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  1. S

    Active shooter YouTube HQ in California, 3 April 2018

    Don't stand next to this person in a thunder storm!!!
  2. S

    Active shooter YouTube HQ in California, 3 April 2018 Presser None of the injured have been in surgery but will not explain more (This presser doc is enjoying the limelight too much...NOT the time for joking around) All victims of gunshot wounds...multiple injuries but wont confirm...
  3. S

    CA CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 March 2018 #1

    I so feel for these folks. They did the right thing, and a terrible thing happened. Lest anyone see this and think, "Well I'm not going to call on anyone because something really bad might happen to the kid(s)": As a mandated reporter (twice over), I can assure everyone that this situation...
  4. S

    CA CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 March 2018 #1

    When I first read about the abuse, I just had a feeling that Jen was the perpetrator and Sarah took the blame for it. Frankly Sarah looks like she's a little cowed and more apt to obey orders than administer punishment.
  5. S

    CA CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 March 2018 #1

    You must hang out with a different crowd of 16-year-olds and 6-year-olds than I do then because a 6-year-old is perfectly capable of concocting such a story.
  6. S

    CA CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 March 2018 #1

    Your supposition of why a child might claim to be hungry sounds more like something a six-year-old, not a sixteen-year-old would do.
  7. S

    CA CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 March 2018 #1

    True enough. I've had mine try to direct me to cross a lake and a cow pasture. Fortunately it was daylight at the time, and I could see the lake and the cows!
  8. S

    CA CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 March 2018 #1

    No you're not the only person to wonder if the three missing are dead somewhere else. I wonder if they were given the ultimate punishment because the adults (I can't bring myself to call them parents) deemed the missing three responsible for CPS coming down on them.
  9. S

    The Sidebar - Harris Trial #3 *VERDICT - GUILTY*

    Malice, felony, felony guilty.
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    The Sidebar - Harris Trial #2

    I wish I'd looked at mine more closely. My (old) coffee pot has (had) a toggle switch. Yesterday when I went to turn it on, it somehow got "off track," shot out sparks and gave a loud pop! It scared me to death. I was able to unplug it before it actually burst into flames. My dad warned me...
  11. S

    Kangaroo in a Van

    The first one's sort of the kangaroo version of the old joke, "Where does an elephant sit? Anywhere it wants to!" Really cute. I think they have a new pet now whether they like it or not! lol
  12. S

    Trial - Ross Harris #2

    Who is the woman with blonde hair and a chunky gold necklace sitting on the 4th(?) row?
  13. S

    Trial - Ross Harris #2

    Which makes me think: Did RH not leave a window or two cracked? Did he normally leave a window or two cracked? I've lived in various parts of the south, and during the hotter months, we have always left windows cracked. Also: Most folks are aware that it gets mighty hot inside a car in the...
  14. S

    Hurricane Matthew - Sept-Oct 2016

    I lived in the Keys when I was a kid (long time ago), and I lived through a hurricane down there. We did not have nearly the early warning that folks get now. We didn't have time to evacuate very far before we had to take shelter, and that shelter would not take pets. My mom covered all the...
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    TRIAL Week One - Ross Harris 3 October 2016

    And that brings up another point...I imagine that if JH slammed the door and just walked off and forgotten Cooper, Cooper would have been screaming at the top of his lungs. Surely JH would have heard that.
  16. S

    FL - Michelle Mishcon, 53, & John Stevens, 59, murdered, Tequesta, 15 Aug 2016 - #1

    Actually, when it comes to a liver transplant, a live donor is possible:
  17. S

    FL - Michelle Mishcon, 53, & John Stevens, 59, murdered, Tequesta, 15 Aug 2016 - #1

    From those articles, the police are using the word drank; the hospital is using the word ingested: in·gest inˈjest/ verb [COLOR=#878787 !important]past tense: ingested; past participle: ingested take (food, drink, or another substance) into the body by swallowing or absorbing it. So...
  18. S

    MO - Marc Cooper, 66, retired MSU Professor, fatally stabbed, Springfield, 17 Aug 2016 *Arrest* *insanity*

    I agree that it was probably not about tenure. It is often university policy that tag-along spouses are not even eligible for tenure. I feel that this was more of a personal (as opposed to professional) vendetta.
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    FL - Michelle Mishcon, 53, & John Stevens, 59, murdered, Tequesta, 15 Aug 2016 - #1 Police reveal what face-biting suspect said after deadly attack
  20. S

    GUILTY GA - Natalie Henderson, 17, & Carter Davis, 17, murdered, 1 Aug 2016 #1

    Unless I'm hearing and/or reading wrong, he went to the gas station, filled up his gas can, and returned to the scene. Oh, and the victims were found with odd burn (type?) marks on their toes. Hmmm.

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