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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. C


    So sorry if this has been discussed before, but, I was reading Sleuthy Gal's excellent autopsy post on the evidence thread and had a couple of questions about the autopsy. First, what is the significance of drying fingers on the right hand? Second, what is the significance of the legs being...
  2. C

    Brad Cooper Indicted

    I agree wholeheartedly!
  3. C

    Brad Cooper Indicted

    Is any of his family here with him? Or is he alone right now?
  4. C

    Brad Cooper Indicted

    Any time - I've enjoyed talking with you and others.
  5. C

    Brad Cooper Indicted

    Zoe, I have been doing the same...
  6. C

    Brad Cooper Indicted

    Completely agree! Now I can quit holding my breath - its done. Now we can all move on to the next phase. I am confident CPD has their "stuff" together. I'll be watching at 8 pm, for sure.
  7. C

    Off Topic/Chit Chat

    I watched it - with sound. Sounds like it's a computer setting issue. Anyway, very funny...
  8. C


    I agree...I don't think a women would leave another woman virtually naked. just doesn't work...
  9. C

    Off Topic/Chit Chat

    LOVE the lips!!!!!!!!!1:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
  10. C

    Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #26

    This is excellent! I was just thinking - sometimes, when I plan to go out walking early in the morning, I will sleep in the clothes I plan to wear. That is, I might sleep in my sports bra and a big shirt. Maybe NC did something similar? Sorry if this has already been discussed - I have...
  11. C

    Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #24

    I would be surprised if she did not have more than one pair of shoes. I would not consider myself "serious" but I have two pairs of shoes.
  12. C

    Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #24

    How deep is that pond?
  13. C

    Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #24

    Wow! Things are moving fast tonight! About body weight - well, I was thinking that, yes, a body weighs what it weighs, but "dead weight" is different. I know I have tried to carry someone who is passed-out and couldn't help me before, it was very difficult. It is very different AND very...
  14. C

    Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #24

    Yes, we are always humble....
  15. C

    Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #24

    There is a space of, maybe, five to eight feet from the road to the point where the ground drops rather sharply (say 2 feet) to the bottom of the retention area. The flowers being talked about are there, at the bottom of the retention area. When I saw the area, it was a good 10 feet from...
  16. C

    Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #24

    I work for the State. They are well aware of what's at stake here. Problem is they are under staffed and under paid. IMO
  17. C

    Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #24

    I'm with RD on this one. From the side of the road it would take quite a few steps to get to the "pond", more steps than someone would want to take to dump a body. A dead body is heavvvvy. I don't think she was found in the "wet" part.
  18. C

    Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #24

    It would seem that way but the covers were listed with things from the house; so, I am not so sure about that. Why do you think they came from the car?
  19. C

    Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #24

    So, do you think he carried her to the car? I am having a hard time with the hair on the front spoiler and the wheel. How could that have happened? Brownish/green vegetable material....I don't think they would have said "vegetable" if they didn't mean it. I think they could tell it was...

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