04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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Who is that blonde on Dr. Drew calling Jodi GORGEOUS and SO BEAUTIFUL and that's why we're hooked?

And the other one said, "She's so gorgeous to look at and that's why we're drawn in."


1 - I don't think she's beautiful or gorgeous, pre-murder or post murder. Honestly, if I'd seen her on the street, I wouldn't have looked at her twice. And I'm the first to say another woman is beautiful if she is. Not acknowledging another woman's beauty doesn't make her less beautiful. IMO, Jodi is not nor was she gorgeous.

2 - I'm attached to the case because I'm fascinated by her creepdom. The excessive everything. The plotting, scheming, machinations, lying, covering, hiding, denial. And because Travis looked to me like the all American guy who made good. Not perfect, human. How was he ensnared? Why couldn't he kick her over the edge of a cliff?


yeah i know right? she looks like a freaky creepy stalker right now in court.

i don't tune in because she draaaaaws me in with her beauty! lol.

there are some pretty pix of her before, like posed ones. she was really cute. not beautiful or gorgeous as that psychologist said.
JA using likeness of TA's sister in her drawing?


I had no idea it was possible to DESPISE our Jodi Arias any more than I already did. What a disgusting, revolting, insulting SLAP IN THE FACE to Travis' family!!! She gets such a kick out of tormenting them--from glares and stares in court to the bull$it abuse/pedophile stories to the brutal, premeditated killing. I hate her.

Guess what, Jodi? Your life is over. You never get to experience real, meaningful life again--but Travis' family does. Draw that.
are you guys being good in here ???!!! :nurse:

(late april fool's day joke! :giggle:)

but seriously you ARE BEING good right?:rocker:

Hmmm. Are we being tested?
I love me some standardized testing - that's how you pass without doing any work all year!
KC never testified and obviously six weeks was not enough because the jury just did not get it right. Their defense witnesses were not on the stand for 8 or 9 days each. That is part of the difference. Defense started asking Jodi about her past almost before she was born. Not really but it certainly felt that way. ALV had to give us days and days of her cases, experiences, etc. to make it appear she was so much more than she actually is. We had to go through all the different variations of test results that Dr. Samuels managed to mess up only to learn, from himself, that maybe he should have retested her when she changed her story. The State went through their case pretty fast. Defense has had this tied up for weeks. It would be far more expensive for the State to have to do it over again because the Judge denied a defense witness because she felt the defense was taking too long to present their case. It's the law and the judge has to abide by it whether the public likes it or not.

I agree with you. That's why I say (love me or hate me for it) Baez outlawyered Willmott and Nurmi. He was able to muzzle his client early in the game, and he formed ONE defense and stuck to it (as ridiculous as it was). Now I'll sit back and wait for the rotten tomatoes :truce:.

ETA: I meant he formed one defense during trial :facepalm:. Sometimes I really should edit better before hitting submit.
ALV may have done some good things in her time, but no longer. Jodi Arias is NOT a victim of domestic violence, Travis was!!! And Alyce was rude and inappropriate on the stand. She refused to consider that a male could be the victim of domestic violence. Jodi lied in her journals. Alyce also wouldn't give a straight yes/no answer and was inappropriate in telling the prosecutor that he was angry at her and needed a time-out!!!
Alyce did a great disservice to real victims of domestic violence with her testimony in this case. :twocents::moo:

ITA, whatever good ALV may have done in the past, her time is over. Kaput. That was clear during her testimony.

ETA: After watching ALV give testimony, I have to wonder how many lives she ruined in the past, how many fixable marriages she destroyed, how many children were torn away from a parent because of ALV's clear hatred of men. MOO
She stated that since she rented the car or actually found a rental online, she chose the cheapest place--and it "happened" to be at the REdding Airport.

She didn't drive her own car due to some issue--she said it on the stand, but I don't remember the exact excuse.

I think she had a Lexus so it may have had a built in GPS. For what she spent on her trip she could have paid what she owed on her car to catch up.
Grrrrrrrrrr....that old song and dance of 'defense has to really put on a case and they can't help they were given this defendant'....wears thin. Sure they need to do all they can to keep her from the death penalty but my word......they are going above and beyond and over the moon....it has become personal to them...they really and truly want her to win this case............IMHO.:banghead::banghead::banghead:

They friggin know she did this.

Ummmmm....I don't remember.....its foggy....


yes, it would seem that in rebuttal the fog has been sprayed. (awaiting continued spraying of said fog tomorrow with data! GIVE ME RECEIPTS!)
She stated that since she rented the car or actually found a rental online, she chose the cheapest place--and it "happened" to be at the REdding Airport.

She didn't drive her own car due to some issue--she said it on the stand, but I don't remember the exact excuse.

Thanks, I wondered what her excuse was - her car was fairly new was it not?
JMO...........The DT had close to 5 years to prepare their defense!!!!!!!!!
How in the name of Justice would the Judge ever concede to allowing them a sur rebuttal on such nonsense?
They had FULL discovery from the Prosecution before this dog and pony show started, it's THEIR fault if their questions "opened a door" for rebuttal.

This ain't their first rodeo, they better cowboy up and hold on tight because their chute's about to open and there ain't no 8 second buzzer when JM throws their case into the dust and stomps their witnesses' testimonies.

part of their prep time included JA as LEAD COUNSEL (just saying hahahaha!)
Hmmm. Are we being tested?
I love me some standardized testing - that's how you pass without doing any work all year!

yes or no lil buddy! yes or no! Judge can you make lil buddy answer this question? :lol:
Cooler heads always prevail ;). You're right Sleuth, I haven't walked a mile in her shoes. The whole trial is just so frustrating that sometimes you want to point a finger somewhere (especially at the DT :doh:).

I was talking to my DH about it tonight though, and I brought up the fact that this judge answers to someone. She must be getting some pressure to move things along here, don't you think? She sometimes looks a little stressed, and I can definitely relate. I feel for her and wouldn't want her job, that's for sure.

I suspect there are many political issues, particularly involving budgets, over which she has little control and is simply expected to serve a a very visible public lightning rod. I wouldn't want her job. There's a pretty fine line between "moving things along" and "due process." Unless we're ready to suspend the law whenever we decide we've had enough of one side or the other's perceived legal "shenanigans" and simply move to sentence people, which would obviously circumvent our legal process, we're going to have to accept that as long as both sides are engaged in legal maneuvers it's going to take as long as it takes. The taxpayers of a given state may not like it, but they can always decide to vote for politicians who will create a streamlined, less time-consuming justice system. Unfortunately, that will not serve anyone very well.

Shaving "down there" is definitely a request I make of my s.o., but my guy friends also say they shave down there routinely. It is a cultural norm now.

once you remove it, it feels yucky to go back to normal. i dunno, i never think of it as a pedo thing, i've got a few guys to try it with hair removal cream and they all loved it and kept doing it.

it just feels so normal to me now. like waxing my legs.
She stated that since she rented the car or actually found a rental online, she chose the cheapest place--and it "happened" to be at the REdding Airport.

She didn't drive her own car due to some issue--she said it on the stand, but I don't remember the exact excuse.

To me, the fact she rented a car at all speaks volumes ... if she was so hot for Ryan Burns and not just using him as part of her alibi, why didn't she just get a R/T airline ticket from Redding/Sacramento to SLC and have Ryan pick her up ? Certainly, that would have been cheaper than what she spent on gas and rental car ... more proof of premeditation if you ask me as IMO, there were no stops made by Arias other than to secure items for the murder.
Alyce Laviolette also got on the stand and lent the weight of any other good she had done in the past to assassinating the character of an innocent murder victim. Why did she sell her soul (as I believe she did) for the likes of Jodi Aias? I have my suspicions but I wont't share them here. I'm happy for you and your sister if you found some kind if validation from anything she said. I will continue to hold the opinion that she is a man-hating, destructive perpetrator of a sick attack on TA and perpetrating a fraud on this jury.

So I read the article. Flabbergasting. Sickening really. Sorry... I'm just one of those people who speak my mind.

There is a section on this forum that highlights bullying. Online bullying - in particular. We've all read the recent accounts. They're heartbreaking. Rational adults speak against it. No one considers the slander, horrific and even threatening comments by online bullies as "free speech". I'm lost as to why that could even be a question???

Regardless of what someone things of Jodi Arias - Alyce LaViollette is a hero. She's a woman who's dedicated her life to highlighting domestic abuse. Changing the way society thinks about it. Creating programs that address the problem.

I'm a woman who was never abused. Independent, headstrong (but funny) and very self-aware.

My sister is not.

Today I live with her after a terrible incident that ended 10 years of domestic violence and abuse. The kind that would make most people's hair stand on end. She was battered, raped, degraded and broken in every way you can break a human being. She escaped one night with her kids when her husband tried to kill them all. I came - the big sister. Moved in - helped and stayed and am still helping.

We went through the court process while her (now ex) was charged, tried, convicted and sentenced. The sentence never undid the harm. It never will.

The day Alyce LaViolette took the stand I listened. 5 minutes in - I ran to get my sister. She had to hear what this woman was saying. We stayed glued to the trial during her testimony. We have her book on order at our local book store (currently sold out).

What my sister learned from that testimony was more than she learned from 4 years of reading, therapy, talking, discussing, trying to work things out in her own head and heart.

The trial part - the Jodi Arias issues - they all faded into the background.

I know there are many others out there - abused and abuser alike who heard all that and maybe, just maybe are beginning to understand abuse a bit better.

I don't know Ms Arias. I wasn't present in that bathroom. I don't know what happened. The Prosecutor doesn't either. I don't buy into the self defense claim and I don't buy into the 1st degree murder claim. But that's my opinion - and I'm not on the jury so it doesn't really matter or count.

But I do know this. Alyce is an amazing woman. SHE'S not on trial. SHE didn't kill anyone. She gave her professional opinion, in a court of law - and she is certainly entitled to do so - without expecting harm to come to her. I hope she can put the bullies behind her and I wish her all the strength.
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