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DNA Solves
  1. Meemom

    Sidebar Discussion #4

    OMG~ SNL just did a bit about KC amd her new dog!!! Don't think it was the kind of publicity she;s hoping for....LOL!
  2. Meemom

    Reports of alleged Casey Anthony video diary surface on Internet

    Just go away, KC, just go away......... The only one we care about is Caylee and her sweet image is burnt into our memory and hearts forever.
  3. Meemom

    Legal Questions for our Verified Lawyers #4

    Sorry if this has been asked.....had to be off boards for a while..... A lot of posters seem to think FCA will be entitled to a publicly paid for lawyer to defend the civil suits that have or are being filed against her. I can't believe that the public defender's office or JAC would pay to...
  4. Meemom

    Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

    I still believe FCA is a complete sociopath. She will never feel any guilt over Caylee's death, nor be bothered by any labels attached to her that don't feed her ego. (ie-label "babykiller" won't faze her, young and beautiful falsely accused amazing mom will be how she sees herself). She will...
  5. Meemom

    2011.07.09 - Per Mason, Casey is not going home

    This has been going on for a long time....back in the late 70's Baltimore City juries were pulled from only registered voters (so no felony convictions), and with the urban flight, severe poverty, and deterioration of the inner city and high crime/drug problems, the jury pool got small quickly...
  6. Meemom

    Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

    [/B] Please watch your blood pressure......I followed this since day31, had to just get off the boards and change the channels after the verdict. I was heartsick.....and then physically ill....had a small TIA stroke due to spike in BP. Okay now, but have to wonder.....can I join the "sue ICA...
  7. Meemom

    Will Casey Testify? flipped & flopped over this, too, but leaning towards her ego winning and her demanding to tell her side of the story, believing she can get anyone to buy into her "great" lies. jmo
  8. Meemom

    2011.06.29 TRIAL Day Thirty-one (Afternoon Session)

    I swear ICA is using the actor's trick of pulling on nose hairs to bring on the watering eyes!:maddening:
  9. Meemom

    Delay revealed-Motion to determine competency filed by defense

    The defense case is winding down.....I can't see the whole RK thing working in any way to benefit ICA, only to besmirch the man thru hearsay from estranged relatives......the last "bombshell" left would be GA on the stand and if he denies the abuse, that leaves only ICA to testify to her DT's...
  10. Meemom

    2011.06.25 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-eight)

    Ok, here's a theory- maybe LA overheard CA & GA mention something about testifying outright or being very vague about whether or not they knew anything about LA molesting ICA. ie JB asks CA "Did ICA ever tell you LA was coming into her room at night?", etc. CA says she will answer vaguely, with...
  11. Meemom

    geraldo rivera said he has spoken to Judge Perry about this case

    Wanna bet if GR is called out on this, he will say he meant he had a conversation ABOUT the judge, with JB......:loser::banghead:
  12. Meemom

    T-Shirts-I survived....

    I'd get one with a picture of Steely Dan's Emu with the caption- "newest partner at the Baez law firm"! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
  13. Meemom

    2011.06.21 TRIAL Day Twenty-four (Afternoon Session)

    oooooooohhhhhh, JB................(sigh):floorlaugh:
  14. Meemom

    The Oasis - A Place To Share How You Unwind From the Case

    I play long distance Scrabble on FB with my DD, or other games; surf the web, or channel surf on TV for anything non trial related at night. Even gave up NG show.....trying to calm the obsession with this case.....Although it still sneaks in- while seeing a Hydolyze commercial on tv, they showed...
  15. Meemom

    2011.06.20. HLN - 'In Session' News Coverage - Caylee Anthony Case

    Watching Spitzs recaps on HLN now- the woman host has 3 times already referred "Casey's skull" and that Spitz did autopsy on "Casey's remains". All I could think of was.... I wish.......MOO
  16. Meemom

    2011.06.16 TRIAL Day Twenty (Morning Session)

    Is this all supposed to help set up JB's touch DNA expert as better thasn the FBI cos he has lower standards for stating what DNA may be present? MOO
  17. Meemom

    2011.06.10 Sidebar (Trial Day Fifteen)

    OEEW, OEEW! (Horshack moment) JB is gonna save the details for his post trial book "Defensing of a Pathological Liar by The Mostest Prominent Hispanic Lawter Ever"........jmo....
  18. Meemom

    2011.06.10 Sidebar (Trial Day Fifteen)

    I noticed first thing this morning, ICA kept pulling on and picking at her nose with the tissue.......old acting trick-pulling out a nose hair to make tears well up in eyes.....just saying......
  19. Meemom

    2011.06.09 Sidebar (Trial Day Fourteen): far as the SA's CIC, RK is just the guy who found Caylee's remains, that's all. I believe LE would have run background just to verify that he had no other connection to the case, and that's it. The DT is grasping at any straw they can to confuse, take the focus off ICA. JMO
  20. Meemom

    KC KNEW that Caylee was dead ALL ALONG!?!?

    It depends on which version GA said. IIRC, he has said he watched them go out the door, that Caylee came and kissed him goodbye, and another that he put Caylee in the car seat, so who knows what actually happened and what he saw-:banghead:

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