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  1. Sydni

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 14

    Ya ... he's a boy pedo, a girl pedo, a closeted sexual pervert and a player/womanizer. Pick one!
  2. Sydni

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/26 -12/02/14 In recess

    Steve .. I think you are spot-on with your observations/opinion. You have inspired me to go back and look at some of the interview segments between Flores and "her". I agree with you (as you have expressed) but I'm just wondering if you are a "professional" .. maybe a psychologist or someone...
  3. Sydni

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/26 -12/02/14 In recess

    Thank you so much Cindymac. You are right .. she is utterly evil (so creeped out right now). You have saved me a ton of googlelng and researching. "ILikeToBendPages" has also provided me with some help. I am very grateful. Thanks! At least I know what I am looking for and have a bit of...
  4. Sydni

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/26 -12/02/14 In recess

    T Thank you so much. I remember you ILTBP from last year.
  5. Sydni

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/26 -12/02/14 In recess

    Hey everyone ... haven't been on the board for awhile, but I remember most of you even though you might not remember me from the first trial. Anyway, I have always felt that when JA tried to represent herself on those two occasions (once in the first trial and then again in the re-trial), that...
  6. Sydni

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/26 -12/02/14 In recess

    Jury Foreman - stealth/rogue juror - IMO .... drives me NUTS to this day!!! I haven't been around since the first trial, but just wanted to get my $.02 in on this one. I haven't read through all of the threads, so this might be redundant. Praying we get the results we want in this new...
  7. Sydni

    Did Travis know Arias was coming to his house the night he was murdered?

    I am so sorry Lambchop. I really didn't know your situation. I may have come across it over these last few months on this board, but am not a regular most times, so didn't know (or had forgotten). Please forgive my insensitivity. You loved him very much and still do. It's obvious - and he...
  8. Sydni

    Did Travis know Arias was coming to his house the night he was murdered?

    My husband is like that too, but unfortunately that felt very emotionally abusive to me (when it was directed at me). Ya ... he says what he wants, gets it off his chest and doesn't give ya the chance to fight back cuz he's over it. Now I'm stuck with all these horrible feelings and nothing to...
  9. Sydni

    Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

    Hey Tiger ... I just downloaded JVM's book onto my Kindle yesterday. I read into the night for several hours searching for something new. So far, it is all regurgitation from the trial .. nothing new - all stuff we have heard at trial and reading police reports etc. Of course, I am less than...
  10. Sydni

    GUILTY KY - Trey Zwicker, 14, beaten to death, Louisville, 11 May 2011 #2

    just a quick observation here. I just watched on HLN a couple of minutes ago ... the verdict and when they all stood up, the defense attorneys kinda looked a little shell shocked to me .. almost like they were not pleased with getting this guy off. Especially the two on the left of JY. The...
  11. Sydni

    Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

    I am usually in total agreement with everything you post. And I do appreciate the time and effort you put into researching photos and reviewing evidence. The only thing (one and only) I disagree with is that last picture. I see "outright fear" in his eyes. He was terrified IMO. I am...
  12. Sydni

    Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

    I am sure these questions have already been asked, but I am curious about any details that might be available on the day of her arrest ... 1. Does law enforcement know more than they are saying about her destination? 2. Was she trying to flee - heading to Canada/Mexico? 3. Why the gun and...
  13. Sydni

    Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

    Good observations/research. ITA. But I have to say that DB gives me the willies. There is something very off with him ... and most of JA's (former) friends, actually. I agree that if he did not see anything "weird" about JA ... well .. go figure ??? Anyway ... good post!
  14. Sydni

    Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

    Sorry but I do NOT believe any of her story/testiphony etc. Travis did NOT know she was coming. He did NOT welcome her and there was NO sex. He did NOT know she was taking pics from the closet while he was showering. I don't know how it all got on the camera but it was NOT done that day (the...
  15. Sydni

    SIDEBAR #16- Arias/Alexander forum

    Eaaaaannnd .... um .. who are we talking about? Who's not getting any attention? Am I missing something here? :laughcry: Just kidding .... :giggle:
  16. Sydni

    SIDEBAR #16- Arias/Alexander forum

    If they are saying you're "too" sensitive, it is not meant as a compliment. If they are saying your "are" so sensitive, then that is a little different. I know what you mean ... I get the same "criticism" sometimes and I don't appreciate it. I am who I am and I feel the way I feel ... It is...
  17. Sydni

    SIDEBAR #16- Arias/Alexander forum

    BBM: LOL .... I think that day has come. She is no longer a "big" blip on the radar. Maybe to a few of us here on these pages, but she is basically just a "nothing" to the world in general. I can't believe anyone was more "into" this trial than I was ... and I am happy to have let her go for...

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