2008.09.18 Tracy M Interview Audio #1

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I didnt care for Tracy's comment about WS and we are a bunch of losers Tracy Part 1 approx 27 min 30 sec

I know, especially since it sounded like she had followed the online coverage on sites like this, if you ask me. MOO
has a mod said why the posts are gone? from east side of sadness ?

maybe they pulled them to review them.....and we will have them back?

does that ever happen?

wierd :)
I keep meaning to say this (and some may remember as well) - some folks over at the Dreaming Demons site ordered the pizza to be delivered that day. It was a joke and something crazy (escapes me now) was written on the delivery box - or was supposed to be. It was in reference to Cindy trying to link the the smell of death to left over pizza in the car.

you have got to be kidding me. Who could do something like that. Amazing. Thanks for your post clearing this up.
You know what? I think I better not go here any more. We know the rules are tight in this forum. And that's why I chose it ~ Because the rules keep us on track. We're probably not doing any sleuthing that is of any consequence in furthering the case with this line of thought. It's interesting and intriguing but probably not real productive; so I'm out on this one now. :blowkiss::blowkiss:
Well...from reading old posts..I can pretty well say she was NOT CA!
You know what? I think I better not go here any more. We know the rules are tight in this forum. And that's why I chose it ~ Because the rules keep us on track. We're probably not doing any sleuthing that is of any consequence in furthering the case with this line of thought. It's interesting and intriguing but probably not real productive; so I'm out on this one now. :blowkiss::blowkiss:
Me, too!

But, if TM is claiming that she read "her" posts and got the info about RM from there...I very highly doubt it.

As far as her thinking we're "losers"...I welcome her on here anytime to explain what she meant. It's a shame she thought that was important to reveal in an FBI interview.
Me, too!

But, if TM is claiming that she read "her" posts and got the info about RM from there...I very highly doubt it.

As far as her thinking we're "losers"...I welcome her on here anytime to explain what she meant. It's a shame she thought that was important to reveal in an FBI interview.

Me too, too!!!
Ha! I bet after this release KC don't talk to her anymore unless it is all going to be in the movie deal.
I had the opportunity to talk to Tracy on the phone a couple of times myself and it sounded to me like she wanted justice for caylee but I would like to see the proof that she is sending money and emailing KC as I am shocked at this if that is the facts!

She said something about CA sending her to Websleuths specifically to look for comments made by that poster.

That wouldn't surprise me in the least. It's pretty well known (though certainly not outed on the board of course) that member(s) of the A family have posted here quite regularly from very early on. But of course that's jmvho! :crazy:
Bold mine.

Glad you brought this up, because I have been wondering too. What could it be?:confused:
This is pure speculation...but I think there very well may be recordings. But, I can't reconcile that with LP being in touch with JB on a regular basis. There's so much here that doesn't make sense.
According to TP we will have some things cleared up for us in a couple of weeks and we are waiting to find out what sort of things...

No such member listed???

Could not find the post?
Good question...:waitasec:

I do not even see her any longer in the members list even as a banned member...I remember her though.

Yes...very very...:eek:

The poster EasSideOfSadness was listed as a searcher here [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2906691&postcount=151"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Nov 8 -9 TES Search NEED Team Leaders & Volunteers with P/UTrucks 10/30 UPDATED INFO[/ame]
After finallly listening to the interview I am convinced more than ever that kc talked cindy into believing that caylee drowned in the pool and that it was somehow all her fault (cindy's)...I believe cindy always saw kc as an extension of herself and never let her develop into a grown up,I think that shows especially in this interview when they talk about the sevendust song,kc can't own anything,it's cindy crying and saying that's her song,yet again she turns kc into nothing....I also believe cindy made kc so good at the game of denial that kc really did not think of caylee as being dead or what she did to her....kc literally has no sense of reality....she knew what she did but like tracy said she believes her own lies,that was her only way to survive ....I'm not trying to make excuses for her,I'm just trying to make sense of this ...and I don't believe like so many that kc has no soul....I believe kc was never allowed to develop her soul....the music she listens to,her icons and her photography shows that she can think deep...she was just never allowed to show it and her only concern became herself and if she was pretty enough to be loved.It's really sad I think...
It was very interesting to me hearing Tracy's descriptions, although it was hard to understand her at times due to her very fast speech, and her nervous habit of covering parts of her sentences by laughing, kind of failing to speak in complete sentences or to say all the words. I wished she had been a little calmer so she could answer the questions more slowly and carefully. Still, I felt for her, I thought she sounded a bit nervous in the interview, and I'm sure the whole experience with this case was probably a bit hard to come to terms with, and she seemed nice. Some of the things that jumped out at me were:

Tracy's description of how totally in la-la land Casey was, that she acted like this was a happy homecoming (the family also), as if she were a military family member coming home from Iraq or something, as if Caylee wasn't missing at all. That Casey was totally preoccupied with trivial conversation, no thoughts or discussion about Caylee. When Tracy asked about pictures of Caylee on the wall, this seemed not to register with Casey, she would respond by talking about herself, etc. (Casey also appears not to have been stressed or worried about what was going to happen to herself, about prison etc, like she was in some kind of cheerful la-la land altogether.)

Tracy says that Casey talked nonstop about unimportant things, sadly, she doesn't say much of what Casey actually said, only that it was trivial stuff that had nothing to do with Caylee.

Casey was playful and flirtatious, joking with (Rob?) that she had worn eye makeup to play the "sunglasses game" with him in the rearview mirror. Flirtatious comments about Tracy's son's picture. Casey joked that Tracy should wear a wristwatch on her ankle so she'd have an ankle bracelet too, and about dressing alike, etc. Possibly not even joking. Tracy says repeatedly how "out of touch with reality" "no grasp on reality" Casey was.
that Casey's family seemed to have been wondering if Casey might have lost Caylee at a mall. Cindy asked Tracy if she thought this might be what happened. They clearly thought this sort of thing would be possible with Casey.

The family didn't press Casey for information, it seems as if they already knew she wouldn't be able to provide any useful information. Only George confronted her the first morning, demanding info. The family and George's friend Jim stopped him from yelling at Casey. It sounds like the family of a mentally ill, or otherwise impaired person, like they know she can't help, like they know she's not all there.

Casey told Tracy both versions of the last time she was with Caylee, i.e.: (1) the "dropped Caylee off with babysitter at Sawgrass", and later (2) the "I was at JBlanchard with Samantha and Zenaida and Samantha and the kids were over by the van, then S put the kids in the van and they told me they were taking Caylee and I had to tell authorities the Sawgrass story".

Tracy's story illustrating how Casey would contradict herself and not even notice, like the time she was complaining that she'd eaten so many chicken wings she was so stuffed, then also eating more dinner with them, then the next day saying to their faces that she'd not eaten anything the day before. Tracy said this sort of thing was common in her speech, she didn't seem to realize the discrepency or be embarrased by it.

Casey said Jesus O was not Caylee's father. Casey referred to Caylee as her Italian baby, and said that her own family is Irish and Romanian.

Tracy and Casey were watching a TV reality show where some teenagers were partying or something, and Tracy asked Casey if she was familiar with Ghb that she (Tracy) had used it (is this right?), and how little it takes to knock you out...Casey said, "like roofies" and Tracy said, "and ether", and Casey said, "and chloroform." This was before the chloroform discovery had come out.

Casey freely volunteered the information that she'd used the shovel to knock down bamboo shoots and to fish the pool ladder out of the pool. Her parents seemed to shake their heads when she was saying this to Tracy, like maybe signaling her that she wasn't supposed to be talking about the case to Tracy (?).

That Casey didn't show any horrified or upset reaction when she saw the TV coverage about the possible decomp signature in her car trunk, she only mentioned that lots of people had had access to her car, including JG. She did not appear horrified that this could mean Caylee was dead or that any person might potentially have been dead in her trunk.

thanks again Musikman :)

Nope...never saw anything written about why.

has a mod said why the posts are gone? from east side of sadness ?

maybe they pulled them to review them.....and we will have them back?

does that ever happen?

wierd :)

Way back there were posts on alot of threads that, shall we say were,....naughty?...and EastsideofSadness was the poster...she didn't strike me as someone like that, so maybe her nic here was hi-jacked...I'm assuming those posts is why the banning. :confused:

when a member is banned it is because they violated TOS in one way or another.
But please, discussing other posters banned or not isn't cool.
You can look up any posters old posts by using the search function putting in that posters name as a parameter.
Probably safe to assume that since this poster was banned, they probably had a few posts removed also.
ooops :eek:
sorry :blushing:
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