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DNA Solves
  1. Lake Erie Princess

    2010.4.16 Pat Brown: The Daily Profiler-Topic of the Day: Ron the Mastermind

    I agree with your posts. I have always felt that Haleigh's death was caused ? by Ron/Misty, & that others in the "clan" assisted with disposal. Love is a powerful emotion. People have killed 4 love, and done some strange things over the years because of it. I am not a gambling lady...
  2. Lake Erie Princess

    All things language: Grammer, Speach, Dialeck - To No or Not to No?

    Thank you for the honest input. I enjoyed reading it. Perhaps bright minds think alike ?:waitasec:
  3. Lake Erie Princess

    2010.03.02 Teresa N-Suspicious Behavior

    I feel that "Ronnie" and his Mom, TN have a very strange relationhip. Exceptionally dysfunctional 2 say he least ! Feeing this way, I feel strongly that TN's 1 st priority would be her son,:sick: not Haleigh. I feel that she would do anyhing to protect Ronnie:loser: from authorities. She...
  4. Lake Erie Princess

    Will Misty tell the truth now that she's in jail? (POLL)

    IF Misty is left in jail, eventually it will get to her. Jail I guess can be an eye opening experience, and perhaps if LP leaves her there, she will tell what happened to Haleigh. She is on the road to being self detoxed while incarcerated, so in a short time Misty will think more...
  5. Lake Erie Princess

    Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #12

    Thanks for posting this letter, (fairy tale IMO !) This prisoner appears to have a WILD, creative imagination. I think the prison needs to revoke their tv time......
  6. Lake Erie Princess

    Mitigating Factor:Could Casey Have Post-Partum Psychosis?

    Could Casey suffer from Post Partum psychosis ? I say NO way ! That is my opinion because Casey 's school friends, and present friends said what a LIAR she is. IMO her sociopathic behavior are THE direct result being that she is a TRUE product of her environment.I doubt Casey has ever had...
  7. Lake Erie Princess

    Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #4

    Lies and deceit...all character descriptions of all involved.
  8. Lake Erie Princess

    Misty's Learning Disabilities

    Wow ! U said it all ! Thank u for such a well written post !
  9. Lake Erie Princess

    S0, is JB looking for a plea deal now

    Lock Casey up for FOREVER + a day !
  10. Lake Erie Princess

    Cindy is still looking for Caylee?

    I can understand Cindy "wishing":banghead: Caylee was sighted, but not truly believe it.:waitasec: An evaluation is in order for her IMO, and different meds.:twocents: I know this is difficult, but it is time to move on and heal.:angel:
  11. Lake Erie Princess

    Timmy And Chelsea Croslin

    Drywall finishers are an "art." If u r good, u can make approx. 50,000.+ annually.
  12. Lake Erie Princess

    Who Knows What Happened to Haleigh? Vote Now. No Need to be a Member

    Misty KNOWS what and where Haleigh is. I will never be convinced otherwise.
  13. Lake Erie Princess

    Photos & Other Images ***NO DISCUSSION***

    It sickens me that this man was paroled early. There are people locked up right this very minute for crimes, much less serious. This is a prime example of how the system failed, miserably !
  14. Lake Erie Princess

    Ron Cummings Arrested 2009.08.06 RE: Battery involving brother-in-law #2

    IMO RC was arrested on the 2 charges, and held without bail because I feel deep down that LE are going to squeeze him for some info on his daughter, Haleigh. I feel that LE has an "idea" of who did this to her, but do not have enough proof to charge any perp and have a solid case. My gut has...
  15. Lake Erie Princess

    Ron Cummings Arrested 2009.08.06 RE: Battery involving brother-in-law

    This does not make Ron look good. Do you think that LE will hold him as long as they possibly can, to try and "break" him for info regarding Haleigh's disappearance ?
  16. Lake Erie Princess

    MI - Nevaeh Buchanan, 5, Monroe, 24 May 2009 - scooter abandoned - #3

    So.....George Kennedy is STILL being held for a parole violation. He told the Toledo Blade that he was "fishing" ? That IS an awfully "fishy" alibi IMO, because this creep works with concrete ! OMG !
  17. Lake Erie Princess

    MI - Nevaeh Buchanan, 5, Monroe, 24 May 2009 - scooter abandoned - #3

    I do agree with you. The government NEEDS to contain these SO's, so they know their every move. I am sick and tired of children being hurt by them. Nevaeh's Mother should be held accountable as well as the perp when he is charged. She sounded too casual REGARDING her "concern" about...
  18. Lake Erie Princess

    Was Caylee a "thrill kill"?

    IMO I think that Casey used chloroform to put Caylee to sleep, and did not intend to kill her. I honestly want to believe she gave her too much, or perhaps a 2nd dose, (TO BE CERTAIN SHE WOULD REMAIN SLEEP), and perhaps Casey was intoxicated and a poor judge of the amount. Too large of a...
  19. Lake Erie Princess

    Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10

    Thnx for remembering that I am alive. I don't get to post, but I do lurk and read. My son's idiot wife of 12 years, left him and the 3 children in 10/08.(11, 10, and 8 mos.) I help with the baby while he works. At 57 I am ready after a day with baby to turn in for the night at 9 pm ! LOL, ~...
  20. Lake Erie Princess

    *REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

    I do feel a sense of concern and some compassion for Casey. Cindy and George lost their beloved Caylee, and without a doubt, they will lose their only daughter to the prison system, which is appropriate IMO. No ONE wins in this situation. There is so much pain, due to the fact that Casey...

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