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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. G

    What would you ask the DNA owner?

    I would ask him why he wrapped JB like a "papoose"!? Also, why he wrote such a stupid ransom note.
  2. G

    What were you doing?

    I was doing the usual for that time...drinking wine at my parents and hanging out drinking wine. What were you doing?
  3. G

    Still Asking Questions Here

    from what I have read GP was there on Christmas Eve? Then he went home that night? strange. but what I wonder is...did GP invoke some emotion in Patsy when he was there...did he look at JB a certain way and Patsy saw...was she tormented about her past at that time and a huge Fury emerged?
  4. G

    Still Asking Questions Here

    The consensus around here (and for me too) seems to be that Patsy had too much to lose, reputation and all. But what about John? He had waaay more to lose than that. Money. Lots of it. Status. Reputation. Why did he make P call 911? Why did he get to shower? Why did he get to say he...
  5. G

    Haunting Evidence: JonBenet Ramsey

    Yeah, I saw this a while ago, and thought it was pretty cool until I saw that it was "Smiterized". My stupid word, yes. He just looks so happy that they are substantiating his beliefs.
  6. G

    LIST Questions & Answers #8 LIST ONLY NO DISCUSSION

    Are we waiting on new documents to be released? I thought there were 2,000 pages released to the defense a couple of weeks ago? Or were those the interviews with Tracy and co? Thanks!
  7. G

    Still Asking Questions Here

    I have a question here, this is an interview with John on April 30, 1997. Who is Suzanne? TT: Can, could you tell me step-by-step when you found her, tell me how you picked her up and tell me (inaudible). JR: Right. I found her and I, the first hope of course is that she’s OK. I...
  8. G

    Quesions for RDI about Burke's role

    Yes! You'd think he'd be scared of the cops finding that stuff in the golf bag. IF they decided to look as Pam was leaving. Were there many cops there at the time?
  9. G

    Peculiar letters from the RN

    The DNA strongly suggests an unknown male sexually assaulted JBR. Ok Holdon. Exactly how did this unknown male sexually assault JBR? Did he have sex with her? If not, what did he do exactly?
  10. G

    2009.05.05~ Casey Anthony Defense Team Deposition Of Tammy Uncer

    Hehe! I have to laugh about your last comment...KC SO thinks she is in some type of college dorm or something. In all those jail tapes she would always refer to her cell as her "room"..."Cindy (mom! 'her' 'she') would say "Oh I hope we didn't bother you" and KC would say "Oh no problem I was...
  11. G

    Could Patsy's Cocktails Have Played A Part In Her Rage Attack?

    Once again, lets listen to the 911 tape of Patsy calling that morning...she starts at :33. I'll give her this: she is a darn good actress and I would tend to believe her if it weren't for all that heavy breathing and ! YouTube - JonBenet's dreams were snatched away (the 911 call)
  12. G

    Still Asking Questions Here

    Ok dumb question here - what did happen to everything in that house? I thought the R's never went back there. I'm curious as to what happened to all the furniture, beds, clothing, paintings etc?
  13. G

    2009.05.21 Annie D. Deposition

    So true! And what really makes no sense is that "best friends", especially at that age, would not discuss what the heck is going on!!! AS IF Annie wouldn't have asked what the real deal is. So we are supposed to believe that KC and A just sat there in her room and talked about "stuff". Or...
  14. G

    JonBenet Ramson letter - written before or after + linguistics

    That is true that procedure would have said no contact with the body, but at the time I'm pretty sure there would be no holding the Ramseys back, especially with only 2 or 3 officers on the scene. I think that French would have yelled "Holy I found her..." and before officers got there P&J...
  15. G

    2009.05.13 Larry King Live

    OMG that was my favorite part of the whole show! I thought I was going to LOSE it so that was a welcome laugh!
  16. G

    JonBenet Ramson letter - written before or after + linguistics

    This is something I have always wondered about...what if one of the first cops had found JB? That one officer (French?) just missed finding her. If he HAD found her though, would J and P just have thrown themselves on JB or what was their plan? Or, was there no plan in regards to fibers, etc...
  17. G

    Steve Thomas Update 2009

    Exactly! Marc Klaas didn't lawyer up IMMEDIATELY (if at all?) and he talked and talked to the cops and whoever wanted to talk to him. That's because he was innocent..
  18. G

    RDI, which sentences in RN is PR, which JR

    Thanks for the picture! Not to be mean, and I don't know much about Nedra, but she freaks me out. I can imagine Patsy got that 'look' lots growing up. :eek:
  19. G

    Casey and TonE Chat Logs

    It was so funny when KC called home from jail that first phone call, she says "Tony's not at my place is he?" Hahaha - first of all KC, it's NOT your place, second of all, not everyone was sitting around worried like she thought they would be. They were busy checking their bank accounts and...
  20. G

    Ramifications of a Not Guilty Verdict in Casey Anthony Case

    I agree with you but I wonder why she would get protective custody? I mean, Susan Smith and women like her are not in pc are they? Oh well, I'm sure she heard of Jeffery Dahmer and will wonder every day if that is her fate. I'm okay with that. If she walks, I can't say for certain what I...

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