2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

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Which could explain something happening on June 9th. We all know by now that little bits of truth slip out with KC's lies. June 9th was a very strong date repeated. Maybe this is when she started doing whatever was being done to Caylee, i.e. putting her in the trunk while partying or drugging her.

I'm starting to believe so :mad:
I think Tony has left out some information here. To me, LE seemed very surprised about this text message, as if they knew nothing about it. They specifically want his help for something and intentionally did not record that. Sounds like a deal made to me. Yeah, my hinky meter is rising more about Tony.

I thought so too...this wasn't in Tony's interview, could they have left stuff out?
I think tony may have left this information out but I also think LE was surprised because they caught casey with another lie. They asked "She had her phone back then?" That makes me think that she (Casey) told LE she had already lost it.

Quick question.
WHY in three of the interviews: TB, AH, RM do they mention Casey's two flat tires in MAY??? Am I missing something here? What does this have to do with Caylee?

I was thinking that LE is doing what they say they are doing---when they ask Amy about the 2 flat tires.

Casey says, according to AH, that she called Ricardo and Troy for help.

Now, just thinking here..... this wasn't a side street where she was stuck. It's a major road of Orlando. You're gonna drag out your closest friends, possibly? Who do you call when you are broken down in a place where you never want that to happen?

Maybe they are establishing just that....the core of Casey's friends.
Maybe it isn't complicated.

But , there's also the caveat that just because Casey says it happened, doesn't mean it did. (not done with interviews here). But even if the story about the tires had been made up, Casey would still insert names which would not stretch the credibility of the fictional event.....:crazy:
your not nuckin futz! :)

according to his interview, WW got that text at 10pm on the 15th.

Sure doesn't sound kosher with TL and LA's interviews: sometime after 8pm, TL called Amy from Casey's phone to find out what was going on. (with the whole Cindy coming to get Casey deal) 20-30 minutes later Lee called him to tell him about Caylee.

Lee didn't show up to get Casey's personal effects until midnight that night.

my hinky meter is rising:: the text to WW said: "Caylee is missing. She has been for 32 days now. Please if you have any information call me on my cell" ...not something a new 'girlfriend' would be sending to her new 'boyfriend' IMO and the amount of days missing is off.

How can this be that WW got the call on the 15th? I will reread his stuff. Very interesting.
Ok am I reading to much into Amy wakes up in the middle of the night and changes into her comfy pants and doesn't remember? She speaks of this in telling the story of when she realises that she DID NOT put her money away as Kc said she did when she was "sleep walking'?

hmm.. maybe she tends to drink too much, or, maybe Casey was using Xanax on Amy as well?
I've just read the 600 pages and can barely see anymore, and just couldn't go back to try and find a certain date. Can anyone tell me what date Amy says that Casey first complained about the car smelling?

How did you read 600 pages....just wondering because I read all of the friends and LA's interviews on the Orlando Sentinal PDF site and they all only total 317 pgs. I have been wondering where the other 280 pages are????


Anyone know?
hmm.. maybe she tends to drink too much, or, maybe Casey was using Xanax on Amy as well?

According to emedicinehealth.com:
Environmental factors of sleepwalking....
Sleep deprivation, chaotic sleep schedules, fever, stress, magnesium deficiency, and alcohol intoxication can trigger sleepwalking. Drugs, for example, sedative/hypnotics (drugs that promote sleep), neuroleptics (drugs used to treat psychosis), minor tranquilizers (drugs that produce a calming effect), stimulants (drugs that increase activity), and antihistamines (drugs used to treat symptoms of allergy) can cause sleepwalking.
your not nuckin futz! :)

according to his interview, WW got that text at 10pm on the 15th.

Sure doesn't sound kosher with TL and LA's interviews: sometime after 8pm, TL called Amy from Casey's phone to find out what was going on. (with the whole Cindy coming to get Casey deal) 20-30 minutes later Lee called him to tell him about Caylee.

Lee didn't show up to get Casey's personal effects until midnight that night.

my hinky meter is rising:: the text to WW said: "Caylee is missing. She has been for 32 days now. Please if you have any information call me on my cell" ...not something a new 'girlfriend' would be sending to her new 'boyfriend' IMO and the amount of days missing is off.

Thanks for puttin' that together cc81. Soooo....if I follow you, TL initiated the text to WW, eh?

Great post!
Eek, with what AH says about KC saying an animal was plastered to her car, I have an awful feeling it was Caylee she hit
I don't think she used the gas for her car or for a long trip either.

I think she used the gas for something horrific:frown:

We had initially heard that Casey told people her car "broke down" at Amscot. Then we heard that Casey said it simply ran out of gas. I ask what worthless boyfriend would simply pick up his girlfriend and leave her car sitting there at Amscot simply because it is out of gas? COME ON! Maybe I'm applying my values to other people but my fiancee would do repair work at the Amscot (or at least try to assess the problem fully) if he heard I had *any* car issue. But missing gas? Let's go get a gas can now and take care of it! Then factor in that there are gas stations within easy walking distance of Amscot. There are also STORES around! This isn't an Amscot in a rural place, folks. It just makes no sense to me!
Thanks for puttin' that together cc81. Soooo....if I follow you, TL initiated the text to WW, eh?

Great post!

That's exactly what I was thinking. After TL received the info from Lee he sent a text to everyone in Casey's phone trying to get the word out.
What I found chilling in Amy's interview was a comment she said Casey made about Caylee's whereabouts. On page 21 of Amy's interview she says Casey said this about Caylee:
"You know, they're just, you know, she's having fun. So at least she's in a good place and not involved in all of this other stuff"

Perhaps this is the grain of truth.
I read people post about LA interview being weird or what ever, but something just sends chills up and down me about Tony. I am not saying he did anything, but I just don't know. The police didn't act like they knew anything about that text, or that Tony talked to her before she was arrested. UNLESS that is what was left out on his interview, him talking to her. What do you think liltigress?

ETA: I just went back and looked AL was interviewed 7/22 AH was 7/23. So either AL did not tell them about talking to her, OR it is what they are leaving out. IMO

I don't think it was LE that left that out, I think it was Tony. Maybe he forgot, I don't know. People tend to do that if they are nervous but during Amy's interview with LE, I think they were most surprised not only with the message but with the fact, KC still had her phone that morning she was arrested!!! The one that is now mysteriously missing?
What I found chilling in Amy's interview was a comment she said Casey made about Caylee's whereabouts. On page 21 of Amy's interview she says Casey said this about Caylee:
"You know, they're just, you know, she's having fun. So at least she's in a good place and not involved in all of this other stuff"

Perhaps this is the grain of truth.

I do agree with that. What is the "good place"? Hmmmm..........
KC claims that George, of all people, not even herself, hit a squirrel while borrowing her car...hmmm...why go into that detail? Why does George even need to be brought into it? IMO, it's yet another truth sneaking in through a lie...George was an accomplice. IMO.

Only a guess on my part but when it first happened, I feel she may have been toying with the idea of blaming everything on her father. If Caylee was in the back yard for a short while, the car had an odor and KC wasn't with the car, it would have been very easy to cook up a story and attach her father to it for the sake of shifting blame if need be. But she went too far with her own lies and blew that theory.
We had initially heard that Casey told people her car "broke down" at Amscot. Then we heard that Casey said it simply ran out of gas. I ask what worthless boyfriend would simply pick up his girlfriend and leave her car sitting there at Amscot simply because it is out of gas? COME ON! Maybe I'm applying my values to other people but my fiancee would do repair work at the Amscot (or at least try to assess the problem fully) if he heard I had *any* car issue. But missing gas? Let's go get a gas can now and take care of it! Then factor in that there are gas stations within easy walking distance of Amscot. There are also STORES around! This isn't an Amscot in a rural place, folks. It just makes no sense to me!

There's something that doesn't set quite right about that whole scenario. I think we need to find out when and who took TL's vehicle to the car wash. Don't quite know why yet, but that would be a big help. Why would TL make it a point to tell LE that KC had his jeep washed?
From Amy's Interview - (Bold by me)

" the message on the 27th says definetly, theres definetly a part of an animal plastered to the frame of my car".. She told me that she had you know gotten rid of it and I never heard about the smell again"

This part gave me chills, IMO this is the date that KC thinks she has "finally gotten rid of it" Gotten rid of Caylee's body, gotten rid of the smell, gotten rid of what was keeping her from being single and free.
The correct line is "If they NEVER find her guess who gets to spend eternity in jail?"

What I don't get... I searched Tony's statement and I could not find any mention of him telling LE this.

So..Did Amy make this up...or is Tony holding back information? AND if Tony is holding back information, it seems like her text implies that Tony knew that Caylee was missing the night Casey first got arrested shortly after CA retrieved her from Tony's house. Didn't he also say in his statement that he did not hear from Casey again after she left with CA??? :waitasec:
We had initially heard that Casey told people her car "broke down" at Amscot. Then we heard that Casey said it simply ran out of gas. I ask what worthless boyfriend would simply pick up his girlfriend and leave her car sitting there at Amscot simply because it is out of gas? COME ON! Maybe I'm applying my values to other people but my fiancee would do repair work at the Amscot (or at least try to assess the problem fully) if he heard I had *any* car issue. But missing gas? Let's go get a gas can now and take care of it! Then factor in that there are gas stations within easy walking distance of Amscot. There are also STORES around! This isn't an Amscot in a rural place, folks. It just makes no sense to me!

Said BF sure didn't seem to be so into her as she was into him. That's what I got from the interviews....she cooked for him, cleaned, and sex. He was milking it and got his kicks by teasing her about staying in NY. So maybe he wouldn't bother offering to fill it up - it's not like he was working and had tons of extra money, or spent loads of money on KC or anything...
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