2009.02.21 Geraldo at Large

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Again, has anyone found any court cases, charges, police reports, jail bookings, anything official that CS was charged with drug usage, possession, paraphernalia, anything?
I agree. He reminds me of my sister. His cocaine conviction is a matter of public record, as is leaving the scene of an accident and possession of marijuana. His outright lie about something so easy to verify makes me doubt every word that comes out of his mouth.
Now's not the time to be deceptive. All cards need to be on the table. What if he owes somebody money or it's one of his drug connections ?
He spent no time over it. This tells me that he could have been in a situation that was not of his making. Was it Crystal's instead?! We don't know, but at the time...he was with her. Since he hasn't thrown her under the proverbial bus yet...we have no way of knowing. The judge didn't think his charges were bad enough to go to prison. If not...why not?! As far as the drugs are concerned...was he in a car or house where it was found? We do not know any particulars to date. It is on his record...but wouldn't you expect to see a lengthy prison sentence attached?! I would! (And if the informant thing is true...God help Geraldo because he just drew another line in the sand for the enemy.)
If Ron was so abusive to Crystal and she was so afraid of him, why during the originally custody hearings did she not point that out, why did she testify that she had no problem with Ron seeing the children. She later came back with a statement from her father who did not come to court to testify that there was abuse. Even during the court hearing when she accuses him of drugs the judge ask if she had first hand knowledge of it and she says no her cousin told her that Ron was using drugs.

The judge ask how long it has been since she has used cocaine and she says about one year. Jr was 10 months old IIRC at the time of the hearing, so Crystal used cocaine during her preg?

I just do not understand why so many are so quick to come to the conclusion that Ron hit Crystal and she is afraid of him.
You know, SS, I think we could all agree that Ron loves Haleigh. I have never doubted that. I have also never doubted that both of these individuals are very screwed up and probably should not have been parents. It's my opinion that he got custody mainly b/c of his mom. I read all the court docs and that's how it appears to me.

I think Crystal said what she did b/c she took some of her power back. I think she's getting to the "anger" state herself and I think at some level she felt safe enough to finally "speak back" to Ron. She probably never has. I guess I didn't see it as trashing him, but more like finally having her say.

It's odd; there appears to be a definite divide in those "for" Ron and those "against" Crystal, and vice versa. I don't have a clue who did what, I was just glad to see Crystal finally speak and she did not appear angry to me. It appeared as if she just wanted to have her say. Honestly, I am not taking one side or the other; I'm just so tired of Ron saying he did nothing. It makes me very suspicious of him. As for Misty...well, what can I say...she's a train wreck!!

Oh, and as for the part about "Ron could have even harmed her," unfortunately, it's true. If he is an abuser, he could definitely love Haleigh and yet still harm her. Look at that handout page Lawgirl posted. This stuff happens every day and it's so sad.

For the record...I'm neither for Ron nor against Crystal. I've known so many families like this in my life. Norms we take for granted are often foreign to them. Therefore, many of their actions which we would see as scandalous or proof positive of guilt roll off like water on a duck's back.

You simply cannot judge these folks based on the paradigm you're used to. It just does not fit. If you really want to be called a sleuther in this situation, you have to throw out all your preconceived notions.

Jack Webb said it best: "Just the facts, ma'am." Unfortunately, we aren't privy to many facts in this situation, and to my mind, in this instance, that's a good thing. This LE is not a bunch of Keystone cops. We're just going to have to accept the fact that there's a lot we do not know that we do not need to know at this point.

Sometimes the best thing a good sleuther can do is sit back, shut up and just listen.
At the custody hearing, when judge asked if they had completed parenting classes, Crystal said yes she had completed it, and had a certificate, iirc. Ron had not but said that he would soon.

And again Crystal completed it because she had been been accused of child abuse or child endangerment. Ron was asked to complete it because he was getting custody.
GR has gone so far past reporting in this case it's disgusting! He has interjected himself into this ongoing investigation and may have actually played some cards that might affect its outcome. God forbid this has happened-but,if it turns out that this quest for ratings has interferred in any way then I think GR should be taken off the air!! This is far worse than anything LP ever did!!IMO:twocents:

Nothing was as bad as when he was embedded with our troops in Afghanistan and got on live TV and drew a map in the sand as to where these troops were. He was kicked out of Afghanistan and the military was not very happy with him at all. He should of been shot for doing what he did.
If Ron was so abusive to Crystal and she was so afraid of him, why during the originally custody hearings did she not point that out, why did she testify that she had no problem with Ron seeing the children. She later came back with a statement from her father who did not come to court to testify that there was abuse. Even during the court hearing when she accuses him of drugs the judge ask if she had first hand knowledge of it and she says no her cousin told her that Ron was using drugs.

The judge ask how long it has been since she has used cocaine and she says about one year. Jr was 10 months old IIRC at the time of the hearing, so Crystal used cocaine during her preg?

I just do not understand why so many are so quick to come to the conclusion that Ron hit Crystal and she is afraid of him.

I agree. AND the cousin was supposedly in the car with Ron while he was doing drugs and had an accident. But he took a drug test after the accident and it was proven that he wasn't on drugs when her cousin allegedly said he was.
I agree. He reminds me of my sister. His cocaine conviction is a matter of public record, as is leaving the scene of an accident and possession of marijuana. His outright lie about something so easy to verify makes me doubt every word that comes out of his mouth.
Now's not the time to be deceptive. All cards need to be on the table. What if he owes somebody money or it's one of his drug connections ?

Ron's play on the news this week is that "it is not about him". Unless he knows the specific reason for what has happened , he does not why it could have happened. it very well could have happened due to something he has done in his life. but he seems to not want to address that.
It's really late now so ~ good night everyone! :seeya:

We'll see what Geraldo has on his show later on tonight (for those on the west coast, I mean Sunday, which it is here already!!)
Night sleuthers. I'm going to bed, I'll check your posts in the morning. I'll pray for Haleigh to come home :seeya:
Again, has anyone found any court cases, charges, police reports, jail bookings, anything official that CS was charged with drug usage, possession, paraphernalia, anything?

truthfully, I don't know where to begin to look. I can't remember who dug up the info on Ron or how she did it
Oh and I watched and so far I haven't heard Ron almost say a name. Yes, I made Big Daddy watch. He is so straight forward and is a simple man (which is why I love him) and he says...That was uncalled for (what the bio-mom said) and that neither side is probably telling the truth. He says the truth lies somewhere in the middle. His side, her side and the truth.

He also said that he thought that the bio-mom brought up all those things because she has an agenda (I did think this too) and that there is a time for fighting for custody and now is not that time.

Now is the time for fighting for Haleigh. Not to squabble with the he said she said stuff.

Of course I edited his thoughts because he liberally salts his language with RC's style of language :)
Tell him I appreciate his thoughts on the subject and Big Daddy has my approval. I agree. The truth is somewhere in the middle.

Now IS the time they should not only be fighting for Haleigh, but coming together for Rj. He is a victim in the most horrid way.
Originally Posted by myshell
I don't think he's still here. Although he could stay in the mom's camp and antagonize the other camp. Saying camp all the time is reminding me of Survivor Island. I wouldn't be surprised to see someone voted off the island tonight

Sadly there's a lot of truth here. So much of life has been reduced to a reality show. But guess what? The emphasis on "reality show" is...show. This situation is real. There is really a family in Florida with a real daughter who is really missing. Really. And that child most definitely does not deserve to be treated like the lastest bump in the ratings game. And yet she is.
truthfully, I don't know where to begin to look. I can't remember who dug up the info on Ron or how she did it
I've dug through Putnam county over and over and have yet to find the first thing on her. I would imagine since she lived there - that's where the charges would have been. That's where we found all RC's charges.
And I just remembered something....it WAS GR who brought the story of the cousin from TN out. I remember because I thought it was BS....lol
GR has gone so far past reporting in this case it's disgusting! He has interjected himself into this ongoing investigation and may have actually played some cards that might affect its outcome. God forbid this has happened-but,if it turns out that this quest for ratings has interferred in any way then I think GR should be taken off the air!! This is far worse than anything LP ever did!!IMO:twocents:

Ya mean worse than when the military kicked him out for writing thier position in the sand.:rolleyes:
I am glad to see someone asking tuff questions finally. GR ask NOTHING that we have not all talked about. So..... I would be more than happy to see someone go at Crystal and Misty the same way....We need answers. If this gets em' so be it. Maybe Crystal thought she needed to do this for Haleigh....who knows. But we have been whining for someone to go in there and ask the hard questions...why gripe about it now. I am sure we will see Crystal questioned just as hard by someone now. What I do see....is alot of people that don't like GR, yet had it been NG...it would have been great.

TOTALLY agree!!
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