2008.09.18 Tracy M Interview Audio #1

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Hey, ThinkTank!!
Thank you! :blowkiss:
Can you believe I am still trying to listen to the full audio? Not complaining on the interruptions today because the last one was a call from my nephew in Afghanistan. I am so blessed!!
This funky family, what an act. In the center ring...
They expend waay too much effort in trying to make LE and others appear inept. It has been their only defense so far.

Good to see you Lancelot! Is that your nephew that is serving in the Armed Forces in the picture? All of us here at WebSleuths salute him and pray for his quick and safe return to the United States of America!!! Thanks to him we have the freedom here to have free speech! Big, huge Texas sized hugs to your family!
Hello WS

Quote respect seagull65 :)
BBM and the underlined parts are what I wrote.

that Casey's family seemed to have been wondering if Casey might have lost Caylee at a mall. Cindy asked Tracy if she thought this might be what happened. They clearly thought this sort of thing would be possible with Casey.

The family didn't press Casey for information, it seems as if they already knew she wouldn't be able to provide any useful information. Only George confronted her the first morning, demanding info. The family and George's friend Jim stopped him from yelling at Casey. It sounds like the family of a mentally ill, or otherwise impaired person, like they know she can't help, like they know she's not all there.

For someone who is "not all there" or "mentally ill"(I am not picking on the poster...seagull...I know you are just saying they must see her like that to keep on protecting her) she sure knows how to lie: aka Zanny and every single lie she ever told to all her friends. She knows how to drive a car, go shopping, go on the computer, have a myspace, photobucket, she knows how to manipulate men/friends, she is "there" enough to smoke pot, drink, party, she knew how to be a shot girl, and to be "looking for a house" and to cook dinner for all kinds of people(shop for the groceries).

Casey told Tracy both versions of the last time she was with Caylee, i.e.: (1) the "dropped Caylee off with babysitter at Sawgrass", and later (2) the "I was at JBlanchard with Samantha and Zenaida and Samantha and the kids were over by the van, then S put the kids in the van and they told me they were taking Caylee and I had to tell authorities the Sawgrass story".

Tracy's story illustrating how Casey would contradict herself and not even notice, like the time she was complaining that she'd eaten so many chicken wings she was so stuffed, then also eating more dinner with them, then the next day saying to their faces that she'd not eaten anything the day before. Tracy said this sort of thing was common in her speech, she didn't seem to realize the discrepency or be embarrased by it.

The whole family: George, Cindy and Casey went to a family wedding with Casey obviously pregnant and everyone was questioning them...they sure were not embarrased by that...why would she be now?

Casey said Jesus O was not Caylee's father. Casey referred to Caylee as her Italian baby, and said that her own family is Irish and Romanian.

Tracy and Casey were watching a TV reality show where some teenagers were partying or something, and Tracy asked Casey if she was familiar with Ghb that she (Tracy) had used it (is this right?), and how little it takes to knock you out...Casey said, "like roofies" and Tracy said, "and ether", and Casey said, "and chloroform." This was before the chloroform discovery had come out.

Why would Tracy bring up Ghb?

Casey freely volunteered the information that she'd used the shovel to knock down bamboo shoots and to fish the pool ladder out of the pool. Her parents seemed to shake their heads when she was saying this to Tracy, like maybe signaling her that she wasn't supposed to be talking about the case to Tracy (?).

Ya know...I'd like to think that there is "something mentally wrong" with Casey but she sure seems like she playing right along with any excuse she has heard for herself. Or is it Cindy, George and Jose that tell her these things? If she didn't dig up bamboo, where did she get that idea from? Cindy. Is it because she saw a report that Cindy said that or did Cindy say it in front of Casey.

That Casey didn't show any horrified or upset reaction when she saw the TV coverage about the possible decomp signature in her car trunk, she only mentioned that lots of people had had access to her car, including JG. She did not appear horrified that this could mean Caylee was dead or that any person might potentially have been dead in her trunk.

And here again: she is sly enough to put the blame off of herself...she's not in some kind of "la la land" she is right there...knowing there was a dead body in her trunk and pushing the blame off on someone else.

thanks again Musikman :)

I listened to some of Tracy's interview for myself. The laughing. Okay. I am not saying anything about this woman...I don't know her. All I am saying is that I would be so blown away that Casey and her family WAS so ridiculous I would be angry about that...I would be so confused as to how people could be acting the way they were when a little girl was missing. I would have an incredulous attitude, I guess Tracy WAS laughing at how silly Casey was: but I don't find her silly. At all.

Just a thought:

The rather obvious “childlike” behaviors that Casey displayed with Tracy could have been, at least in part, role playing designed to mitigate a death penalty and to increase the likelihood of a hung jury. Tracy’s role was likely known by Casey's legal team.

On a related point, does anyone know if Casey has had a brain scan?

Hello WS :)

To continue my thought process from my post re: Casey is anything but silly.

Reading her text messages you do not get this idea about Casey. The little girl thing. Her texts to boys were quite "adult." I agree she is immature. But she is not silly. I think she is a master manipulator, a shape changer who changes with who she is with. I think Tracy was the silly one and Casey just went along.

Casey has played her game of "I'm so innocent" with the boys before. IIRC in one of the statements by AL roommate(the pot smoker)...Casey acted like she hadn't ever used a lighter before and even when they showed her she still acted confused and had them flick the lighter for her.

My cousin is like this, if she can get you to think she is "not all there" she loves it-but she is sly as a fox.

I think Casey is a product of Cindy. But Casey is her own brand of crazy. I think Cindy knows why Caylee was killed because of her and she has been distancing herself from her guilt by trying to make Casey look innocent.

Cindy wanted custody of Caylee. There is no way she thought Casey was a fit mother. What Cindy has done may not be illegal(it should be)but it is sure, in my book-amoral.

Hello WS :)

To continue my thought process from my post re: Casey is anything but silly.

Reading her text messages you do not get this idea about Casey. The little girl thing. Her texts to boys were quite "adult." I agree she is immature. But she is not silly. I think she is a master manipulator, a shape changer who changes with who she is with. I think Tracy was the silly one and Casey just went along.

Casey has played her game of "I'm so innocent" with the boys before. IIRC in one of the statements by AL roommate(the pot smoker)...Casey acted like she hadn't ever used a lighter before and even when they showed her she still acted confused and had them flick the lighter for her.

My cousin is like this, if she can get you to think she is "not all there" she loves it-but she is sly as a fox.

I think Casey is a product of Cindy. But Casey is her own brand of crazy. I think Cindy knows why Caylee was killed because of her and she has been distancing herself from her guilt by trying to make Casey look innocent.

Cindy wanted custody of Caylee. There is no way she thought Casey was a fit mother. What Cindy has done may not be illegal(it should be)but it is sure, in my book-amoral.


I think this is a very nice summation.
Cindy's motivation is avoiding responsibility for Caylee's death.
If Casey didn't kill Caylee, then Cindy couldn't have been the motivator.
I think this is a very nice summation.
Cindy's motivation is avoiding responsibility for Caylee's death.
If Casey didn't kill Caylee, then Cindy couldn't have been the motivator.

ITA Cindy NEEDS to have KC proven innocent-not because she believes it or because she loves her daughter. Cindy NEEDS to have KC proven innocent or at least not guilty (by a reasonable dout) because Cindy NEEDS absolution for herself!! It's not about Caylee and it's not about KC-it's about Cindy!!:mad:
It was very interesting to me hearing Tracy's descriptions, although it was hard to understand her at times due to her very fast speech, and her nervous habit of covering parts of her sentences by laughing, kind of failing to speak in complete sentences or to say all the words. I wished she had been a little calmer so she could answer the questions more slowly and carefully. Still, I felt for her, I thought she sounded a bit nervous in the interview, and I'm sure the whole experience with this case was probably a bit hard to come to terms with, and she seemed nice. Some of the things that jumped out at me were:

Tracy's description of how totally in la-la land Casey was, that she acted like this was a happy homecoming (the family also), as if she were a military family member coming home from Iraq or something, as if Caylee wasn't missing at all. That Casey was totally preoccupied with trivial conversation, no thoughts or discussion about Caylee. When Tracy asked about pictures of Caylee on the wall, this seemed not to register with Casey, she would respond by talking about herself, etc. (Casey also appears not to have been stressed or worried about what was going to happen to herself, about prison etc, like she was in some kind of cheerful la-la land altogether.)

Tracy says that Casey talked nonstop about unimportant things, sadly, she doesn't say much of what Casey actually said, only that it was trivial stuff that had nothing to do with Caylee.

Casey was playful and flirtatious, joking with (Rob?) that she had worn eye makeup to play the "sunglasses game" with him in the rearview mirror. Flirtatious comments about Tracy's son's picture. Casey joked that Tracy should wear a wristwatch on her ankle so she'd have an ankle bracelet too, and about dressing alike, etc. Possibly not even joking. Tracy says repeatedly how "out of touch with reality" "no grasp on reality" Casey was.

Tracey is not a trained mental health professional, that's just how it appeared to her. Casey and her family were IGNORING reality intentionally, thats how they got to this place they are at today. They ignore what Casey does, and try to cover it up. The "little girl" act of Casey's is just that, it is her role in the family. She is not a little girl and doesn't think like one. She knows what gets her parents to do what she wants. We have seen many other instances where she sounded and behaved like a very mature hardened criminal. The day she took LE all around was thought up by a criminal mind trying to outsmart the Police. She knows how to play Cindy George and lee and that is what she has been doing all her life. Because tracey and Rob were in her home setting, she treated them the same way.

ETA:thanks Jbean
Tracey is not a trained mental health professional, that's just how it appeared to her. Casey and her family were IGNORING reality intentionally, thats how they got to this place they are at today. They ignore what Casey does, and try to cover it up. The "little girl" act of Casey's is just that, it is her role in the family. She is not a little girl and doesn't think like one. She knows what gets her parents to do what they want. We have seen many other instances where she sounded and behaved like a very mature hardened criminal. The day she too LE all around was thought up by a criminal mind trying to outsmart the Police. She knows how to play Cindy George and lee and that is what she has been doing all her life. Because tracey and Rob were in her home setting, she treated them the same way.
I agree with this. Casey "behaves" a certain way in her home environment and in the midst of her family and what Tracy witnessed WAS that behavior. She of course is no more qualified to analyze that behavior than any other layperson not trained in mental health, but she IS allowed to have an opinion of what she witnessed the same as we are. Her opinion may not carry much weight in court, much as ours would not, but she is still entitled to it nonetheless.

I also agree with chiquita that Casey is a shapeshifter and that nothing about her is "carved in stone" except that she will shape shift as the situation requires. I also agree that Casey is not as immature as she presented herself to be...it was all part of the shape she shifts into when she is "playing" her family.
Hello WS :)

To continue my thought process from my post re: Casey is anything but silly.

Reading her text messages you do not get this idea about Casey. The little girl thing. Her texts to boys were quite "adult." I agree she is immature. But she is not silly. I think she is a master manipulator, a shape changer who changes with who she is with. I think Tracy was the silly one and Casey just went along.

Casey has played her game of "I'm so innocent" with the boys before. IIRC in one of the statements by AL roommate(the pot smoker)...Casey acted like she hadn't ever used a lighter before and even when they showed her she still acted confused and had them flick the lighter for her.

My cousin is like this, if she can get you to think she is "not all there" she loves it-but she is sly as a fox.

I think Casey is a product of Cindy. But Casey is her own brand of crazy. I think Cindy knows why Caylee was killed because of her and she has been distancing herself from her guilt by trying to make Casey look innocent.

Cindy wanted custody of Caylee. There is no way she thought Casey was a fit mother. What Cindy has done may not be illegal(it should be)but it is sure, in my book-amoral.


Cuz of the types of questions he got the last couple times he was here. :blowkiss:

I understand but he put himself, Tracy, Rob, and LP out there and opened all of them up to questions by simply posting here.

I erased the majority of my post because I don't want to get banned or TO'd so I will end with this:

When he first started posting here most of the thread sounded like teenagers with a back stage pass "oh TP you are the coolest, could you sign my t-shirt? You are so hot! We are so glad you are here. Can you come back tomorrow. I think I'm in love with you!." It was really kind of funny to watch but there was not much of substance that came from it because either you had to adore him and gush over him or STFU.

I don't think it is rude to hold his feet to the fire on things they have said and/or done and I don't think it is rude to challenge his opinions. If he can back them up then no harm, no foul but if he can't then it is hinky meter time.

Maybe I missed the rude posts or something bad that was said to him because I was not here when he was posting so if that is the case, I apologize and beg everyone to skip right over this post.
Hello WS :)

To continue my thought process from my post re: Casey is anything but silly.

Reading her text messages you do not get this idea about Casey. The little girl thing. Her texts to boys were quite "adult." I agree she is immature. But she is not silly. I think she is a master manipulator, a shape changer who changes with who she is with. I think Tracy was the silly one and Casey just went along.

Casey has played her game of "I'm so innocent" with the boys before. IIRC in one of the statements by AL roommate(the pot smoker)...Casey acted like she hadn't ever used a lighter before and even when they showed her she still acted confused and had them flick the lighter for her.

My cousin is like this, if she can get you to think she is "not all there" she loves it-but she is sly as a fox.

I think Casey is a product of Cindy. But Casey is her own brand of crazy. I think Cindy knows why Caylee was killed because of her and she has been distancing herself from her guilt by trying to make Casey look innocent.

Cindy wanted custody of Caylee. There is no way she thought Casey was a fit mother. What Cindy has done may not be illegal(it should be)but it is sure, in my book-amoral.


:clap::clap::clap::clap: I don't think that Casey gets a pass because she plays innocent junior high girl. There is much evidence that she thought adult thoughts and had adult emotions when out of her home but at home with her parents and brother, she gets what she wants by being the little kid.
Just a thought:

The rather obvious “childlike” behaviors that Casey displayed with Tracy could have been, at least in part, role playing designed to mitigate a death penalty and to increase the likelihood of a hung jury. Tracy’s role was likely known by Casey's legal team.

On a related point, does anyone know if Casey has had a brain scan?


Sure, these behaviors could have been put on. But it seems like if she were going to put on an act she would put on grief, worry, concern about where Caylee was, etc, since that would paint herself in a much better light. Not joking, carefree behavior. But you never know.

I always wondered about a brain scan myself. I know if I were her attorney or family I would have wanted one done right away. Not to mention extensive drug and medical tests to see what she'd been using or had even potentially been drugged with, or any other medical issues going on. I've never seen anything released so far indicating any brain scan or medical tests. I've seen it posted many times here that there was some kind of preliminary psychological (possibly also medical?) eval or interview when she was first incarcerated (which seems logical) but I don't know what that entailed.
Tracey is not a trained mental health professional, that's just how it appeared to her. Casey and her family were We have seen many other instances where she sounded and behaved like a very mature hardened criminal. The day she took LE all around was thought up by a criminal mind trying to outsmart the Police. She knows how to play Cindy George and lee and that is what she has been doing all her life. Because tracey and Rob were in her home setting, she treated them the same way.

what about the way Casey acted the day she took LE around on the bizarre fruitless trips to Universal Studios etc is like a criminal mind trying to outsmart anyone?
Tracey is not a trained mental health professional, that's just how it appeared to her.

Yes, I know she's not a mental health professional. She's just a person who works for a bail bondsman who was in very close quarters with the bonded defendant for a week and saw her behaviors and attitudes during that time period. I find what she has to say pretty interesting and relevant, regardless whether my opinions are the same as hers.

Yes, that's how things appeared to her. Various mental health professionals could be there during the same week and reach various opinions. Medical tests, a brain scan, etc, could also have yielded or still yield information that could help to complete the picture. Hope we do get a reasonably comprehensive/complete/accurate picture in the end. MOO
I understand but he put himself, Tracy, Rob, and LP out there and opened all of them up to questions by simply posting here.

I erased the majority of my post because I don't want to get banned or TO'd so I will end with this:

When he first started posting here most of the thread sounded like teenagers with a back stage pass "oh TP you are the coolest, could you sign my t-shirt? You are so hot! We are so glad you are here. Can you come back tomorrow. I think I'm in love with you!." It was really kind of funny to watch but there was not much of substance that came from it because either you had to adore him and gush over him or STFU.

I don't think it is rude to hold his feet to the fire on things they have said and/or done and I don't think it is rude to challenge his opinions. If he can back them up then no harm, no foul but if he can't then it is hinky meter time.

Maybe I missed the rude posts or something bad that was said to him because I was not here when he was posting so if that is the case, I apologize and beg everyone to skip right over this post.
Tony is as human as we all are and no better nor worse than we. I also noted the "gushing" "oohing and ahhhing" type behavior but did not engage in it. I was more interested in asking him some real questions. I also do not believe that Tony would have much respect for everyone just kissing his feet either. I think he is a grown, responsible adult and when he registered with his real name he knew what that would mean and that is what he chose to do. I also believe he is entitled to the same respect and courteousy that we would show for one another-which is the upmost respect. Attack the post not the poster are words to live by and we should all follow this advice carefully. Personally I enjoyed debating with Tony and hope he returns for many more question and answer sessions in the future...especially in about 2 weeks as that is when he promised some things would become more clear to us all...so what THAT is? I am anxiously awaiting this knowledge!:)
Tony is as human as we all are and no better nor worse than we. I also noted the "gushing" "oohing and ahhhing" type behavior but did not engage in it. I was more interested in asking him some real questions. I also do not believe that Tony would have much respect for everyone just kissing his feet either. I think he is a grown, responsible adult and when he registered with his real name he knew what that would mean and that is what he chose to do. I also believe he is entitled to the same respect and courteousy that we would show for one another-which is the upmost respect. Attack the post not the poster are words to live by and we should all follow this advice carefully. Personally I enjoyed debating with Tony and hope he returns for many more question and answer sessions in the future...especially in about 2 weeks as that is when he promised some things would become more clear to us all...so what THAT is? I am anxiously awaiting this knowledge!:)

Thanks for answering. I just didn't see the rude stuff, I guess....I always miss it when someone comes to post.
I don't hold out much hope of getting any really valuable information from him but who knows maybe he will really come through.

It just dawned on me that maybe it was some of my posts that were considered rude and attacking the poster and not the posts. I am too blunt sometimes so maybe I came across as rude and attacking.

I always try really to attack the post and not the poster but when his posts are about himself and his opinion/belief/whatever attacking the posts and the poster look a lot alike or maybe I am just not very tactful? Don't answer that!
Just a thought:

The rather obvious “childlike” behaviors that Casey displayed with Tracy could have been, at least in part, role playing designed to mitigate a death penalty and to increase the likelihood of a hung jury. Tracy’s role was likely known by Casey's legal team.

On a related point, does anyone know if Casey has had a brain scan?


Not that we have heard of. I hope someone thinks of it though.. so if she is convicted there will be no doubts/questions as to her brains function. (Tumor, Epilepsy , whatever else people may grab out of a hat someplace).
I understand but he put himself, Tracy, Rob, and LP out there and opened all of them up to questions by simply posting here.

I erased the majority of my post because I don't want to get banned or TO'd so I will end with this:

When he first started posting here most of the thread sounded like teenagers with a back stage pass "oh TP you are the coolest, could you sign my t-shirt? You are so hot! We are so glad you are here. Can you come back tomorrow. I think I'm in love with you!." It was really kind of funny to watch but there was not much of substance that came from it because either you had to adore him and gush over him or STFU.

I don't think it is rude to hold his feet to the fire on things they have said and/or done and I don't think it is rude to challenge his opinions. If he can back them up then no harm, no foul but if he can't then it is hinky meter time.

Maybe I missed the rude posts or something bad that was said to him because I was not here when he was posting so if that is the case, I apologize and beg everyone to skip right over this post.

I wasn't giving my opinion on how I felt he has been treated here, I wasn't questioning the questions being asked of him.. I just said he probably won't come back because of the questioning. I wasn't judging anyone for the questions they asked him- I didn't get into what I felt was rude or what wasn't rude. (I honestly didn't feel like getting into all that.. the way I see this is.. I am glad he comes here and is willing to discuss this with us, even if I do not agree with his opinions on this!) IMO He chose to come here.. chooses to come back. I feel people here have a right to question him about everything or anything in regard to his involvement in this case. If he doesn't want to be questioned he'll stop coming around, ya know?
Without going into a lot of detail, it is quite possible that GA is a descendant of a PA who settled in what became Ohio in the New World in the late 1600's/early 1700's following the Cromwelian Confiscation in Ireland. The timing of the move by PA to the New World makes it highly probable that the name of this family is of Irish origin as many Irish fled to the New World after their lands were unfairly seized.

The name Anthony is derived from the Latin word Antonius. (Antonius would be the Italian surname.) In the 1600's in English speaking countries, the name became Anthony due to the erroneous belief that the name was derived from the Greek word anthos (flower.)

It is not unusual for people to be unaware of their genealogical history and it could be that GA is Italian on his mother's side or simply has non-Anthony grandparents who are Italian and considers himself Italian because of this.

Princess Rose? Can we rename you Encyclopedia please? or should I say plesea? {JUST JOKING}
What stood out for me on this interview is the TIMELINE. CA thinks that they are off by a week on the day Caylee was last seen. OFF BY A WEEK!!!. the child was kiddnapped and they can't even tell us what day it happend. CA does not have the strenght to figure it out? Are you kidding me? How on earth these people sleep at night is beyond me. :furious: :furious: :furious:

Yes, and then they complain that LE didn't issue an Amber alert - :eek:.
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