2008.11.13 - 11.14 LP J Blanchard Park Search #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Wasn't the media presence pretty low-key the first few days of LP's BP search? if yes, then what triggered the media to come out in abundance before the search even started, yesterday?

Media presence picked up when LP picked up the phone and called Murt out to the park to share his explosive discovery of the beads under the tree where there used to be a cross that turns out to be in memory of someone other than Caylee. He based his search of the area on that cross, the beads (which he said matched Casey's and clearly do NOT match), and cell phone pings that occured way after LE believes Caylee's body was disposed of.

Somehow, everyone is out there watching, and the information that the cross has been vetted and determined to be unrelated to the case, the fact that the beads do not match any known to be used by Casey, the fact that Caylee's body was in the trunk for under three days and the tests would say the same thing even if she WAS in a bag..........somehow none of that has clued anyone in that this really might be a search based on misinformation.

Did you see the diver with the bone? It had a joint and he even moved it back and forth. That was NO chicken bone.

Comeon, Turbo! That was a STICK!!!! You are right; it was no chicken bone!

As a threshold matter, don't you see the hypocrisy in OSCO using the very same media to say such a thing? I know I sure do.

It would only be hypocritical if LE routinely had media present at their search sites and then dissed Leonard for having them at his. It would be hypocritical of LE if THEY had sent the media out there, then dissed Leonard for having them there.

Hypocrisy (or being a hypocrite) is the act of pretending to oppose a belief or behaviour while holding the same beliefs or behaviours at the same time.

But LE does not allow media to watch their body recoveries. No hypocrisy there. And LE did not send the media to the park. No hypocrisy there.

Is it just me? Or did the diver that LP hired from Blackwater get offended when TM insinuated that they (TE) expert divers had searched already and that they could'nt possibly have found something his team (TE) didn't find? QUOTE]

Yes. He got all huffy and said something along the lines of "I'd like to ask Tim Miller if he is licenced to used side sonar, if he even KNOWS what kind of sonar he was using!" And Nancy Grace told him "I can answer that. Yes, he is certified. Yes, he is experienced."

The diver got offended because he was probably embarrased that their discoveries were nothing; that media was mocking the find; that it was public knowledge that the experienced searcher had already cleared the area. But Nancy swatted him right down.
Well, my question for today is "Why, oh Why oh, haven't OCSO or FBI dragged those rivers, ect themselves." Where have they searched for Caylee? Landfills? Not that I know of. They must have something we don't know about. An ace in the hole witness...or how strong is there case really?
This is a total turn around in attitude for me. I have supported LE from day one but good grief...what are they doing? Wouldn't their case be much stronger if they had a body?

The only LE dive I remember hearing about was in the retention pond near the Anthony's house, but even that one was classified as "routine" and not connected to the search for Caylee.
Ah HA! Pretty good advocacy, but not buying it here. The shamrock. Just like the Caylee is alive believers had all kinds of alternative explanations, but working that decomp, death banded hair, DNA, cadaver dogs, chloroform and the totality of the evidence just didn't fit in there.
BTW, your local animal shelter will dispose of the body of a pet for a very small fee well within a good advocate's budget. Fewer diseases. Toys can go in the dumpster or be cleaned up for a shelter animal. Cleaner environment. I've been to NJ, about 25 years ago. Fifty gallon petroleum product drums were floating in ponds visible from the roads. Not good. I hope now, 35 years after passing basic environmental laws, the good people of Florida are not routinely using their waterways as garbage dumps. So, this would be very unusual, a heavy duty, extra strength, 55 gal. black garbage bag with toys like McDonald's Happy Meals (where Caylee liked to go), a shamrock like the one in the picture of Casey, evidence of animal activity and fragments of something that somewhat experienced people say looked like bones but an upset LE said was "rocks" but took them into evidence and local posters say there are no rocks in the area (they buy garden rocks at nurseries). Not 1 but 2 bricks and KC was borrowing a shovel on June 18th to dig in their backyard where the As do have some kind of pavers brick(block). I know run-on sentence. Relevancy should be left to the prosecutor and defense to duke it out.

BTW, posters have been referring to Dennis as a "cowboy." So, he has a hat. All hat, no cattle? From the info posted re his background, if true, he is no "cowboy" as that term was used in the west; working the cattle industry, and image wise, holding social values of the times. Some of these were: keeping promises, telling the truth, being self sufficient, helping a neighbor or friend just because you see a need, being respectful, not dissin' your neighbor and other such values. These didn't seem to apply, so it appeared he was not a cowboy, but just an intoxicated individual, with a perhaps violent history and shady past, hired by an attorney representing GA and CA and being disruptive at LP's search site. Hummmmm. Definitely not a western cowboy. Anybody can buy a hat but it doesn't come with the values. Those you have to learn from your family and community.
I have a box of jumbo size green plastic bags (the ones used for leaves). When I'm waiting in my car for something (like for my daughter to get out of school or something) I fill up the bag with stuff in my car - paperwork from school, last night's dinner from Wendy's drive through, stuff that my daughter drops (like from birthday goody bags)** and within a week the bag almost always contains food remnants and at least one happy meal toy. I don't ultimately throw the bag in a river. But it often sits in my car for a few days until I find a spot for it (usually a gas station's big garbage can). Could I see someone tossing a bag like that in a river? Yes. But I definitely have those big plastic bags in my car always. I've seen others with a small box of plastic garbage bags in their cars too.

**I know, I know, I am a bad recycler when it comes to stuff in my car.

Do you put your excess bricks (pavers) in them too?
BTW, posters have been referring to Dennis as a "cowboy." So, he has a hat. All hat, no cattle? From the info posted re his background, if true, he is no "cowboy" as that term was used in the west; working the cattle industry, and image wise, holding social values of the times. Some of these were: keeping promises, telling the truth, being self sufficient, helping a neighbor or friend just because you see a need, being respectful, not dissin' your neighbor and other such values. These didn't seem to apply, so it appeared he was not a cowboy, but just an intoxicated individual, with a perhaps violent history and shady past, hired by an attorney representing GA and CA and being disruptive at LP's search site. Hummmmm. Definitely not a western cowboy. Anybody can buy a hat but it doesn't come with the values. Those you have to learn from your family and community.

I could be wrong on this, but I think at one time he "TOLD" that he was with TES and worked their horses for them. I think that is where the cowboy came from.
Is it just me? Or did the diver that LP hired from Blackwater get offended when TM insinuated that they (TE) expert divers had searched already and that they could'nt possibly have found something his team (TE) didn't find? If I read him correctly, he seems offended and that could be motivation to keep looking and looking and looking until Blackwater finds what TE didn't...??? I'm so sad to see dissent between TM and LP....it makes everyone look bad and the A's are loving it...

I think the friction and fingerpointing is unnecessary too, but whatever the motives I'm thankful to anyone willing to continue searching... Maybe w TM it's just his professional reputation he's concerned about--or that someone could jeopardize future search in that area--but he keeps insisting TES already 'cleared it' and hasn't said he was planning to return to that specific area. Todd, the diver may have just been questioning TM's experience w blackwater diving in particular (and yes he was probably insulted about "not even knowing stones from bones.") Everyone wants to be recognized and respected, especially when HE's the one down in that water w all the alligators and snakes... eeesh... JMO
Murt just said someone stole "Spyder's" camera.
BTW, posters have been referring to Dennis as a "cowboy." So, he has a hat. All hat, no cattle? From the info posted re his background, if true, he is no "cowboy" as that term was used in the west; working the cattle industry, and image wise, holding social values of the times. Some of these were: keeping promises, telling the truth, being self sufficient, helping a neighbor or friend just because you see a need, being respectful, not dissin' your neighbor and other such values. These didn't seem to apply, so it appeared he was not a cowboy, but just an intoxicated individual, with a perhaps violent history and shady past, hired by an attorney representing GA and CA and being disruptive at LP's search site. Hummmmm. Definitely not a western cowboy. Anybody can buy a hat but it doesn't come with the values. Those you have to learn from your family and community.
AMEN Themis!:)
:clap::clap::clap: A point well made!
IIRC, that was a piece of wood the diver showed to use an example of what they can find and how it can resemble a little leg, joint and all.

It was driftwood..........my fingers did not keep up with my brain. I corrected it. Sorry.
Murt just said someone stole "Spyder's" camera.

UH OH.............where are the Anthony spies? What was on there they did not want shown? Hopefully he downloaded all of yesterday's work last night. That is usual procedure.
Questions from me:

Do Cindy and George know the truth? They haven't asked the kidnappers once to bring that poor baby back. They interview on GMA and other shows and they never beg anyone to bring her home. Why?

Tim gets money from an associated group of their lawyers, he's going to do a big search and then wang bam boom, he's leaving. Hinkey meter spike@!! I respect him but this one throws me, I don't understand. It's a lot of hype and then nothing gone, frustrating. May be an explanation but I without it, I question this.

LP is showing more class than anyone right now IMO. He's searching, not asking for anything, and he doesn't give a hoot who doesn't like the fact that he's doing it.

LE when have they searched? If they have I don't know about it. Again I think they are following up on leads etc...but Casey isn't that smart, where is Caylee? I still think a land fill but that's me.

If I had a missing child I can tell you which player I would put on my team, LP.

They all need to put down the ego's, find this child and then move on and find Trenton and all the other missing babies. I can't imagine being a parent going to bed and not knowing where my child was. Cindy and George....I can't figure out. I guess it's easier for them to believe alive Caylee, would be for me also, but I coudn't stand the thought of my child in alligator infested waters, a dumpster, or a shallow grave somewhere. I would search for live Caylee and would encourage search for dead Caylee also. I would want to KNOW! Even if Casey gave them an understandable story, news flash SHE LIES!:furious:
I could be wrong on this, but I think at one time he "TOLD" that he was with TES and worked their horses for them. I think that is where the cowboy came from.
'k. I thought it was just the hat. Thanks.
UH OH.............where are the Anthony spies? What was on there they did not want shown? Hopefully he downloaded all of yesterday's work last night. That is usual procedure.

Sounds like it was stolen within the last hour. He suspected a woman that had been hanging around, said he left it on the picnic table near where they were BBQ'ing....and now it's gone. Yeah, I hope he downloaded everything from yesterday already, too!!
I don't usually post but I think this needs to be said...

Lets get something straight here. No one should be bashing ANYONE that is actually searching for this poor little girl. Caylee doesn't deserve any of this, shes an innocent little 2 yr old when she went "missing".

I think its disgusting that Caylee's own FAMILY isn't out there searching, who cares if you are searching for an "alive" or dead Caylee, go out there and SEARCH!!! It seems her family is only concerned with covering up for Casey and making sure Caylee is not found. George, Cindy, and Lee should feel embarressed that others are out there spending their time, energy, money, etc. looking for someone in their family that they aren't even searching!!!

Anyone that has arguments about everything go on in this case can blame one person and one person only: CASEY! Leonard, Murt, Tim, and others are trying to find this little girl. Who cares who is getting publicity or otherwise, at least Leonard is out there searching!

Law enforcement publically saying the wants to give Leonard a polygraph is dispictable because when did law enforcement publically ask the Anthony family to take one, although Lee and the family refuse to take one, Leonard accepted to take one.

If no one searches for Caylee...guess what? Casey wins. And this family and Casey get away with the murder of Caylee and never will be found. We need to find out who Caylee's father is as well. No child should be "missing" for 30 days or more without anyone noticing, especially the family or reported to the police.

Lets hope Leonard or any other person or organization that continues the search finds Caylee, alive or dead!
Its also disgraceful that the Anthony's are getting so much air time on tv, and a meet and greet? Seriously! Stop wasting time and go search for your supposedly love granddaughter. If someone in my family went missing, I would search everyday!
I don't usually post but I think this needs to be said...

Lets get something straight here. No one should be bashing ANYONE that is actually searching for this poor little girl. Caylee doesn't deserve any of this, shes an innocent little 2 yr old when she went "missing".

I think its disgusting that Caylee's own FAMILY isn't out there searching, who cares if you are searching for an "alive" or dead Caylee, go out there and SEARCH!!! It seems her family is only concerned with covering up for Casey and making sure Caylee is not found. George, Cindy, and Lee should feel embarressed that others are out there spending their time, energy, money, etc. looking for someone in their family that they aren't even searching!!!

Anyone that has arguments about everything go on in this case can blame one person and one person only: CASEY! Leonard, Murt, Tim, and others are trying to find this little girl. Who cares who is getting publicity or otherwise, at least Leonard is out there searching!

Law enforcement publically saying the wants to give Leonard a polygraph is dispictable because when did law enforcement publically ask the Anthony family to take one, although Lee and the family refuse to take one, Leonard accepted to take one.

If no one searches for Caylee...guess what? Casey wins. And this family and Casey get away with the murder of Caylee and never will be found. We need to find out who Caylee's father is as well. No child should be "missing" for 30 days or more without anyone noticing, especially the family or reported to the police.

Lets hope Leonard or any other person or organization that continues the search finds Caylee, alive or dead!
Its also disgraceful that the Anthony's are getting so much air time on tv, and a meet and greet? Seriously! Stop wasting time and go search for your supposedly love granddaughter. If someone in my family went missing, I would search everyday!

You just said a mouthful and I agree with every word.
If Caylee's remains were to be found all of the scum would go back to their caves and Casey would be toast!
Just because YOU OR I wouldn't do that doesn't mean that there are not any people out there that would. There are A LOT of people our there that abuse animals and don't want them once they get them. They get them for their kids and don't want to accept the responsibility and when it dies, they discard it like trash. It wouldn't surprise me if it WAS a dog...

I am not even going to start on how I feel about the people who treat animals like this, accept to say they do not deserve to EVER have a pet again. I don't know how someone could truly *love* a pet and then throw it out in the woods for animals to eat. That is just wrong. :furious::furious:

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