2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

DNA Solves
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Even squirrels have DNA. IF there were 2 dead squirrels plastered to the front of that car, forensics can discredit this so fast, even tell us about their nuts........ they ate.

Even squirrels have DNA. IF there were 2 dead squirrels plastered to the front of that car, forensics can discredit this so fast, even tell us about their nuts........ they ate.

:D I've been thinking about this as well liltigress!
There was NO squirrels. Lier lier pants on fire, Mother of the year.
Even squirrels have DNA. IF there were 2 dead squirrels plastered to the front of that car, forensics can discredit this so fast, even tell us about their nuts........ they ate.


lol funny liltigress
I can't help but laugh at the ignorance. This may be the easiest debunked lie she's told.

Yeah, squirrel, that's it!
No, wait! Maybe rabbit!
Oh, better yet, cat! That's more believable!

Not sure if this has been asked yet, but any ideas as to why Casey would mention the smell in the car to Amy? She didn't mention it to anyone else...or did she? Just seems odd that she would bring it up, unless she absolutely had to.

Just curious as to what you all think about this.

My husband believes it was to set the story in motion for later. If someone came into or smelled her car, it would be noted that she had mentioned already to whoever (amy, or any other person she mentioned it to) that George must have run over something.

Interesting that someone who just had a mini stroke would be borrowing her car to drive around....especially when he had his own car. Also interesting that casey says it was george who ran over something, but then the GPs say casey ran over something.
She may also have been trying to do some "preventative" damage control...In case any of her friends did happen to notice. The smell was getting progressively worse and she was perhaps becoming aware of it even when not inside the vehicle. I've been trailing the smell business too - in an effort to tie it to the timeline...

So she tells Lee that 2 squirrels crawled up under the hood and they died, but my favorite part is when Lee is telling LE about the stakeout. She stayed there in her car, as a stakeout to see if they were going to come back. A few days she did that. I almost fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard.:rolleyes:

Link regarding her comment to Amy.

Okay, I just want to focus on this point alone. The Dead Squirrel.

I'm sorry but if my car reeked and I didn't have a clue what the smell was, I certainly wouldn't make up ANY story at all. I asked others and everyone said the same. They wouldn't bother trying to make up a story!

This statement alone show's her guilt and I believe it WILL be brought up when she's being prosecuted for Caylee's death. This and this alone shows she had a reason to make up another lie - to hide the actual truth!!!

There is no way around this 'reasoning' whatsoever. So all the people who support Casey - explain away her stupidity on this one.

Why call attention to yourself and your car if it wasn't a dead squirrel? Just a thought.
She may also have been trying to do some "preventative" damage control...In case any of her friends did happen to notice. The smell was getting progressively worse and she was perhaps becoming aware of it even when not inside the vehicle. I've been trailing the smell business too - in an effort to tie it to the timeline...

I agree--I noticed Amy H. brought it up with a reference to George Anthony.
She's bobbing and weaving even before she gets in the ring.
"Somewhere along the line I did hear Squirrel."--Amy H. I think Squirrel is the new code word for Casey's Crap.
Said BF sure didn't seem to be so into her as she was into him. That's what I got from the interviews....she cooked for him, cleaned, and sex. He was milking it and got his kicks by teasing her about staying in NY. So maybe he wouldn't bother offering to fill it up - it's not like he was working and had tons of extra money, or spent loads of money on KC or anything...

I agree with you, catherineb. I think she was way more serious about him than he was her. Maybe he just let her know in subtle ways that he wasn't ready to be a dad, and she figured if Caylee was out of the picture, he would be more receptive. Reading his interview I got a strange feeling about this guy.
I also think that Casey had planned stealing all that money and getting the heck out of Dodge. When she told her mother to give her one more day and Cindy answered, "I'm not giving you one more day, I've already given you a month." If they had not caught up with her on that day, she would have been long gone.
Why call attention to yourself and your car if it wasn't a dead squirrel? Just a thought.
...Because it sounds like her car was really smelling bad already and she might have been afraid that someone would notice?
I keep wondering why there were so many questions and emphasis about the two flat tires back in May. Could LE be making sure that Casey didn't run over someone at that time while driving drunk or doped up?
WTH???? How do "dead" squirrels crawl up and die????? That's like saying a dead person crawled up in the trunk and died!!!!!

The smell was probably so strong, Casey was anticipating someone far away from the car smelling it. Had to have an excuse ready to do some 'splainin'.
She had to be prepared in case someone had to get in her car for any reason.

She makes me sick.:furious:
I keep wondering why there were so many questions and emphasis about the two flat tires back in May. Could LE be making sure that Casey didn't run over someone at that time while driving drunk or doped up?
Yeah. It is strange. They basically bring it up in all of the related interviews. I've been wondering what kind of accident blows out a front and a back tire on the same side??? Anyone ever had anything like that happen to them? Also wondering who fixed her car after that?

...Can anyone remember the date for this incident off-hand??? (I think it was in May?)
WTH???? How do "dead" squirrels crawl up and die????? That's like saying a dead person crawled up in the trunk and died!!!!!

The smell was probably so strong, Casey was anticipating someone far away from the car smelling it. Had to have an excuse ready to do some 'splainin'.
She had to be prepared in case someone had to get in her car for any reason.

She makes me sick.:furious:

This one made me chuckle...One squirel wasn't enough was it...It HAD to be two! :waitasec:
Do we know if the gas cans, which were probably plastic like the ones I have in my garage, would absorb the decomp smell? I am also having a hard time believing the smell got overwhelming in only two days.

I am just going to throw this out there - not really scientific, but just my personal experience. My ex-MIL had passed away in her apartment unbeknownst to anyone in her family, and she lay there for 3 weeks. About a week later, my ex and his sister went to the apartment to get her belongings and he brought some of it home. Nothing cloth, because everything cloth totally reeked of the decomp smell. He did bring home some plastic items, metal items and some china (glassware) items and ALL of these still had the smell for several months. I never entered the apartment after she passed, so the only way I could have smelled the smell was on those items. Mind you, it didn't permeate through my house, but if you picked up the item and held it close enough to your face, you could easily smell the horrible stench - it still makes me feel ill just thinking about it. So my point is, yes, depending on alot of factors, it is possible for a plastic item to carry the decomp smell even after it is removed from the area where the decomp occurred. Remember, decomp smell is gasses that are released from the body.
And Casey said it was the engine that smelled, not the trunk.
CYA - she mentioned because she knew eventually it might be discovered and Amy being her friend would vouch about the dead animal
smell but may not remember exactly when she was told if enough time
had passed .

Covering tracks, yea. I guess I'm just wondering out of all the horrible things she was being quiet about and eventually would have to explain, why start with a smell that nobody but her has even smelled? Just odd...
Originally Posted by txsvicki
I keep wondering why there were so many questions and emphasis about the two flat tires back in May. Could LE be making sure that Casey didn't run over someone at that time while driving drunk or doped up?

I was thinking that they were thinking premeditaion - she was looking for a place to dump a body - an out of the way place - unincorporated undeveloped type place where one might get not just one but two flat tires.

Two flats at one time - on the same side of the car - weird.

How does one get two flats like that?
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