2008.10.08 Document Release: 400+ pgs + Video

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have a terrible cold. Perhaps I'll call in tomorrow-how convenient!

HA! And it could be contagious, so it is only considerate not to expose your co-workers. Definitely need to call in! Thanks SO MUCH Muzik for taking the time to do all this, you know how much we all appreciate it! :blowkiss:
I'm crossing my fingers that it is going to be tomorrow. On the news they said "could be as early as tomorrow". I can't wait :crazy:
Oh wow, havent even gotten thru the previous release of interviews and audio yet, I better get on the ball! Im really anxious to go thru this upcoming set of documents, I take it it will be tomorrow(wed) evening sometime? Thank you to whoever gets them posted!

ETA- I looked at those photos before in the other docs and theres no way to make out ANYthing, its a bad b&w scan and just looks like a bunch of fuzz, same with the ones that were on people's phones, wish we could see the actual pics.
You're welcome all, my hope is that by collectively going over all the information provided we can figure out where Caylee is.

500 heads are better than one! :)
I'm not sure, but did anyone else notice that it wasn't kc that actually wrote that Diary of Days poem posted on myspace back on 7/3/08.....?
IMO I mean, the way this doc reads the poem was written 7/02/08 at 10:42:08am & reads that it was authored by CINDYA.....?
& That's actually where CA said she worked / who she worked for during the bond hearings or whatever....
It's on page 2 [or pg 920 by hand numbering].....

[http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFile...s Report.pdf ]
I am interested in looking further into why Casey had problems on Fridays. Seems that that day of the week was a problem for her, cancelling plans and running out of gas.

Gas: That is another issue besides needing to drive all over Orlando and burn up the gas she had-----why is she asking for gas cans from Jesse and Amy? I have to wonder if she was trying to burn Cayee up somewhere in the early mornings when she had those all nighters. Her things smelled of smoke when Lee got the items from Tony's and it is possible if that was her idea of dealing with the body with all the rain that month, she would have had a hard time getting a fire going. Would she know of an area she could burn and not draw attention to it?
Oh My, I still have about 20 interviews to decode for clues where Casey was and I only have two of what I have done on the calandar. I guess I'll have to sleep fast.
See you all tomorrow.. uh... today! Night
You're welcome all, my hope is that by collectively going over all the information provided we can figure out where Caylee is.

500 heads are better than one! :)
I agree 110%!!:balloons::balloons::balloons::read::read:

Thanks Muzik, Patty G. & everyone else who helps to get & organize all of these docs, videos, & topic threads!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::dance:
Thank you Muzik! I hope there is something in there that can help with Caylee. :(
Ah! Thanks for the motivation to get everything done this morning!
:doh: oh for sure when this dump is read........ I will ABSOLUTELY need glasses!! I think I will pop over to Rite Aid and get some reading lenses!:banghead:
I can't find any info about this today. I looked on all the FL news sites and can't find and info at all about when they will be released ect???

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