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  1. Z

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 30

    ITA..and I think they are opportunists. I wonder how Travis' family feel about them writing a book. A bit like cashing in.
  2. Z

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 19 - Shortest Court Day, EVER

    I've been wondering all along how Jodi managed to overpower a bigger, stronger Travis so completely that she barely suffered a scratch. I am thinking that she asked him to allow the water to run over his face (for a more Calvin Kleiny look), like he had just surfaced from a pool. (There is...
  3. Z

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/19-1/5 Break

    I think we are all fascinated by CMJA because she looks human but shows so little of the human qualities we all relate to. It is like looking at a specimen. She is so empty inside, it is no wonder she had to create this pseudo world for herself by taking a ridiculous number of silly photos and...
  4. Z

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/3/14 Hearing - Part 2

    Perhaps Jodi's new story slants favorably to a portrayal of her being mentally ill.
  5. Z

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias #4 What is this nonsense in the mitigating factors - that Jodi was ONLY 27 when she committed her first crime ! What?! That doesn't even make sense. So she should be spared because she was so young? Am I reading it wrong? And...
  6. Z

    Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias #4

    I wonder why no one from Jodi's family is there - even if just to show potential jurors that her family still cares about her. Perhaps they don't!
  7. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #6 - 14.03.13-14, Day 9-10

    I just don't get why the number of dents on the door from the bat has any relevance to anything. Am I missing something? Does it even matter how many whacks went down...doesn't everyone agree that Reeva was executed by gunfire? Why is the bat so important?
  8. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #6 - 14.03.13-14, Day 9-10

    Maybe the sister took all the watches and they are just inferring that the keystone cops are responsible. Anything to undermine that investigation plays in Oscar's favour.
  9. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #6 - 14.03.13-14, Day 9-10

    My brother has the exact same type of patch, in the same area as OP...anyway, he's had it since his first hair grew in. It's some kind of pigmentation "flaw". Funnily enough, he married a girl with the exact same thing and in the same place. Just sayin'.
  10. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #6 - 14.03.13-14, Day 9-10

    You kill me! The sun hasn't come up here yet and I'm sitting here in the dark by myself cackling away. This just struck me funny.
  11. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #6 - 14.03.13-14, Day 9-10

    Pardon my ignorance, but who are all those people sitting behind Nels and Roux? Other lawyers, or maybe law clerks? Why so many?
  12. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #6 - 14.03.13-14, Day 9-10

    I always thought that impeachment just meant that a witness has been shown to contradict him/herself when under cross examination.
  13. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #6 - 14.03.13-14, Day 9-10

    Trooper, you always make such good points. Are you a lawyer?
  14. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #6 - 14.03.13-14, Day 9-10

    ITA. And if he was as paranoid as he'd like us to believe, why not have an alarm system or put bars on the windows. I just don't buy the burglar scenario. He did more damage to Reeva than a firing squad would've done. It's too big a stretch. And Roux is very successful at taking every point...
  15. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #6 - 14.03.13-14, Day 9-10

    Did Reeva bring a phone to the loo? If so, that would suggest she needed help. Or, were the phone(s) just in there?
  16. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #5 - 14.03.11-12, Day 7-8

    Thank you to Nearly Nicked for the link to the BBC documentary. It is odd that there seemed to be an escalating pattern of aggressiveness. I gather he is very territorial with gf's. Such controlling behaviour is very unhealthy in relationships. I wonder if he suffered some sort of mild brain...
  17. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #5 - 14.03.11-12, Day 7-8

    I think this could be considered a crime of passion which would perhaps absolve him of pre-meditation. Who knows what the truth is in his story of that night. (Does anyone know if OP used steroids?) But, the way I understand a crime of passion, it is a sudden escalation of huge rage, where the...
  18. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #5 - 14.03.11-12, Day 7-8

    I just hope that Nels comes out with more of a dog with a bone attitude. He's been pretty passive so far.
  19. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #5 - 14.03.11-12, Day 7-8

    Great post. I think it was a crime of passion, and no, he's certainly not a sociopath (if you use Jodi Arias as a yardstick). The whole thing sucks, for him, yes. For Reeva and her family, oh my.
  20. Z

    Trial Discussion Thread #5 - 14.03.11-12, Day 7-8

    If Oscar was on his stumps, and has any balance issues at all, how on earth could he carry 2 fans back from the balcony. I find all his stories just too unlikely when you look at them as a whole...mistaking your girlfriend for a burglar, screaming like a girl, Oscar and Reeva in bed by 10, her...

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