2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

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On July 23, 2008, Amy Huizenga presented her cell phone to investigators so that text messages from Casey Anthony could be extracted.

Data was removed from the phone using a third party computer software.
Data removal was supervised by computer forensic examiner Det. Sandra G. Cawn with the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

The following is text sent by Casey to Amy on June 12-13:

It's funny though. One time I parked my car and got out (in the summer) and I smelled the worst smell I had ever smelled in my life. It was like an old poopy diaper x 100 at least! Well, as I was walking around to the other side of my car I saw a dead squirrel by the curb that was bloated and rotting in the hot sun. Even though I have never smelled a decomposing human body, which I've learned through ws is unmistakable, to me the smell of that decomposing squirrel was unforgettable too. I was thinking perhaps Casey has come across a decomposing squirrel body in her lifetime and the smell from the trunk where the decomp was reminded her of the rotting squirrel, hence the lie. I'm wondering if any of you who HAVE had the unfortunate experience of smelling human decomp can compare that smell to the decomp of a squirrel? Is it a similar smell?

I have smelled both. And there is no comparison at all IMO. They both smell funky, but it's kinda like if you compare the smell of peanut butter cookies to the smell of chocolate chip cookies. Both smell good, both are cookies. But very distinctly different smells, if that makes sense.
I have run into all sorts of stinky dead critters in the FL wilds....I live near a huge wooded area and hike when it goes under 400 degrees.

There's everything from dead pigs, to squirrels, deer etc. There can be quite a stench in that baking sun, but there is no comp to decomp.

That reminds me. All the talk about gators doing the dirty-work for Casey.
I see huge turkey vultures, 6 foot wingspan types, cleaning up these animals till there is just a skeleton.

eeww grusome. I hadn't thought of that yet. :eek:
The fact that Casey asks to borrow 80 bucks for towing.....that could be just another Caseyism :scream: to milk her buddies for money.
It doesn't indicate Casey really wants to tow anything. It only indicates that Casey wants to get money from friends. Beyond that, we don't know at this time if she really wanted to tow the car or not.
It would be a good lie for Casey to use if she had no car and wanted to get money out of someone by pretense.
She may have borrowed the same real $80.00 from 4 different people for the same "pretend" reason. Seems to be her style.:scream:


This is true. There are so many places within the interviews that I wish the detectives would have gotten more clarification. There was one other place in AH's interview that made me pause. l'll have to find the quote exactly, but it was when she was talking about the use of the name "Zani" as the nanny's name and AH said something to the effect of "she always used that name, except for the one time I questioned her".
AH: She told me names and I don’t, I couldn’t at first remember when all of this happened. But then after hearing the name uhm, it does sound like the name that she told me. But Zani was what she always used except for the one time that I questioned Zani the nanny.

Anyone else see this as an odd comment? At least one that needs further explanation.
What boggles my mind is how Amy recounts the story of Cindy and Casey at TonE's apartment.

Cindy tells Casey to get her things and come on, Casey says no, she's not, she's coming back or whatever. Casey leaves phone, computer, clothes yada.

How in hades could Casey have thought she could just say-- I haven't seen Caylee in 31 days, ok, see ya! Or how she could have thought that it would just blow over and she would be right back at TonE's.

Was Casey that sure she could put mom off and go right back at things? That it's not a problem to have Caylee not seen in a month or not at TonE's when Cindy arrives. I just don't get that part.
AH: She told me names and I don’t, I couldn’t at first remember when all of this happened. But then after hearing the name uhm, it does sound like the name that she told me. But Zani was what she always used except for the one time that I questioned Zani the nanny.

Anyone else see this as an odd comment? At least one that needs further explanation.

I thought so, too.
What boggles my mind is how Amy recounts the story of Cindy and Casey at TonE's apartment.

Cindy tells Casey to get her things and come on, Casey says no, she's not, she's coming back or whatever. Casey leaves phone, computer, clothes yada.

How in hades could Casey have thought she could just say-- I haven't seen Caylee in 31 days, ok, see ya! Or how she could have thought that it would just blow over and she would be right back at TonE's.

Was Casey that sure she could put mom off and go right back at things? That it's not a problem to have Caylee not seen in a month or not at TonE's when Cindy arrives. I just don't get that part.

It is also strange because Casey is an adult and so are her friends. They must have realized that something was off during this whole scene. This seems more like a 16 year old girl getting busted at a boy's house. Very strange.
Was Casey that sure she could put mom off and go right back at things? That it's not a problem to have Caylee not seen in a month or not at TonE's when Cindy arrives. I just don't get that part.

I think that is exactly what she initially thought. When Cindy got the cops involved, that changed things. Otherwise, I think she thought OK we are gonna have a big fight and then I'll come back to Tony's.
What boggles my mind is how Amy recounts the story of Cindy and Casey at TonE's apartment.

Cindy tells Casey to get her things and come on, Casey says no, she's not, she's coming back or whatever. Casey leaves phone, computer, clothes yada.

How in hades could Casey have thought she could just say-- I haven't seen Caylee in 31 days, ok, see ya! Or how she could have thought that it would just blow over and she would be right back at TonE's.

Was Casey that sure she could put mom off and go right back at things? That it's not a problem to have Caylee not seen in a month or not at TonE's when Cindy arrives. I just don't get that part.

Or:waitasec: since you make such a good point which makes me think:clap:

maybe the Casey mindset was that there was something in her belongings that was quite incriminating. Something which Lee removed when he went over there and retrieved Casey's belongings..,

just thinking aloud...
What boggles my mind is how Amy recounts the story of Cindy and Casey at TonE's apartment.

Cindy tells Casey to get her things and come on, Casey says no, she's not, she's coming back or whatever. Casey leaves phone, computer, clothes yada.

How in hades could Casey have thought she could just say-- I haven't seen Caylee in 31 days, ok, see ya! Or how she could have thought that it would just blow over and she would be right back at TonE's.

Was Casey that sure she could put mom off and go right back at things? That it's not a problem to have Caylee not seen in a month or not at TonE's when Cindy arrives. I just don't get that part.
I got the impression that Casey thought she could snow her mother more easily than she could her brother - why else would she bolt from wherever she was on July 3rd when she found out Lee was on his way over there to see her?

As far as Amy goes, two texts jumped out at me - the one in May when Casey told her she had her 'mulah' (Amy loaned her money?), and the one on I think June 4th when Casey tells Amy she'd made Amy's plane reservation to PR.

(And then those texts in July after Casey's arrest from someone who'd despaired of finding someone with the same beliefs - Jesse flirting with Amy?)
Yeah. It is strange. They basically bring it up in all of the related interviews. I've been wondering what kind of accident blows out a front and a back tire on the same side??? Anyone ever had anything like that happen to them?

I hit a pothole once in high school...driving at night on the wonderful South Florida roads...flattened both passenger side tires. Only one spare. Doh!
news reports say Casey made a couple of calls from remote area near airport on June 17th. I see 2 texts to Amy this date, I see no calls to Jesse.

1) 11:30 am Anytime Love!
2) **** Hopespring Drive, Orlando Fl, 32829
Did LE or Amy mention a spare key to her car that LA destroyed instead of returning to her?
OMG. I just thread through the first batch of text messages to Amy. I feel so bad for her! What a horrible CLINGY friend and such a disgustingly ch*t-faced lier! It's CHILLING!

"But I've been working a lot. I put in almost 60 hours last week.", ""I may have to work too.", "I just got my vacation cleared.", "I have to work tonight." and on and on and on...WITH NO JOB! A few other things that sort of stand out:

When talking about planning their vacation to PR: "I just got my vacation cleared. Its official. As long as we take our trip withing the first 2 weeks of july i'm set." (05/14/08) "...at least i'll have plenty of luggage to choose from." (05/07/08)

Unbelievable to think that they probably all worked their own vacation schedules around her ficticious one...Also, what's with the luggage comment? Luggage makes me suspicious. Unfortunately, not because of the trip.

Why would she have so much luggage to choose from?
"love...hun...my dear...the boys...awesome..." YUCK! I was surprised not have found ABSOLUTELY anywhere so far.

So now we know why Amy also lent her $80.00:

"I'm screwed. The tow company only accepts cash. What the hell am I going to do? " (05/15/08) (Well that's simple KC...Borrow it from your best friend and never pay it back!)

Also...She mentions the LE guy here:

"i think my friend anthony is coming with tonight. He's really fun. A cop in training. Haha." (05/04/08) I wonder if the "Chris" she refers to is one of the other two cops???
"love...hun...my dear...the boys...awesome..." YUCK! I was surprised not have found ABSOLUTELY anywhere so far.

So now we know why Amy also lent her $80.00:

"I'm screwed. The tow company only accepts cash. What the hell am I going to do? " (05/15/08) (Well that's simple KC...Borrow it from your best friend and never pay it back!)

Also...She mentions the LE guy here:

"i think my friend anthony is coming with tonight. He's really fun. A cop in training. Haha." (05/04/08) I wonder if the "Chris" she refers to is one of the other two cops???

Good find! Well, that answers the $80 question. Still reading through the texts...did she text Amy on 17th or call her?
Is there a thread anywhere of who's tel. # belongs to who?

I'm specifically trying to figure out who this # belongs to 321945****
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