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  1. S

    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    I havent seen anywhere that jenna has been charged with anything other than a probation violation. Its kind of crazy that her husband was charged back in what December? Wonder what the hold up is or if she'll have any new charges.
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    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013 This one has more information and comments from Jeffrey's attorney.
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    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    It would be helpful to know if the approximate date of death matched up with what Jeffrey Farrey told his father? Its too bad they havent released that info. Wondering if baby Jackson was already deceased when his father returned from tdy in Oct.
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    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013 Doesnt surprise me baby Jackson was found in a soiled diaper and underdeveloped for age.
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    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    I think Jenna rented the uhaul and took off on the 1st of Nov. She wasnt with jeffrey when he went through border patrol almost 2 weeks later. The house was empty and left in disarray. When Jeffrey went through the border patrol check point---I believe thats when he went to michigan. Jenna and...
  6. S

    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013 they are claiming the baby choked and jenna buried the baby. Its interesting she rented a u-haul at the beginning of Nov. and Jeffrey left on the 13th (very early a.m.) and was alone in the vehicle according to the border patrol checkpoint pics. So when Jenna went out to a bar on the...
  7. S

    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    Omg. I watched that video. She seemed excited to have been ambushed by the press but then got angry cuz they were hounding her with questions she didnt want to answer. Did she think they were gonna ask her questions unrelated to her children? Honestly, if that was me in her shoes, I would...
  8. S

    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    Im thoroughly sickened by this. I guess to the Farrey's they were more concerned about buying fast cars & designer clothes than providing food for their babies. Babies scream and cry when they are hungry. Its easier to feed them than listen to babies cry. I wouldnt doubt they were the type...
  9. S

    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    I saw in comments in one of the articles online that a "friend" of jenna and jeffrey's said they always seemed happy with their kids. They also said that Jenna was recently questioning the marriage and if she even loved jeffrey anymore. She said she couldnt imagine them doing something like...
  10. S

    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    Yes B was very small...I'd like to think that cps was in touch with the baby's doctors to ensure they were keeping appts, but then again, they continued to let blake stay with his mother after she abandoned him a few times. I get stomach pains every time i think about poor little jackson...
  11. S

    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    When taking into account a child's weight, genetics plays a big role in the weight of a baby. When you look at Jackson's father, he was tall and skinny. There was no meat on his long arms. Jenna looked chunky from baby weight. Jackson was born full-term and of average weight. In that pic of him...
  12. S

    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    ajrmama where did you hear that the baby was gone a month before they fled? Your theory is interesting that they moved after jacksons demise. Thats a possibility.
  13. S

    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    The baby was born in June. I saw on the news they had only been in the house for about a month according to a neighbor. The neighbor had never seen the kids and wasnt aware that they even had any.
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    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    This one says the 13th.
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    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    This one says the 11th.
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    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    I saw in one report that they were missing on the 11th of Nov???
  17. S

    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    Im trying so hard like everyone else to understand this case. I can totally see Jenna ruling the roost. The husband was always leaving for deployments. He would have no way of knowing exactly what was going on at home. I think he's guilty of being gullable and believing everything his wife said...
  18. S

    GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

    Orogrande is not on the way to elephant butte. From the photos of the scene, it appears that the baby may have been buried in the pile of loose dirt. Its interesting that about 10 minutes north of orogrande, there is a border patrol checkpoint. When I first heard of the search outside orogrande...

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