2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

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It was on TV last Saturday...................:)

DANG! Missdit!

BTW-- The BOOK ended differently. In the book, Mom died, little Rhoda survived to kill again. I think the last line was, "At least, you still have Rhoda."

Good that KC is caught NOW! Getting away with a death gives some socios a feeling of power....
l've lurked long enough...time to chime in :)

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AH: That money that got stolen on the 2nd....

EE: Four Hundred and Eighty Dollars?

AH: Four Hundred Dollars. The eighty dollars was for towing that l had lent to her....

So...my question is. Did CA borrow money from AH around the 2nd for towing? Was she trying to get the car out herself after it had been towed? Why didn't the detectives pick this up?

I think KC was full of mini dramas and after Amy bought her the gas can and she got back to the Amscott and saw the car was towed, probably begged Amy to lend her the money to get the car out.....and then alas, it was one excuse after another....
*snipped & info grouped chronologically*

Sure doesn't sound kosher with TL and LA's interviews: sometime after 8pm, TL called Amy from Casey's phone to find out what was going on. (with the whole Cindy coming to get Casey deal) 20-30 minutes later Lee called him to tell him about Caylee.

according to his interview, WW got that text at 10pm on the 15th. "Caylee is missing. She has been for 32 days now. Please if you have any information call me on my cell"

Lee didn't show up to get Casey's personal effects until midnight that night.

Bolded by me.

OK...maybe not new to you, but, just caught this in Lee's statement and it makes sense out of the confusion, cc81.

“Because I had actually originally offered to go get the cell phone. And they had went prior to, I want to say about eleven o’clock and returned wit the cell phone and started calling all the contacts”

Sooo....LE went to Tony's apt. and picked up Casey's cell phone, prolly closer to 10PM (vs. Lee's recollection of 11PM) and LE started calling the contacts listed in the phone.

FWIW...I wonder why LE didn't pick up Casey's other belongings from Tony's apt....just her cell. Hmmmmmm....:waitasec:
Woah! It flashed across my mind that casey changed AH's pajamas but I wondered how she could have done so without waking AH. Your answer gives me chills.

In the French-Dutch flick, "The Vanishing" (which was badly remade in the U.S.), the killer experimented on himself with chloroform, before trying it on victims.
l've lurked long enough...time to chime in :)

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AH: That money that got stolen on the 2nd....

EE: Four Hundred and Eighty Dollars?

AH: Four Hundred Dollars. The eighty dollars was for towing that l had lent to her....

So...my question is. Did CA borrow money from AH around the 2nd for towing? Was she trying to get the car out herself after it had been towed? Why didn't the detectives pick this up?

did they ever really explain how Casey's car got home after the 2 flat tires? They couldn't fix them at 2-2:30 am, and Ricardo's wouldn't fit. Jesse didn't come to help. Casey tried to drive on them but it was sparks etc--so, how did that car get home? Maybe then Amy gave Casey tow money?...don't know
I'm sorry if this has already been touched on, I haven't read through all the pages of this thread yet, but I have a big problem with something and wanted to point it out.....

In Amy's interview, she states that on both the 25th and 26th, Casey points out the horrible smell in the car to her over the phone via text message. Again on the 27th, she mentions the part of an animal on the frame of her car, again via text message to Amy.

So we *know* based on those statements, that there was a bad smell in the car during that time frame. In an interview on "On the Record" with Greta in July, George makes the following statement:



That's when I saw my daughter. I was getting ready to go to work, and the garage door goes open and my daughter comes in. This is about 2:25, 2:30 in the afternoon on the 24th. As she comes in the house, and I said, Hey, how're you doing? And she says, Fine, Dad. I says, Well, what's going on? And she says, Oh, I'm just stopping home for about 10 minutes, get some clothes. I go to go back to work. Where's Caylee? She's with Zanny. And I said, OK, when are you guys coming home? She says, Oh, we'll be back home maybe late tonight or the next day.

I said, OK. Have you been talking to Mom? Oh, yes, I talk to Mom every day. I said, I know, but did you talk to Mom today? She sort of hesitated for a moment and she says, Yes. And she says, Oh, by the way, it's a shame what happened in the shed. And I said...


GEORGE ANTHONY: And I said, Really? She says, yes. I said, Interesting. And I just said, Hey, by the way, I said, I'm getting ready to rotate your mom's tires on her car. There's a little metal wedge that fits underneath your tires so your car doesn't rock back and forth. And I said, Well, I'd like to have it, so in case you're not here over the weekend, I'd like to be able to do it.

She was hesitant about letting me get in the car. And I said, Well, listen, I got an extra key. I'll just go get it. Well, she was adamant about -- about that.

VAN SUSTEREN: What, not letting you into the car?

GEORGE ANTHONY: Yes, didn't want me to get into the car to get the stuff out. Dad, I'll get it for you. Dad, I'll get it out. I said, It's no problem. I know where it's at. I'll get it, get it out and be done with it.

So as we're walking out through the garage, she's still telling me, Dad, I'll get it. Give me a minute, I'll get it. I said, Casey, I'm capable of reaching inside your car, and I got it. So -- and she opened up the trunk of the car...

CINDY ANTHONY: The gas cans were there.

GEORGE ANTHONY: (INAUDIBLE) The gas cans there. She's the one that took the gas cans.

So we know that George got close enough to the car to SEE the gas cans in the trunk. It doesn't specifically state that he was the ones to remove them, but he was at LEAST close enough to see them with his own eyes. So are we to believe that there was NO odor coming from the car on the 24th, but there WAS enough of an odor coming from the car on the 25th for Casey to mention it to Amy via text message?

I'm more confused than ever after reading through all the interviews. A few things were clarified for me, but the above is a very big question in my mind. I have been a supporter of George and Cindy throughout this whole thing, but now I am beginning to question George's role in all this. Did he not want to point out the smell to Greta on the interview because he didn't want to somehow implicate his daughter? Was it protection? Has anyone specifically asked him whether or not he smelled the decomp smell or any other smell coming from her trunk on that day? These are lingering questions for me.

But, Lee's interview said, I think, she didn't let him near the car. She got them out of the trunk, herself, and said, "Here are your *advertiser censored**ing gas cans!"
Bolded by me.

OK...maybe not new to you, but, just caught this in Lee's statement and it makes sense out of the confusion, cc81.

“Because I had actually originally offered to go get the cell phone. And they had went prior to, I want to say about eleven o’clock and returned wit the cell phone and started calling all the contacts”

Sooo....LE went to Tony's apt. and picked up Casey's cell phone, prolly closer to 10PM (vs. Lee's recollection of 11PM) and LE started calling the contacts listed in the phone.

FWIW...I wonder why LE didn't pick up Casey's other belongings from Tony's apt....just her cell. Hmmmmmm....:waitasec:

So does that mean that LE sent out the text message about Caylee missing to get leads?
Bolded by me.

OK...maybe not new to you, but, just caught this in Lee's statement and it makes sense out of the confusion, cc81.

“Because I had actually originally offered to go get the cell phone. And they had went prior to, I want to say about eleven o’clock and returned wit the cell phone and started calling all the contacts”

Sooo....LE went to Tony's apt. and picked up Casey's cell phone, prolly closer to 10PM (vs. Lee's recollection of 11PM) and LE started calling the contacts listed in the phone.

FWIW...I wonder why LE didn't pick up Casey's other belongings from Tony's apt....just her cell. Hmmmmmm....:waitasec:

Actually, wait. Something's up with this. Casey was texting and talking on the phone with Tony during this time. So LE couldn't have had her phone.
Do we know if the gas cans, which were probably plastic like the ones I have in my garage, would absorb the decomp smell? I am also having a hard time believing the smell got overwhelming in only two days.
Do we know if the gas cans, which were probably plastic like the ones I have in my garage, would absorb the decomp smell? I am also having a hard time believing the smell got overwhelming in only two days.

fairly certain at least one can was a round metal one, as it's seen in the garage in an interview, just inside door directly on your left, on top of some plastic shelving sorta thing.

IIRC- Think it had a dent in it, too. (so I knew it wasn't a new purchase)
fairly certain at least one can was a round metal one, as it's seen in the garage in an interview, just inside door directly on your left, on top of some plastic shelving sorta thing.

IIRC- Think it had a dent in it, too. (so I knew it wasn't a new purchase)

Thanks, I didn't know that. If one was metal the other one probably was too, as most people would buy only one type, I think.
Something about that jumped out at me too. Amy didn't say she'd done this before. To me it seemed like a first time encounter and she was surprised by waking up in different clothes than she went to sleep in.
Didn't jump out at me.... cuz tequilla has done this to me in the past :crazy:
l've lurked long enough...time to chime in :)

Page 32 line 12-15

AH: That money that got stolen on the 2nd....

EE: Four Hundred and Eighty Dollars?

AH: Four Hundred Dollars. The eighty dollars was for towing that l had lent to her....

So...my question is. Did CA borrow money from AH around the 2nd for towing? Was she trying to get the car out herself after it had been towed? Why didn't the detectives pick this up?

Good catch! Let's hope the detectives did catch it. Better yet, lets hope the prosecutor will catch all the things people here have.
got it!

gas cans do not = GAS
gas cans = a place to hide a lot of chloroform in!
That could have been when she got the flat tires or the Friday before the car was left at Amscot. I don't think Casey intended on getting the car out of impound or even if she realized it was in impound until her parents got it out.
We had initially heard that Casey told people her car "broke down" at Amscot. Then we heard that Casey said it simply ran out of gas. I ask what worthless boyfriend would simply pick up his girlfriend and leave her car sitting there at Amscot simply because it is out of gas? COME ON! Maybe I'm applying my values to other people but my fiancee would do repair work at the Amscot (or at least try to assess the problem fully) if he heard I had *any* car issue. But missing gas? Let's go get a gas can now and take care of it! Then factor in that there are gas stations within easy walking distance of Amscot. There are also STORES around! This isn't an Amscot in a rural place, folks. It just makes no sense to me!
Casey addressed this with her father was coming to take care of it.
That could have been when she got the flat tires or the Friday before the car was left at Amscot. I don't think Casey intended on getting the car out of impound or even if she realized it was in impound until her parents got it out.

LE said they think once the car was towed, she just wanted it to disappear into the impound yard, and be forgotten.
If this hasn't been done yet then we need to do a merged time line. LA, AH, RM, TB, BB, AL. They all had a calender they used to make a time line with LE. I think it would be a very good idea to merge all of them. It will narrow down a lot of dates IMO.
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