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  1. DebC

    Baez files motion to keep KC out of court -

    How different from the day she was first arrested. Then she positively loved being in front of the camera. You could see it in her eyes.
  2. DebC

    Casey Anthony's defense wants prosecutors removed

    I think he can. Surely he must have realised by now that everyone is laughing their socks off at him, so he probably won't. But, with JB, you never can tell.
  3. DebC

    NEW Poll on Where Caylee Died.

    It is possible Jay. Her phone would ping from the same tower as if she were at home? Yes? That's why I said above, Caylee may have been killed where she was found. Casey could also have parked on the mown verge at the corner of Hopespring and Suburban. Tucked close against the fence, it's...
  4. DebC

    Casey Anthony's defense wants prosecutors removed

    Me too, mambear. At last, a grown-up talking sense!
  5. DebC

    NEW Poll on Where Caylee Died.

    Well, she could have been killed where they found her. I didn't vote for that, but it's a thought
  6. DebC

    Casey Anthony's defense wants prosecutors removed

    Makes me think of KC counter suing ZFG.
  7. DebC

    Baez files motion to keep KC out of court -

    Someone needs to take JB aside and tell him the story of the boy who cried wolf, or the one about Mathilda. Very slowly. So he gets it.
  8. DebC

    Funeral could be set for this week.

    Last night on NG, LP said it was CA
  9. DebC

    "The last time I 'saw' my daughter"

    Surprise, surprise.
  10. DebC

    LIST Case Questions and Answers For Members #5

    What I would like to know is: what it was that LE found with Caylee's remains that led them to let it be known that they had proof her murder was intentional? The duct tape could have been applied post-mortem. Anybody think it was something else?
  11. DebC

    "The last time I 'saw' my daughter"

    Ah yes, the script. I had forgotten that little mistruth. Did she ever produce it for anyone else to read?
  12. DebC

    LIST Case Questions and Answers For Members #5

    I have a question: According to the reports, Caylee's complete skeleton was found. Does this mean that her finger nails were recovered too? I only ask because if they were, there could be something attached to them. If she struggled and scratched her attacker?
  13. DebC

    What Would PROVE KC Did It? POLL ADDED

    Fingerprints/dna/fibres on duct tape and/or sticker. Plus: evidence of computer searches; any evidence on her clothes, shoes or car that tie her to the dump site. (The smaller the better); Any of her fibres/dna/hair/fingerprints on the inside of the trash bag; Decomp in the car; No earthly...
  14. DebC

    2009.01.21 Document Release

    I think it is too. It just creeped me out in light of what we now know.
  15. DebC

    2009.01.21 Document Release

    Very Sad. Take a look at 4:09 and tell me what you see - What is that over Caylee's mouth? Apologies if someone else has already remarked on this, I haven't got to the end of the thread yet.
  16. DebC

    P.I. Says Partner Knew Where Caylee Anthony's Body Was

    It is/was my understanding that Hoover did not work for anyone. He came forward as a volunteer bodyguard/PI to the A's, and worked with DC, but not for him. He never worked for JB. Did I get this wrong?
  17. DebC

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #3

    I agree with all of the above. Except that I think it was more nurture than nature that made Casey the way she is. BTW, watching NG I suddenly saw something I have never noticed before. In the video of Casey being led into court in shackles. She suddenly shows her evil side for a split second...
  18. DebC

    The Murder Trial in March ~ Daily Info, What to Expect, Etc.

    Won't Casey have already seen the autopsy photos by then? I would think that JB will show them to her as soon as he gets them. Scott Peterson saw Laci's authopsy photos before trial.
  19. DebC

    Casey & Family Psychological Profile #3

    I agree about George. I couldn't get past his greeting to Casey in the jail. "Hello beautiful..." The sort of thing one would say to a pre-pubescent girl.
  20. DebC

    2009.01.06 Nancy Grace - "Exclusive Interview with Psychic from BodyHunters"

    If you look at the original video, she does show the intersection street signs of Hopespring and Suburban. It shows them setting off from the A's home and driving to the intersection, then turning right. That's when she gets her "feeling".

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