2008.09.18 Tracy M Interview Audio #1

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what about the way Casey acted the day she took LE around on the bizarre fruitless trips to Universal Studios etc is like a criminal mind trying to outsmart anyone?

Rare as this is, I agree with you! Casey was a lousy criminal- horrible .. and she is no mastermind!

A mastermind wouldn't mess up and sign their own name when using a stolen check... they certainly wouldn't try to cash their gramma's FAKE check at the store down the street from their home! A "good" criminal wouldn't write a bunch of different checks on a bunch of different days at a bunch of different stores AND at the bank (withdrawl the damn money, idiot, and stop putting youself in front of camera's writing these bad checks! DUhh) A mastermind would not have brought police to a fake nanny's fake apartment complex and say they can't recall which apartment it is because "I have been here so many times"!

I could go on and on but I'll stop.. my point is, Casey was not good at ANYTHING .. lying, stealing, faking job credentials, etc. Planning is just not something Casey does and to be a "good" criminal, a mastermind, you must think things through and plan ahead. Girl just ain't bright enough for any of it, obviously, the only reason he behavior continued as long as it did without her getting arrested is because her mother is a co-dependant enabler who covered for her daughters criminal and immoral behaviors!
Re my bold: I'm wondering if perhaps Tracy witnessed KC's infantile behavior and childish thought processes for those 8 days and Tracy came to view KC as being "emotionally retarded" and therefore rather "pitiful." While listening to TM's laughter and giggles, I had the strange feeling that at times TM was torn between a desire to illustrate her own common sense view of KC's antics vs. a strong feeling of guilt for belittling or "making fun" of KC. For lack of a better way to explain it, I wondered if TM felt as if she was making fun of someone who she thinks is severely, hopelessly, emotionally challenged. Or maybe I'm just looking for wholesome, sensible explanations where none exist--Again. :confused:
Good Point Friday! I've thought the same myself. Casey did make a "cry for help" in 1) wanting to put the baby up for adoption & 2) saying she needed mental help. She knew somewhere inside herself she couldn't handle things. I think the " emotionally" challenged, stinted or whatever adjective is appropriate here. Doesn't give her a pass for murder, but it was out there MOO
Rare as this is, I agree with you! Casey was a lousy criminal- horrible .. and she is no mastermind!

A mastermind wouldn't mess up and sign their own name when using a stolen check... they certainly wouldn't try to cash their gramma's FAKE check at the store down the street from their home! A "good" criminal wouldn't write a bunch of different checks on a bunch of different days at a bunch of different stores AND at the bank (withdrawl the damn money, idiot, and stop putting youself in front of camera's writing these bad checks! DUhh) A mastermind would not have brought police to a fake nanny's fake apartment complex and say they can't recall which apartment it is because "I have been here so many times"!

I could go on and on but I'll stop.. my point is, Casey was not good at ANYTHING .. lying, stealing, faking job credentials, etc. Planing is just not something Casey does and to be a "good" criminal, a mastermind, you must think things through and plan ahead. Girl just ain't bright enough for any of it, obviously, the only reason he behavior continued as long as it did without her getting arrested is because her mother is a co-dependant enabler who covered for her daughters criminal and immoral behaviors!

And as I just said on another thread,how stupid to borrow a shovel from a neighbor after you murdered your child!
There are some who are not real bright,but know it.Then there are those who are none too bright,but think they are !KC and GA fall into that category IMO.
Well, if that was the ONLY reason "LP and posse came down here to bail Casey out so they could question her and find out what happened to Caylee" - ummmm they failed from the get go. So why not pack up and go home? I'm just sayin that if they really wanted to "find her"...they would have asked questions.

Do you think we've been snowed?

Could it be an arranged union from the getgo?
LP claims JB said he can't talk to KC
LP tries to talk to KC but conveniently gets kicked out of "her" house
LP's media source must remain anonomous
They stay anyway and keep KC out on bond even though she is not talking

Someone else's turn to add to the story. (Please use simple terms. TY)
And as I just said on another thread,how stupid to borrow a shovel from a neighbor after you murdered your child!
There are some who are not real bright,but know it.Then there are those who are none too bright,but think they are !KC and GA fall into that category IMO.

ITA- George is not so slick either!
Now, Cindy.. she has the skills one needs to be a pretty good criminal IMO!
Do you think we've been snowed?

Could it be an arranged union from the getgo?
LP claims JB said he can't talk to KC
LP tries to talk to KC but conveniently gets kicked out of "her" house
LP's media source must remain anonomous
They stay anyway and keep KC out on bond even though she is not talking

Someone else's turn to add to the story. (Please use simple terms. TY)

They claim they must guard their investment but bailbondsmen don't normally guard the people they bond out and if they did they wouldn't use a bounty hunter.

They put a woman in the house with her who then becomes fast friends with Casey even wearing the same clothes and continuing to stay in contact with her after KC goes back to jail and the best info they come up with is that she didn't talk about Caylee (we knew that already).

Once the public outcry grows too strong against the bail out, they relinquish the bond and return her to jail but wait until she is going to be picked up on other charges first so that it does not look like it is because of bad publicity.

Rumors of continued talk between JB and LP is reported by none other than TP who shows up at WS right after the signed/not signed documents are brought up in court to set the record straight.

I am sure I could come up with more if I had more time but something is rotten in orlando and it smells like an attempt to convince people that they are on the up and up and that they have been from the beginning but it looks like some dirty pool being played with WS and the general public.

I don't like it.......I have alarm bells going off in my head.......is that my hinky meter or just damaged brain cells from trying to follow all the twist and turns?

Edited to add: I am not a conspiracy theorist. Generally I look for the simplist explanation for something but there is something seriously wrong here with this whole thing. Not saying that nobody does anything out of the goodness of their heart but let's face it, KC looked uber guilty even before they showed up but they maintained that they thought she was innocent and that Caylee was kidnapped by the imaginanny or JG or whoever the current CA scapegoat happened to be. If this had been done out of the goodness of their heart, they would have donated money to TES for the search instead of bailing her out.
They claim they must guard their investment but bailbondsmen don't normally guard the people they bond out and if they did they wouldn't use a bounty hunter.

They put a woman in the house with her who then becomes fast friends with Casey even wearing the same clothes and continuing to stay in contact with her after KC goes back to jail and the best info they come up with is that she didn't talk about Caylee (we knew that already).

Once the public outcry grows too strong against the bail out, they relinquish the bond and return her to jail but wait until she is going to be picked up on other charges first so that it does not look like it is because of bad publicity.

Rumors of continued talk between JB and LP is reported by none other than TP who shows up at WS right after the signed/not signed documents are brought up in court to set the record straight.

I am sure I could come up with more if I had more time but something is rotten in orlando and it smells like an attempt to convince people that they are on the up and up and that they have been from the beginning but it looks like some dirty pool being played with WS and the general public.

I don't like it.......I have alarm bells going off in my head.......is that my hinky meter or just damaged brain cells from trying to follow all the twist and turns?

Edited to add: I am not a conspiracy theorist. Generally I look for the simplist explanation for something but there is something seriously wrong here with this whole thing. Not saying that nobody does anything out of the goodness of their heart but let's face it, KC looked uber guilty even before they showed up but they maintained that they thought she was innocent and that Caylee was kidnapped by the imaginanny or JG or whoever the current CA scapegoat happened to be. If this had been done out of the goodness of their heart, they would have donated money to TES for the search instead of bailing her out.

:clap::clap: If I remember right, LP was on NG several times stating how he was going to bring a whole $hit pot full of bounty hunters to Orlando with a $hit pot full of money to help TES. Did that happen, NO NO NO NO NO. What it's reported he did instead was talk to Tim about doing that dumb a$$ dive in JBPark, telling Tim "think how much money we can make if we pull her skull out of there." LP, like most everyone else got involved with this for the MONEY. I have no doubt he does have a good heart & would have loved to have been a big part of bringing Caylee home, but that too would have lined his back pocket. I don't think one dime of the money he said he had or was raising for TES was ever given to them, not a penny. IMO, the ONLY people who have not done this for money is Tim Miller & his searchers. Tim & everyone else who spent days in rough conditions, gave of their time and talent, they are the ones with the pure heart. Thousands helped, we will never know their names, they will never have fame, they just wanted to bring this little girl home. That's all any of us ever want when we do a search, to bring the person home. I will ALWAY's believe it was meant from the Heavens above that Caylee was found on Tim Miller's birthday. I am thankful Tim is who he is & does what he does.
I was really taken aback by the interview with Tracy. The constant giggling seemed so inappropriate, and very annoying. I'm sure she was nervous, but isn't she a mature woman who can control herself?

Watch me in real life. I am articulate, mature and under control.
Take me to a funeral. I laugh, I giggle, I snort. It is MORTIFYING. I have been in counselling for years. I have no idea why I do it. I've been told it is a sub-conscious defense mechanism. For what, I have no idea.

People can't always control the *giggles*. And for many of us, it is very embarassing. Believe me, I know that I look like an idiot. I know that it is inappropriate. But that doesn't make me "immature" or "annoying".

Not all social norms are laws.
When the mornin' rooster crows on Hopesprings does it screech, "Wackadoodle doo, wackadoodle doo?" Lord, have mercy on all of them.

OMG Theonly1, everyone around me is working hard and I laughed way too loud! HILARIOUS!!!
what about the way Casey acted the day she took LE around on the bizarre fruitless trips to Universal Studios etc is like a criminal mind trying to outsmart anyone?

I see it as she was trying to scam them. she was hoping they would say, well, its okay, we can check this another day. She never had anyone take her her to the wall before, ever, so she just kept going. I think you misunderstood my tone, I didnt mean that Tracey's opinions weren't valid. I just think that Casey is a scam artist, regardless of how she behaved in the Anthony home those 9 days. Who knows maybe she does have a medical condition, not trying to invalidate your take on it at all. Sorry if I came across rude, I am wayyyyy too blunt! Don't be mad!:blowkiss:
I was very busy over the weekend and didn't have a chance to listen to the audio of Tracy McLaughlin until this afternoon.

WOW! What Tracy revealed is very incriminating, not only for Casey, but there's some indications that Cindy and George knew more.

In the kitchen the first night after Casey was released from jail, Casey said she used the shovel to get the pool ladder out of the pool, until Cindy corrected her saying the shovel was used to cut bamboo, and George started shaking his head as if to say, don't say anything more.

Tracy tells about George's burst of anger at Casey the next morning. I remember that when Casey was released from jail, the news media was camped outside the Anthony home, and one day George left, saying to the media he was taking a walk. A while later we saw Lee get in his car and leave for a short time. When he returned, George was with him. At that time we all speculated that something was bothered by something and left.

There's soooo much that Tracy had to say, and if she testifies for the prosecution, it's not going to be good for Casey!

I can see now WHY JB didn't want this audio tape released publicly!
Scweh! Lord have mercy on us...but, here goes, it is not evil men whom we should fear most, but the indifference of GOOD men...have you ever heard that one? I actually heard it in a movie once but it stuck with me all through the years because it is the truth.

I will tell you a story to put this in perspective. I know a girl whose mother is a sociopath. This girl has siblings. This mother abused this girl horribly and hideously and yet supported and enabled the "other" siblings, whom, I might add were living none too savoury lives...The girl asked her brother one day how he could just look over everything that their mother did to HER and simply continue on engaging in a relationship with her as he did? His response, she's good to me...She pays my bills. She brings me food. She does my laundry...etc...So the girl says but you KNOW how much she abuses and hurts and neglects ME, you have seen it all our lives...and the boy says, yeah, but she doesn't do that to me...

and the girl does not understand...

and the girl is me.

Magic-cat, this really touched me. I'm sorry you went through that.

Ten years ago I was in a Bible study with a group of women. We were an interdenominational group. One lady made a statement that taught me what you explaned above (but your story I will remember). I don't recall what she said but I'll never forget her message. I exclaimed in that lightbulb moment "Oh my I never thought of it like that before!" We tend to think in black and white versus indifferences.

Thank you for sharing your personal experience to make a VERY good point. :blowkiss:
Not that we have heard of. I hope someone thinks of it though.. so if she is convicted there will be no doubts/questions as to her brains function. (Tumor, Epilepsy , whatever else people may grab out of a hat someplace).

I was thinking about the hippocampus (general functions, role in memory, effects of long term stress), but I’m sure the defense team would take any brain abnormality and formulate a related defense to serve their client.


I wasn't giving my opinion on how I felt he has been treated here, I wasn't questioning the questions being asked of him.. I just said he probably won't come back because of the questioning. I wasn't judging anyone for the questions they asked him- I didn't get into what I felt was rude or what wasn't rude. (I honestly didn't feel like getting into all that.. the way I see this is.. I am glad he comes here and is willing to discuss this with us, even if I do not agree with his opinions on this!) IMO He chose to come here.. chooses to come back. I feel people here have a right to question him about everything or anything in regard to his involvement in this case. If he doesn't want to be questioned he'll stop coming around, ya know?

Oh....sorry about that....I agree that if they put themselves out there by being here and offering up information and even offering to answer questions then they have to be able to take the heat. Seems that I remember reading a couple of things that he said that were more of attack the poster and not the post things so he might need to get the same instruction that everyone else does. Anyway it was a good rant and it felt good to spit it out.
I usually lurk. But I've had to come out to say that though I haven't listened to all of Tracy's deposition, I did listen to bits of it on Nancy Grace tonight. Her laughter and tone signal disbelief to me and irony, and mainly a sense of absurdity. I don't remotely see her as hooked on the perp.

From the little I heard, she was canny enough to have a strategy and to follow through. She wasn't buying the perp's crap, IMO. But she was registering, observing everything. She provides an enormous amount of factual information about what transpired in those days.

As for the rumour that she donated to the perp's account and still writes her, I will take that with a grain of salt. It makes no sense given the tone of her deposition and it is still a rumour as far as I know.

Tracy is credible, IMO. I think she did amazingly well, and understand why she was chosen to shadow the perp.
Totally OT I know, but in the end, once she no longer HAD me as her personal torture candidate, she wound up turning on him and letting him have it with all her guns trained directly on him! He wound up homeless and living IN a homeless shelter for 10 months thanks to her enabling and then attacking. He learned the hard way what I had been living all of my life. I personally have not spoken to her in seven years now, and they have been the most healing and constructive years of my entire life.

This is why even if someone is GOOD to me and yet I KNOW they are NOT good to others, then it just does not fly and I do not accept the face value of that goodness...because I know of a certainty that it is false. You cannot be good and evil at the same time...You cannot serve two masters.

Likewise, the Anthony family putting on their most pretty face for Tony. It doesn't fly with me because I have seen their most despicable face aimed at someone as kind and goodhearted as Tim Miller...so I KNOW it is not TRUE it is an ACT.

I know I'm behind on this thread but have to comment on this too.
I heard Maya Angelou tell a story once (or read it in one of her books). One day someone made a very offensive comment in her kitchen - not directed at her. In front of everybody in the room, she said "get out of my house". She explained to him that she did not tolerate that type of talk and that he was not welcome there. I thought "Wow, I hope I will have that kind of courage if I'm ever faced with a situation like that one. It spoke to the side of me that was taught to be nice to everyone even if they didn't deserve it.
They claim they must guard their investment but bailbondsmen don't normally guard the people they bond out and if they did they wouldn't use a bounty hunter.They put a woman in the house with her who then becomes fast friends with Casey even wearing the same clothes and continuing to stay in contact with her after KC goes back to jail and the best info they come up with is that she didn't talk about Caylee (we knew that already).

Once the public outcry grows too strong against the bail out, they relinquish the bond and return her to jail but wait until she is going to be picked up on other charges first so that it does not look like it is because of bad publicity.

Rumors of continued talk between JB and LP is reported by none other than TP who shows up at WS right after the signed/not signed documents are brought up in court to set the record straight.

I am sure I could come up with more if I had more time but something is rotten in orlando and it smells like an attempt to convince people that they are on the up and up and that they have been from the beginning but it looks like some dirty pool being played with WS and the general public.

I don't like it.......I have alarm bells going off in my head.......is that my hinky meter or just damaged brain cells from trying to follow all the twist and turns?

Edited to add: I am not a conspiracy theorist. Generally I look for the simplist explanation for something but there is something seriously wrong here with this whole thing. Not saying that nobody does anything out of the goodness of their heart but let's face it, KC looked uber guilty even before they showed up but they maintained that they thought she was innocent and that Caylee was kidnapped by the imaginanny or JG or whoever the current CA scapegoat happened to be. If this had been done out of the goodness of their heart, they would have donated money to TES for the search instead of bailing her out.

I usually lurk. But I've had to come out to say that though I haven't listened to all of Tracy's deposition, I did listen to bits of it on Nancy Grace tonight. Her laughter and tone signal disbelief to me and irony, and mainly a sense of absurdity. I don't remotely see her as hooked on the perp.

From the little I heard, she was canny enough to have a strategy and to follow through. She wasn't buying the perp's crap, IMO. But she was registering, observing everything. She provides an enormous amount of factual information about what transpired in those days.

As for the rumour that she donated to the perp's account and still writes her, I will take that with a grain of salt. It makes no sense given the tone of her deposition and it is still a rumour as far as I know.

Tracy is credible, IMO. I think she did amazingly well, and understand why she was chosen to shadow the perp.

Many great points, elementary in your post.
I too see Tracy as retelling her experience with Casey as being full of irony. She just can't believe the way Casey reacted, enough to bring about laughter.
In listening to Tracy's account, I also believe she was baiting Casey at every turn. She was trying to get Casey to react and tell more than she did. Of course Tracy needed to act as if she was interested in Casey and they could be pals.
So for those here on Websleuths whose feelings were hurt when Tracy mentions this sight to Casey and puts down Websleuth, I see that as another type of baiting. Perhaps Tracy was trying to get Casey to agree and admit she too was reading at Websleuths and possibly discuss some of what we all post here as theories. So, everyone put your hurt feelings away in your brief case and consider it was all an act on Tracy's part.
Watch me in real life. I am articulate, mature and under control.
Take me to a funeral. I laugh, I giggle, I snort. It is MORTIFYING. I have been in counselling for years. I have no idea why I do it. I've been told it is a sub-conscious defense mechanism. For what, I have no idea.

People can't always control the *giggles*. And for many of us, it is very embarassing. Believe me, I know that I look like an idiot. I know that it is inappropriate. But that doesn't make me "immature" or "annoying".

Not all social norms are laws.

This really made me laugh out loud!:crazy:
I agree with this. Casey "behaves" a certain way in her home environment and in the midst of her family and what Tracy witnessed WAS that behavior. She of course is no more qualified to analyze that behavior than any other layperson not trained in mental health, but she IS allowed to have an opinion of what she witnessed the same as we are. Her opinion may not carry much weight in court, much as ours would not, but she is still entitled to it nonetheless.

I also agree with chiquita that Casey is a shapeshifter and that nothing about her is "carved in stone" except that she will shape shift as the situation requires. I also agree that Casey is not as immature as she presented herself to be...it was all part of the shape she shifts into when she is "playing" her family.

I agree. The contrast for KC is GA calling KC the CEO. KC the Chameleon plays with people for her own amusement unless they don't play, and then she excludes them. However, the other side of KC is that she dominates and when not 'playing' will turn on a dime against her parents and rule the roost, control them, lie, lie, lie and -- if all else fails leverage her venom.

KC fools folks that she is an immature fun person but be careful ..... she is sly.
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