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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. Juli


    1 John 5:14-15 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. :rose:God Bless Travis Alexander's dear family...
  2. Juli

    Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

    I see that gauntlet already got it for you, so I'll take this down. Can't stand to look at her, especially a second time on one page. The thumbnail is much better than a large photo.
  3. Juli

    Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

    And somebody is getting paid for this? :facepalm:
  4. Juli

    Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

    He basically said that she could have returned it anywhere. JM responded by reminding the jury that.... JA testified she returned the gas can to the same store in which she purchased it. 3 separate purchases for gas were made, and the amount of gas purchased is equivalent to putting gas...
  5. Juli

    Closing arguments- thread #177

    Unbelievable how JA is over there writing a note to JW in response to the rope when she is supposed to still be in a fog over the events that happened that day after her version of the story.
  6. Juli

    Closing arguments- thread #176

    Being stabbed first, it makes perfect sense that TA would have crawled over toward the sink, while trying to kick at her to get her to stop, and then used the sink to help pull himself up to a standing position as she kept stabbing him.
  7. Juli

    Closing arguments- thread #176

    It makes perfect sense if you want to stage a scene to indicate there were 2 people or Ninjas there.
  8. Juli

    Closing arguments- thread #176

    Nobody ever suggested she put on a "maid's outfit" and broke out Mr. Clean that day. In a limited amount of time, she altered the scene enough to throw off investigators, took evidence, and tried to destroy evidence. Why would JA drag him back and put his body in the shower if she wasn't...
  9. Juli

    Closing arguments- thread #176

    Oh geez, now Nurmi is going to give us a laundry lesson. It's common sense that if you put bleach in the water, not all items get equally bleached and depending on the material, some may not bleach at all. Spotty bleach stains is more common than not.
  10. Juli

    Closing arguments- thread #176

    This recorded phone conversation was OBVIOUSLY a set up. Somebody who has had sex as many times as she has is questioning what "69" is - really? She kept saying, "what was that" so he would repeat it. I think this is what TA was so angry about. She told him about the recorded fantasy tape...
  11. Juli

    Closing arguments- thread #176

    :welcome5: :goodpost: BBM: Precisely, and that's why her fog is convenient to her story and why she didn't make up anything "better" as KN has suggested. Claiming she can't remember anything past her supposed gunshot first / self defense story gets her out of explaining how she had the...
  12. Juli

    Closing arguments- thread #175

    What's ridiculous about KN's suggestion is that between JA and her attorneys, they came up with the best possible lie for her situation and that is for her to stay silent about it and only say she can't remember anything after the shooting to avoid having to explain the inexplicable. Can you...
  13. Juli

    Closing Arguments- thread #172

    Well, if that didn't do it - nothing would have. JM pieced together the puzzle beautifully. Even the DT FINALLY looked defeated. Hats off to JM - A very professional and thorough job during this entire trial. :rose: To the Alexander family. Justice for Travis very soon.
  14. Juli

    Closing Arguments- thread #171

    What a fantastic closing argument thus far!! JM is doing an unbelievable job exposing each and every twisted lie. He even managed to get a little humor mixed in. :rocker:
  15. Juli

    State rests rebuttal case - thread #169

    She's not so nervous now. She's actually doing much better on cross than she did on direct I think.
  16. Juli

    State rests rebuttal case - thread #169

    JW gets so hung up on minutiae. Why is she making such a huge deal about giving JA a five minute reading test?
  17. Juli

    State rests rebuttal case - thread #169

    I have to be honest. I'm not really impressed with her so far.
  18. Juli

    State rests rebuttal case - thread #169

    It's nice to see honesty in the courtroom, something the DT can't seem to wrap their mind around.
  19. Juli

    State rests rebuttal case - thread #169

    Dr. Horn has a good sense of humor. He did a great job!

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