17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #30

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Hard to understand what? That the guy arriving at 19:17, then parking his car and canvassing the area is not where the fight took place at 19:17? If he were at the scene at 19:17 how come Mary C and her roommate did not see him? Mary C calls 911 after the shot, she doesn't describe a policeman on the scene at that time.

He had to drive around to 2821 Retreat View Circle, (slowly due to cars parked on the sides of the streets) whereupon he exited his car, looked around for a way to get between the buildings, and then walk through, and around that set of buildings..and he wasn't a young man from the looks of him... so yes, jjenny, you are probably correct in your assessment that he did not get to the actual crime scene before that photo was taken. JMO-IMO-IMHO-MOO 'n stuff.
Hard to understand what? That the guy arriving at 19:17, then parking his car and canvassing the area is not where the fight took place at 19:17? If he were at the scene at 19:17 how come Mary C and her roommate did not see him? Mary C calls 911 after the shot, she doesn't describe a policeman on the scene at that time.

He had to drive around to 2821 Retreat View Circle, (slowly due to cars parked on the sides of the streets) whereupon he exited his car, looked around for a way to get between the buildings, and then walk through, and around that set of buildings..and he wasn't a young man from the looks of him... so yes, jjenny, you are probably correct in your assessment that he did not get to the actual crime scene before that photo was taken. JMO-IMO-IMHO-MOO 'n stuff.

Is this sarcasm? I don't think police officers would leisurely respond to a shots fired call...
Hard to understand what? That the guy arriving at 19:17, then parking his car and canvassing the area is not where the fight took place at 19:17? If he were at the scene at 19:17 how come Mary C and her roommate did not see him? Mary C calls 911 after the shot, she doesn't describe a policeman on the scene at that time.

What it boils down to, then, is that the police report is fabricated. IMO
Even if g/f's account is a 100 % accurate, she can't say who pushed who. They did exchange words according to both Zimmerman and g/f, apparently.
So those two accounts are consistent with each other but it doesn't answer who started the physical fight.
And even in g/f's version, it appears Trayvon was the one to first ask Zimmerman a question.

So if we believe the girlfriends account, Trayvon asked why are you following me.

That may not say who pushed who first, but it does say that GZ was chasing and following Trayvon. I'll take that.
In the article, the victim talks about back in the Congo, they held guns to his head. He comes to America to do get away from it, and the same thing happens.

What did you think I meant?

I wasn't sure. I must have missed the prior exchange. Thanks for clarifying. :)
Originally posted by csziggy and sbm:

The Huffington Post said:

The pursuit, in the direction of Martin's home, indicates that Zimmerman initiated the confrontation, Gilbreath said, under questioning from Rionda.


But that contradicts what De La Rionda asked at the hearing and that Gilbreath agreed to:

DE LA RIONDA: But you still have, is it not true, a witness who describes someone chasing another person from the area where they ended up... in other words, from where, near where Mr. Martin lived to the area where the murder happened?


I'm beginning to think that Mr. Gilbreath and Mr. De La Rionda are smarter than we have given them credit for. I think they are talking about two different happenings here.

First, is the confrontation that happens as TM is walking (fast) toward his home when GZ comes thru the cut-through and meets TM, and the girlfriend hears the exchange of words and the push/grab and the phone disconnects.

Second, is the pursuit after this when the confrontation escalates, and Trayvon turns and runs the other way with GZ following (and the witness sees them) to where they wrestle/fight and he kills Trayvon.

Originally posted by csziggy and sbm:

I'm beginning to think that Mr. Gilbreath and Mr. De La Rionda are smarter than we have given them credit for. I think they are talking about two different happenings here.

First, is the confrontation that happens as TM is walking (fast) toward his home when GZ comes thru the cut-through and meets TM, and the girlfriend hears the exchange of words and the push/grab and the phone disconnects.

Second, is the pursuit after this when the confrontation escalates, and Trayvon turns and runs the other way with GZ following (and the witness sees them) to where they wrestle/fight and he kills Trayvon.


Hmmmm....I'm reading and re-reading...glad you brought this up! Because Mary Cutcher does say the fight had to have taken place elsewhere IIRC
Is this sarcasm? I don't think police officers would leisurely respond to a shots fired call...

No, it's not sarcasm. It was dark and raining, and he had to be careful not to hit cars on his way to the scene.. I've seen a drive through of the neighborhood, and the people park out on the streets when they don't have enough room in their driveways. And when he got there, he stated that he canvassed the area, that had to take a minute or so, and then he had to run around the buildings as fast as his aging legs would carry him, on slippery wet grass..

Hmmmm....I'm reading and re-reading...glad you brought this up! Because Mary Cutcher does say the fight had to have taken place elsewhere IIRC

Feel free to work with it and I'll check back tomorrow and see what you come up with and who else agrees or disagrees....I'm thinking this was kind of a switch and bait on their part maybe to confuse MOM a little, since he put Mr. Gilbreath though that unexpected exercise trying to get information for the defense.

Tricia Griffith's in her Websleuths radio podcast stated (around the 36:00 minute mark) she had just read inconsistencies in Trayon's GF's tweets from the day of the shooting and the day after that did not square with the gf being concerned about Trayvon's well-being after the abrupt end of their phone call on the night of the shooting. TG did not cite a source for this information, and I was curious if it is credible. Has anyone else heard of these supposed tweets?
No, it's not sarcasm. It was dark and raining, and he had to be careful not to hit cars on his way to the scene.. I've seen a drive through of the neighborhood, and the people park out on the streets when they don't have enough room in their driveways. And when he got there, he stated that he canvassed the area, that had to take a minute or so, and then he had to run around the buildings as fast as his aging legs would carry him, on slippery wet grass..


I think the quotes are messed up? I think I am the one who actually posted that? Anyway, I don't think 'canvassed the area' means anything more than 'looked around'. That's how I interpret the word, anyway. It's not clear to me what exactly 'canvassing' means in this context.

The other officer allegedly arrived 1-2 minutes later, and GZ was in custody. That tells me whatever canvass it was could not have taken that long.


ETA: Whoa, now it looks like I'm quoting myself? IDK what happened :/
Attractive for Zimmerman's defense story, yes. I think you understand what I'm saying.

Imagine a person's brother fell down and hit their head on the pavement.

"He banged his head on some concrete"


"He banged his head on some concrete so hard that my brother, you know, thought he may have wound up in diapers or something."

They're both truthful retellings of the event. One just has more of an attempted appeal to emotion in it. I won't go into the morality or ethics of any of it, though.

No. They are not both truthful unless it is actually TRUE that he banged his head so hard that he thought he may have wound up in diapers.

But it's a pretty safe lie because there is no way for anybody to prove what somebody else was thinking at any certain moment.
Tricia Griffith's in her Websleuths radio podcast stated (around the 36:00 minute mark) she had just read inconsistencies in Trayon's GF's tweets from the day of the shooting and the day after that did not square with the gf being concerned about Trayvon's well-being after the abrupt end of their phone call on the night of the shooting. TG did not cite a source for this information, and I was curious if it is credible. Has anyone else heard of these supposed tweets?

There are some right wing sites out there discussing this which we're not allowed to link. I might believe it when I hear it from a more reliable source.

Or maybe you could ask Tricia.

I see a lot of the off beat sites when able. I don't desire to delve into this case any more. I'm pretty made my mind up. jmo Too many other to follow.

My heart broke when Trayvon was killed, listening to the audio tapes, hearing the 911 call. He was a child, I only hope he is respected as one. RIP Trayvon, prayers to all of Trayvon's family. Our heart broke along with you. Our deepest respects. xoxo love from Tucson.
Tricia Griffith's in her Websleuths radio podcast stated (around the 36:00 minute mark) she had just read inconsistencies in Trayon's GF's tweets from the day of the shooting and the day after that did not square with the gf being concerned about Trayvon's well-being after the abrupt end of their phone call on the night of the shooting. TG did not cite a source for this information, and I was curious if it is credible. Has anyone else heard of these supposed tweets?

Well I don't know anything about her tweets but supposing there is a lack of apparent concern it doesn't solve anything one way or another to me. I mean, whether she thought that TM was followed by a strange man or had decided to beat somebody up she could have been concerned. But not knowing her I have no idea whether she would have chosen to tweet about it.

There are tons of things I have been concerned about and never wrote anything online about.

If there is something that contradicts her testimony it's another matter but just failing to mention the incident in her tweets doesn't mean much to me.

From the SPD Dispatch Event Report, Event Number 20120571656, 2/26/2012:

Officer Ricardo Ayala, Radio ID #S1312, enroute at 07:12:13 pm EST

Officer Timothy Smith, Radio ID #S2711, enroute at 07:13:27 pm EST

Officer Timothy Smith, Radio ID #S2711, arrival at 07:17:11 pm EST

Officer Ricardo Ayala, Radio ID#S1312, arrival at 07:19:52 pm EST


From Officer Smith's report narrative:


From Officer Ayala's report narrative:

There are some right wing sites out there discussing this which we're not allowed to link. I might believe it when I hear it from a more reliable source.

Or maybe you could ask Tricia.


Well now we know why MOM let the girls name slip in court. Disgusting. IMO
Okay so people are just repeatedly stating this as fact...I see a problem with that, but maybe it's just me.

IIRC the investigator stated such on the stand during the bond hearing that a witness seen shadows of the chase.
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