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DNA Solves
  1. Y

    Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

    We are confined by history and space. We can't get in a time machine to see either what actually did happen or to change the choices made by the principals in order to see what different outcomes might have resulted. When there's a fight, both parties risk harm. George could have died if...
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    Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

    My prediction, they'll hang. Guessing they've got at least one who will stand firm on self defense and at least one other who will stand firm on conviction. I think they are trying to compromise and this is their last effort. If they convict on manslaughter, I think several jurors will be...
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    Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

    Judge and counsel at the bench.
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    Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

    Zimmerman was probably not concerned about just ordinary a######s getting away but almost certainly was concerned more specifically about burglar a######s who got away. Martin, on the other hand, was possibly concerned about "some type of cracker" who he might have consided also to be an...
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    Verdict Watch Thread Saturday July 13

    Zimmerman (says he) was alert about Martin because there had been a lot of burglaries in the neighborhood, and there had been. So he was on the look out in general for people who seemed out of place and MIGHT be there to cause trouble. When he thought he possibly had spotted such a person...
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    Casey's appeal on the 4 charges of lying to police

    Right, and not only dogs, humans, machines, but KC detected decomp in her car, which is why she dumped it and never went back. That's smoking gun proof of her guilt. Otherwise, why didn't she take the car somewhere to have the smell investigated and fixed? She didn't because she knew what it...
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    WESH: Caylee's Fund dissolved, Dr. Phil's 600K contribution

    Generally, gifts are not taxable to the recipient. Thresholds can vary from year to year, but for 2011, any gift over $13,000 to any one person required a gift tax return be filed by the giver. There is no actual gift tax due until the total of gifts in excess of $13,000 per each individual to...
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    WESH: Caylee's Fund dissolved, Dr. Phil's 600K contribution

    Yes, there are laws. They can only pay officers and employees reasonable salaries and most other expenditures should be for charitable cause. Wonder if anyone's called the IRS. If Caylee's foundation was a 501(c)(3), it is are limited by the application made to and approved by the IRS with...
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    Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

    Another problem I had with Dr W was that he found grand significance in something George said at the memorial, but he didn't seem to have nearly as much concern over a woman who didn't call 9-1-1 because she was apparently too busy uploading photos to facebook and tweeting her new squeeze just...
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    Casey's Psych Evals unsealed

    After reading what I think was the entire depo, what bothers me is the questions not asked by Weiss. Maybe I missed something, but it appears he had no interest in probing Casey's strange response, particularly if she were, as he seemed to suggest, such a precise, careful, 'good mother' to the...
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    Roy Kronk suing Casey Anthony

    I think it's a long-shot that Kronk could win a judgment...not sure the law would exactly provide a way, but the thing is...that dreadful (in my opinion) woman, Anthony, and her morally bankrupt (in my opinion) attorneys, according to Ms Anthony's defense KNEW that Kronk wasn't involved, since...
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    TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

    ITA with Vinnie but, thing is, apparently, the jury had no problemo with KC on the tape with Tony at the vid store. Her acting fine seemed to be just fine with them and didn't indicate anything relevant to them because they appeared to believe that they couldn't consider her actions during the...
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    TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

    Baez would just put a few more details in his opening statement (which of course the PC 12 would have snapped up like Reeses Pieces.) He would have said that KC flipped because she realized at that moment what Evile, terrible mean-old, abusive George had actually done with the body. Baez would...
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    TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

    Example for all of us- pretty glass half empty assumption for a killer whose glass actually turned out to be darned half full in the end. She needn't have fretted a whit. Don't worry be happy. Apparently, there are 12 born every minute! (Using a figure of speech)
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    TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

    No biggie. Nothing much to see. Could be taken in more than one way. Doesn't matter anyway. She's FREE!!!! Yippee! Baby's still dead, her little skull and bones found chewed and scattered with duct tape and trash bags to which her mom had easy access, and her blanket, thrown away like...
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    Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

    The question I want to ask Cindy is, "Did you just say that you had been told that Caylee's body wasn't found where KC left it? What the heck to you mean by that?!!! Who said that to you? Was it Baez? Do you have knowledge that it was Baez who sent Dominic KC to look for Caylee? If so...
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    Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

    My point is that I can see myself at the point the car was found initially at the tow yard, smelling it and and still driving it home- if I'd been in contact with the child in possession of the car every day through the time it was towed, if my child had been telling me all kinds of stuff about...
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    Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

    Putting myself in the same position, I doubt I would have done anything differently because, no matter how bad things were with her, I think that these people had no idea that their daughter was capable of murdering their granddaughter. Since they'd been in contact with her every day, they knew...
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    State Motion to recover Investigative Costs

    Bankruptcy may not eliminate this debt, although I'm not sure how it works in FL. I do know that it wouldn't wipe out her tax debt to the IRS just to file bankruptcy. The IRS would stop collection if she could prove insolvency but interest would continue to run. At some point, the IRS might...
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    Dr Phil w/ George and Cindy Anthony (Show airs 9.13.2011)

    Haven't read the whole thread but apparently Cindy said that she'd been told that Caylee wasn't where Casey left her? !!! Whoa!! What? Someone said that to Cindy? Who? If it's true, it could fit with a theory I've had all along that the detectives in the swamp looking for Caylee where...

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