S0, is JB looking for a plea deal now

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So was CA lying when she made the calls, or, was she lying to FBI when she said she was lying when she made the calls?

I guess she's a liar either way.

IMO, she was lying to the FBI.

On "The Early Show", co-anchor Maggie Rodriguez asked Macaluso and fellow Casey Anthony defense attorney Jose Baez how they will "explain the fact that Casey did not report her daughter missing for a month, that she was out partying when Caylee was supposedly missing, and that she lied to investigators trying to help her find Caylee?"

Baez responded, "We feel that Casey has a very compelling reason for her actions, and we plan on laying them out at trial. That's the proper place for us to lay out a defense."

A compelling reason? She has a freakin' "compelling reason" for not reporting her daughter missing for 31 days?! O please let this go to trial. I just gotta hear the "compelling reason."

But don't forget, LKB said that was just something stupid that people do. Apparently she doesn't feel that the reason is all that compelling.
So was CA lying when she made the calls, or, was she lying to FBI when she said she was lying when she made the calls?

I guess she's a liar either way.

IMO, she was lying to the FBI.

LOL so well phrased!
I can see a brain-twister board game on the market hitting the shelves before x-mas.
Like Clue but named 'Mistruths'.
I probably should go back and get the timeframe squared away. IIRC CA stated there was an hour after she picked up KC, then the 1st call was made, another 40 or so minutes passed, she makes the 2nd call, another 40 or so minutes later she makes the 3rd and last call and while she is on the phone LE shows at the door. She jumps all over subjects and whatnots in those interviews. Enough that it made my head spin a few times just following her non-train of thoughts. But I will try to re-read and get the timeframe down this week.

What about the part where they went to the neighborhood Police station and found it was closed. Was that a lie?
I tend to agree. It isn't just the murder, and that was heinous if it involved duct tape but the whole movement and handling of the body, decomposition in car, triple bagged, dumped, etc. I know that is not a crime in of itself but it is a horror. How can KC sleep at night having done what she did with the body and the visuals. I would have those night sweats she had at TL's, not only that but I could not get the images and horror out of my mind and would go -- completely mad.

Any plea deal needs to consider not just the murder of your child in your care but also the taping and bagging and dumping while partying La Bella Vita.

I hope she does not sleep well at night.. Tony L said she would wake up in a cold sweat at night when he was with her.... even then it was surely all about fear for herself though, no concern for the child.
You guys are great! This is the first time I actually believe a plea may just happen after all.

Can we start a poll on this? I am interested to see the posters here opinion.
You guys are great! This is the first time I actually believe a plea may just happen after all.

Can we start a poll on this? I am interested to see the posters here opinion.

I'd be interested in a current poll and, if a plea what is an acceptable penalty.
The whole Anthony family seems to have the art of lying down to a sick science!! I doubt if it all happened since Caylee went "missing". I believe they have had several encounters with LE, but not as extreme as this one! I do not want to see a plea deal. Bring on the trial!!!! I want to see justice for Caylee now and forever!!!!
A Plea Deal...No Way!!! I would like to see her sentence be the same as she gave to Caylee, but the laws will not allow that. Did she give Caylee a plea deal when she took Caylee's life?
There's really not enough punishment for Casey. To me, punishment implies that after it is administered that the person who was punished will change. This rarely happens with the majority of our inmates. I prefer to think of a guilty person being isolated from society to keep society safe.

I don't think society would be safe unless Casey remains in prison for the rest of her natural life. (In general population that might not be too long.) If there is ever a plea deal offered it should just be to remove the dp.

I'm a Floridian; any tax increase due to supporting Casey's lifelong incarceration will make me happy (for the first time) to write out that check on April 15th!!! moo
Do you mean plead guilty or plea deal? That guy who killed his ex-wife and tried to kill the judge,pled guilty in the middle of the trial!

Yes............Darren Mack (Reno, Nevada). After the prosecution rested their case, but before the defense began, Darren asked for a plea deal. They worked out the details, and he told the judge that he signed the plea agreement without duress and thought the plea was fair.

THEN, a couple of months later, and before his sentencing hearing, Darren came back with a new attorney and wanted with withdraw his plea bargain, saying his attorney talked him into it after he had been deprived of sleep.

That hearing was one of the most interesting court hearings ever, with Darren's former defense attorneys, put on the stand to defend their actions. They were angry, and as a result, revealed the inner workings of the defense.

In the end, Darren Mack's plea stood, based on him telling the judge that he had signed the plea under no duress and thought it was fair. He was sentenced to LWOP.

Sorry to go off topic, but it's one example of what can happen with a plea bargain, and that the defense can ask for a plea bargain at any time, right up to the case going to the jury.

And, one more case that I'm familiar with...........the defendant asked for a plea bargain just before the case went to the jury......that one was in Texas.
ohhhh.. there will be a plea deal
<---been squaking about it from the get go

it might not be for another year, but it will come

there is simply nothing else for the defense to do because in reality there is


JB has simply been appearing to be be wanting to put up a fight for months
hoping to get one

personally, i hope there is NO PLEA but i think there will be one
ohhhh.. there will be a plea deal
<---been squaking about it from the get go

it might not be for another year, but it will come

there is simply nothing else for the defense to do because in reality there is


JB has simply been appearing to be be wanting to put up a fight for months
hoping to get one

personally, i hope there is NO PLEA but i think there will be one

ITA with you. I think there will be a plea deal down the road some, and also I hope there isn't one.

I just finished this thread and have been thinking...wouldn't it be the ultimate eff u to Cindy for KC to take a plea and tell what she did to Caylee. KC could destroy Cindy, (because Cindy wouldn't be able to cover up what KC did, and it would reflect badly on her), and KC could just retreat to the safety of her "dorm room", avoiding the wrath of her mother.
ITA with you. I think there will be a plea deal down the road some, and also I hope there isn't one.

I just finished this thread and have been thinking...wouldn't it be the ultimate eff u to Cindy for KC to take a plea and tell what she did to Caylee. KC could destroy Cindy, (because Cindy wouldn't be able to cover up what KC did, and it would reflect badly on her), and KC could just retreat to the safety of her "dorm room", avoiding the wrath of her mother.

yep, bingo !
Yep then add on another maximum sentence for the check fraud charges, what was it 60 or 70 years, to that to run right after that. No chance of parole would be agreeable for me.

Oh and the CMFundation closed for ever. The stipulation that no one in the family or defense team and family members of the defense team can made any profit off of her case by any means. TV media, paper media, internet media, movie media, radio media. None. Nadda. Zippo.

I so strongly agree with the part I put in bold! It's so wrong on all levels to profit from the death of a child! The Anthonys have no moral compass whatsoever, and seized the opportunity to prey upon the public for personal profit.

I'm concerned about the possibility that the Anthonys are establishing a precedent - making the death of a family member into a profitable enterprise. Others of the Anthony's ilk may seize the opportunity to make a profit from the murder of a family member.

We need some sort of legislation that not only can the person convicted of a crime not profit from that crime, but their immediate family also cannot profit from that crime.
I so strongly agree with the part I put in bold! It's so wrong on all levels to profit from the death of a child! The Anthonys have no moral compass whatsoever, and seized the opportunity to prey upon the public for personal profit.

I'm concerned about the possibility that the Anthonys are establishing a precedent - making the death of a family member into a profitable enterprise. Others of the Anthony's ilk may seize the opportunity to make a profit from the murder of a family member.

We need some sort of legislation that not only can the person convicted of a crime not profit from that crime, but their immediate family also cannot profit from that crime.

Leila and Countzero (couldn't figure out how to get both of your remarks from last post in my reply)...
I completely agree with you guys. CBS' announcement that they plan to air a segment featuring CA and Get-A-Set A's "funhouse spin" has created quite an uproar - many have posted that they wouldn't watch the episode and thought it very distastful that they would choose to air this.

I've stopped watching CBS when the announcement was 1st made and won't be watching this episode. I truly hope and pray that those who've stated they would not watch it on CBS' website, meant that because I think the uproar could really have a dismal effect on ratings. Night Girlies :)
There's really not enough punishment for Casey. To me, punishment implies that after it is administered that the person who was punished will change. This rarely happens with the majority of our inmates. I prefer to think of a guilty person being isolated from society to keep society safe.

I don't think society would be safe unless Casey remains in prison for the rest of her natural life. (In general population that might not be too long.) If there is ever a plea deal offered it should just be to remove the dp.

I'm a Floridian; any tax increase due to supporting Casey's lifelong incarceration will make me happy (for the first time) to write out that check on April 15th!!! moo

Might I just add CBS' decision to air the 10/17 episode makes me sick...here's my thoughts that...

I am disgusted by the funhouse spin the A's put on the accounts of the circumstances. I'm also sick of this families blatant sense of entitlement and the fact that everyone turns a blind eye to the mockery they've made to the grandchild/nieces tragic and horrific demise. I pray that those who have the authority to attach consequences to this family's behavior will do so. Without that, we are outright enabling criminality and minimizing and desensitizing a nation that they make the rules.
On CBS plans to air this episode. They have blood on their hands and in my may as well issue a statement to this effect...
{Enter CBS Exec} "Hey, who gives a **** - about the blood on my hands. That's what soap is for. I mean think about it - I:
A. Ride the "Poor Caylee" wave which is a great "story" or
B. Dedicate the 60-minutes to featuring a handful of the 800,000 children missing with a plea to the country that they might just know something that can reunite a child with their family.
And Bob what's the answer...duh, A. Who cares about those missing children - they don't have the money, celebrity, looks or psychosis that baffles. Translation: they don't rate, matter and won't get the ratings. Screw em - they don't meet the criteria of what sells.
It's all about money baby!" {End CBS Exec}
CBS scum sat around a conference table brainstorming on how they could ride the wave of capitalizing on this tragedy. And to the public, that is a very ugly person.
It's my conviction that the public's disgust for KC and, in my case...the whole fam...is not largely due to what JB refers to as "leaks" tainting her image.

Here's my opinion... I think we're a compassionate nation (if you want, nations...since this case is international) and for me at least, my disgust was close to I'm gonna snap even before we knew anything about the investigation. That's 25% of the disgust factor for me. The other 75% of the disgust in my opinion comes from a public that's watched a child's family gravitate so far from standing up for, and honoring her. If KC is not the killer, we never even heard her stand up for her. Her other family has never screamed from the rooftops "find the person who murdered my child!"

What I'm suggesting is maybe others share my perspective or thoughts - I'm broken and enraged because...what if Caylee's looking down watching, asking do you miss me or think about me. Why didn't you look for me or why aren't you trying to find the person who did this to me. We are protective of Caylee because no one else that should be and she deserves to be, has. Whether KC did this or not, most of my anger comes from no one in that family doing anything for Caylee.
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