour. possibilites include... * JB's source of income pertaining to this trial * LP's statements about his knowledge *...
  20. mimimama5

    DCF Worker States: Casey referred to Caylee as "that child"

    We also refer to our littlest boys as Thing 1 and Thing 2. Becuase they are like mini monsters in little boy form, and they are so close in age, only 10 months apart. I do understand odd pet names, my father still calls me Moochie as he has since I was a baby and I'm a grown mother of 5. Taken...

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