2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

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Will chloroform cause a headache when someone wakes up from it?

I wonder if Amy can recall having a headache the next morning.
KC claims that George, of all people, not even herself, hit a squirrel while borrowing her car...hmmm...why go into that detail? Why does George even need to be brought into it? IMO, it's yet another truth sneaking in through a lie...George was an accomplice. IMO.
Woah! It flashed across my mind that casey changed AH's pajamas but I wondered how she could have done so without waking AH. Your answer gives me chills.

My understanding of AH's statement:
AH woke up in different pants a week before the night Casey said AH had "set money aside" in her sleep. It seems AH thinks she must have told Casey that story and this is why Casey was able to trick her into thinking she did something with the $ in her sleep. I don't think Casey was there when AH changed pants, or that AH thinks Casey changed her pants. I think it's just another example of Casey's calculated nature.

..."I don't remember ever telling her that story (*about the pants the week before) but I must have which is why she used that to tell me the story about me putting the money away..."(AH pg. 32)
I hear you but what GETS ME about this is there is a gas station RIGHT THERE near the Amscot!!! And tons of stores. She could have gotten a gas can right there nearby.

What gas station is right there? I can't think of any within walking distance.
I don't want to point fingers. But, we should remember a certain person, besides KC, had a particular interest in Chloroform in THAT apartment. He had it as his user default picture on his myspace. Despite all of that, Ambien can make a person sleep walk. If one knows that a person takes Ambien and has walked in their sleep before... they may take advantage of that fact. I see a lot of things that do not make sense in AH and RM's statements. But then, they are not POI. However, I do not find them credible sources for prosecutors.

Bee I've been thinking about RM and the chloroform pics for a long time now. I'm not saying he has anything to do with it but I just can't see that big of a coincidence--unless of course that's where she got the "idea".
Check this out!

William W's interview says this:

WW got a text message from Casey's phone on July 15th about Caylee missing.

This is proven while LE is looking through his phone during this interview.

Someone tell me I'm not nuckin futz?!?

Yeah and he seemed mighty sure that it was not Casey sending the text... that it was LE or a member of her family using her phone to send it.
KC claims that George, of all people, not even herself, hit a squirrel while borrowing her car...hmmm...why go into that detail? Why does George even need to be brought into it? IMO, it's yet another truth sneaking in through a lie...George was an accomplice. IMO.

Keep in mind tho that KC always adds people/details to her lies.....

remember she couldn't go car shopping w/Amy because George was in the hospital w/mini stroke.

so I'm wondering where the 'target gas can' ended up.......didn't searchers ( J. Jordan ??) find a gas can @ Blanchard Park ???
I hear you but what GETS ME about this is there is a gas station RIGHT THERE near the Amscot!!! And tons of stores. She could have gotten a gas can right there nearby.

I don't think she used the gas for her car or for a long trip either.

I think she used the gas for something horrific:frown:
this new info about the gas can after she left the car at Amscott made me re-think the possibility she really didn't ditch the car after all...
Maybe it did just run out of gas...She needed to refill it but by the time she was able to do so it had already been towed...
She told Amy about the car smelling days before it was left at the amscott so apparently she had been driving it around despite the smell...
That car running out of gas, and then getting towed was a big dent in her plans/story..it was that letter from the tow company that really set things in motion with the gm hunting her down....

I thought the same thing. But somethings missing here with the statements or questions rather.......on the 28th they go to target & buy a gas can, who drove Casey to Amscot to refill the car? Amy doesnt or isnt asked this?

This is my opinion, theres a lot of questions LE didnt ask her about this.....but they let her ramble on about other stuff that made no sense. You'd think the LE would get these kids to focus better with redirection. OY!
So much to think about from this interview--Where is the Target gas can now? Was there something more sinister about Casey setting up scenario about parents' turning over the house to her? How could she pay for that with no job? The odor in car explained by Casey as not one, but two dead squirrel, and also blaming Dad for it.Amy H says "Somewhere along the line I did hear squirrel" I'm hearing a lot of "Squirrel" from Casey.
I read people post about LA interview being weird or what ever, but something just sends chills up and down me about Tony. I am not saying he did anything, but I just don't know. The police didn't act like they knew anything about that text, or that Tony talked to her before she was arrested. UNLESS that is what was left out on his interview, him talking to her. What do you think liltigress?

I agree, something about both TL and AH's interviews are 'icky' to me....not thinking/saying they did anything to Caylee, just saying some of the things they said do not seem on the up and up....
Dont be confused....I has suspected that that day, the 24th when she returns the gas cans, George leaves for work....this is the day she unburries Caylee and places her in the trunk. IMO and then the smell starts. ??? Does this match up with the Neighbor Ryan something saying she was backed in that day? Someone help with this one, I think it important. I will go find the docs for Ryans statement about the shovel & car backin...he saying she may have been moving out?:crazy:

I'm sorry if this has already been touched on, I haven't read through all the pages of this thread yet, but I have a big problem with something and wanted to point it out.....

In Amy's interview, she states that on both the 25th and 26th, Casey points out the horrible smell in the car to her over the phone via text message. Again on the 27th, she mentions the part of an animal on the frame of her car, again via text message to Amy.

So we *know* based on those statements, that there was a bad smell in the car during that time frame. In an interview on "On the Record" with Greta in July, George makes the following statement:



That's when I saw my daughter. I was getting ready to go to work, and the garage door goes open and my daughter comes in. This is about 2:25, 2:30 in the afternoon on the 24th. As she comes in the house, and I said, Hey, how're you doing? And she says, Fine, Dad. I says, Well, what's going on? And she says, Oh, I'm just stopping home for about 10 minutes, get some clothes. I go to go back to work. Where's Caylee? She's with Zanny. And I said, OK, when are you guys coming home? She says, Oh, we'll be back home maybe late tonight or the next day.

I said, OK. Have you been talking to Mom? Oh, yes, I talk to Mom every day. I said, I know, but did you talk to Mom today? She sort of hesitated for a moment and she says, Yes. And she says, Oh, by the way, it's a shame what happened in the shed. And I said...


GEORGE ANTHONY: And I said, Really? She says, yes. I said, Interesting. And I just said, Hey, by the way, I said, I'm getting ready to rotate your mom's tires on her car. There's a little metal wedge that fits underneath your tires so your car doesn't rock back and forth. And I said, Well, I'd like to have it, so in case you're not here over the weekend, I'd like to be able to do it.

She was hesitant about letting me get in the car. And I said, Well, listen, I got an extra key. I'll just go get it. Well, she was adamant about -- about that.

VAN SUSTEREN: What, not letting you into the car?

GEORGE ANTHONY: Yes, didn't want me to get into the car to get the stuff out. Dad, I'll get it for you. Dad, I'll get it out. I said, It's no problem. I know where it's at. I'll get it, get it out and be done with it.

So as we're walking out through the garage, she's still telling me, Dad, I'll get it. Give me a minute, I'll get it. I said, Casey, I'm capable of reaching inside your car, and I got it. So -- and she opened up the trunk of the car...

CINDY ANTHONY: The gas cans were there.

GEORGE ANTHONY: (INAUDIBLE) The gas cans there. She's the one that took the gas cans.

So we know that George got close enough to the car to SEE the gas cans in the trunk. It doesn't specifically state that he was the ones to remove them, but he was at LEAST close enough to see them with his own eyes. So are we to believe that there was NO odor coming from the car on the 24th, but there WAS enough of an odor coming from the car on the 25th for Casey to mention it to Amy via text message?

I'm more confused than ever after reading through all the interviews. A few things were clarified for me, but the above is a very big question in my mind. I have been a supporter of George and Cindy throughout this whole thing, but now I am beginning to question George's role in all this. Did he not want to point out the smell to Greta on the interview because he didn't want to somehow implicate his daughter? Was it protection? Has anyone specifically asked him whether or not he smelled the decomp smell or any other smell coming from her trunk on that day? These are lingering questions for me.
Quick question.
WHY in three of the interviews: TB, AH, RM do they mention Casey's two flat tires in MAY??? Am I missing something here? What does this have to do with Caylee?
Check this out!

William W's interview says this:

WW got a text message from Casey's phone on July 15th about Caylee missing.

This is proven while LE is looking through his phone during this interview.

Someone tell me I'm not nuckin futz?!?

your not nuckin futz! :)

according to his interview, WW got that text at 10pm on the 15th.

Sure doesn't sound kosher with TL and LA's interviews: sometime after 8pm, TL called Amy from Casey's phone to find out what was going on. (with the whole Cindy coming to get Casey deal) 20-30 minutes later Lee called him to tell him about Caylee.

Lee didn't show up to get Casey's personal effects until midnight that night.

my hinky meter is rising:: the text to WW said: "Caylee is missing. She has been for 32 days now. Please if you have any information call me on my cell" ...not something a new 'girlfriend' would be sending to her new 'boyfriend' IMO and the amount of days missing is off.
Bee I've been thinking about RM and the chloroform pics for a long time now. I'm not saying he has anything to do with it but I just can't see that big of a coincidence--unless of course that's where she got the "idea".

yeah I wonder if they ever "talked" about it in any way...
Forgive me if someone already mentioned this, but Casey per Amy had an emotional run-in with a guy named Brandon she "had a miscarriage with"...wasn't Brandon one of the names she claimed as a potential father of Caylee??

I don't have the ability to look up the list LP gave, but it's in his radio appearance he did the other night!
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