2009.02.27 - Lee's Deposition

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In the beginning, George was my only Hope!

CA's influence is like a constant drip from a faucet that bores a hole thru cement!

Me to. Baby Caylee had no time here to even learn what "hope" was all about. Nobody loved her in life and guess we can't expect to have "hope" from the NOBODYS in death.

It depresses me to think about the love this lil thang has had in death from millions of peeps and then to have to remember the NOBODYS. they didn't love Caylee. They only loved themselves and now the NOBODYS have to cleave to each other----"A-L-O-N-E".....

I am so far behind. when I get to the last page I will have 4-5 maybe 6 post---all in a row.
EXACTLY!! Thank you, thank you, thank you....finally, someone with an open mind who understands that human beings are, well, human. It can't be easy for Lee to separate his loyalty to his sister from his duty to help LE but if you listen to his police interviews it is clear that he IS helping LE in every way he can.
I guess I may be persona non grata here but I honestly believe that the A's are to a large extent being persecuted by the public (and Nancy Grace et al) for the actions of their daughter/sister. It is so easy for us to say we would be doing things differently but we have never been tested and don't know how we would behave or what we would be thinking. Their world has been turned upside down and I doubt any of us would have crystal clear thought processes under those circumstances.

Probably very unpopular here after I say this but, I believe Lee is trying to tell the truth. I think that he believes one thing in his mind and another in his heart. After he made the statement that "i believe everything my sister tells me" he then admitted later that he had to believe that. He might initially believe what she says, until it is proven incorrect. My son, happens to have a nervous laugh like Lee's and I believe it is a nervous laugh. My son laughs like that for two reasons - he is nervous, or he is telling a half-truth. He has never told me a bold faced lie, he is not comfortable doing that. He always tell at least half truth and then laughs after that. He is a great kid, just has an issue with being on the spot. I would not want to be in Lee's shoes. At all. He wanted the truth, and there are things that he heard that I am wondering whether he even told his parents. Again, probably not going to be popular, but please, he testified there for three hours. How easy can it be to do that?
Wow, his body language was a real revelation. Di you see him squirming in that chair? Ewww....
What does truth really mean to this family, anyway?

Something you say that keeps you out of trouble, regardless of how ridiculous it is.

What a great quote. This would make a great signature!
GOD, how can Lee talk about this call from Zanieda on July 15th that we all know did NOT HAPPEN like he totally believes it? And then goes onto embroider the story? I mean, it is beyond ridiculous. The stupid inappropriate laughter because...well, I have no clue why he laughs.

Morgan: "Let's call this the Zenaida Gonzalez story..." [YEP, let's call it the ZG fable.]

He's going to be slaughtered on the stand in the criminal trial if he thinks he's going to be unchallenged. Morgan is pretty much handling him with kid gloves.

Very similar to "mama's" story to Yuri regarding the trip to Jacksonville and the car accident. CA knows it can't have happened, but practically turns a short story into the "unabridged version of The Stand"! Talk about embellishment! :rolleyes:
Morgan asking Lee about how Casey REACTED (or did not react) to Caylee being taken. Lee said that since he's just like Casey he assumed he would FIGHT. But then he said that since he'd never been in that situation he might:

Just be "in statis"...OH GOD, it is FUNNY!

I think I'm losing it! All these A's are in statis!!!! That was not a typo; it's what he SAID.

Stasis (fiction)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stasis (pronounced /ˈsteɪsɪs/), or hypersleep, is a science fiction concept akin to suspended animation. Whereas suspended animation usually refers to a greatly reduced state of life processes, stasis implies a complete cessation of these processes, which can be easily restarted or restart spontaneously when stasis is removed. Depending on the work of fiction in which it is depicted, stasis has particular properties useful to science fiction story lines.

Hope somebody answers this (above) before I get to the end. WOW!
I think LA's depo was the most positive evidence to come along for the State in a while. It's so incriminating for KC that it's unbelievable (pardon the pun!) and his delivery of it makes it even worse for her! Now I know why the A's don't want to be deposed. All the garbage she's spewed is going to lead her right to the needle and they know it. Bravo to Mr. Morgan. He went where no man has dared go before. :clap:
To be fair. I had forgotten FZFG's sisters name. The whole FZFG thing is so stupid I forgot all about the made up details and went on with facts and matters in the real world

Dear Hercule,

BUT if you BELIEVED that ZFG and her sister Samantha really TOOK your niece you bet your bottom dollar you would REMEMBER THEIR NAMES!

Undoubtedly and absolutely.
Probably very unpopular here after I say this but, I believe Lee is trying to tell the truth. I think that he believes one thing in his mind and another in his heart. After he made the statement that "i believe everything my sister tells me" he then admitted later that he had to believe that. He might initially believe what she says, until it is proven incorrect. My son, happens to have a nervous laugh like Lee's and I believe it is a nervous laugh. My son laughs like that for two reasons - he is nervous, or he is telling a half-truth. He has never told me a bold faced lie, he is not comfortable doing that. He always tell at least half truth and then laughs after that. He is a great kid, just has an issue with being on the spot. I would not want to be in Lee's shoes. At all. He wanted the truth, and there are things that he heard that I am wondering whether he even told his parents. Again, probably not going to be popular, but please, he testified there for three hours. How easy can it be to do that?

I too can have a nervous or even an incredulous laugh that makes my hubby crazy. However, I've never dealt with something as serious as this and I'm not giving him any pass for
a) laughing at the smell of his neice's decomp
b)he is not telling the truth at all unless he has an extremly low IQ and even by saying that I feel I could be offending those with a low IQ.

There is no way, no how any of his actions are justifiable and I don't believe it was hard on him to testify for that long, after all Morgan was very accomodating to be done in time for "happy hour" cause he looks like that kinda guy....:rolleyes:
I don't want to watch the video. the transcript was so entertaining, the video would be a let down. I was laughing through the whole thing. I guess voice recognition still has a long way to go. There were so many completely mangled sentences and words that just cracked me up. While the 'made up words' were amusing, the 'wrong words' were even funnier. thank you Morgan and Morgan for an enjoyable afternoon.

I can't believe Lee used the word plethora! I use it jokingly when I am trying to sound pretentious, but I think he used it seriously - and how come that word didnt get mangled?

They say the book is always better than the movie:crazy:
Wow, his body language was a real revelation. Di you see him squirming in that chair? Ewww....

Yup!! This 'mistruth' is so convoluted it'd make me squirm to remember all of the twists and turns and keep it all straight.

Telling the truth can seem hard, it is like facing fear -- you need to overcome the fear and just do the right thing. You will feel SO much better for doing so.

'Mistruths' are tough because you have to think on your feet, still try to seem and sound credible, think ahead so you don't entrap yourself and, remember all the threads so you can keep it all straight.

'Mistruths' are so stressful and mentally exhausting .... phew! Mind games.
Very similar to "mama's" story to Yuri regarding the trip to Jacksonville and the car accident. CA knows it can't have happened, but practically turns a short story into the "unabridged version of The Stand"! Talk about embellishment! :rolleyes:
Bold is mine

Exactly what I thought, useless facts, like CA.....it's torture to listen to!

I'm amazed he talked so much, & Luka let him?:waitasec:
I too can have a nervous or even an incredulous laugh that makes my hubby crazy. However, I've never dealt with something as serious as this and I'm not giving him any pass for
a) laughing at the smell of his neice's decomp
b)he is not telling the truth at all unless he has an extremly low IQ and even by saying that I feel I could be offending those with a low IQ.

There is no way, no how any of his actions are justifiable and I don't believe it was hard on him to testify for that long, after all Morgan was very accomodating to be done in time for "happy hour" cause he looks like that kinda guy....:rolleyes:

Well if we were all the same it would be a boring world. lol I agree that they were accommodating to him. Don't necessarily want to stomache Lee either but i will say this. Nervous or not, he is stepping carefully. Who knows? God I am sick of all of this! I think he loves his sister but loved his niece as well and is stuck in the middle, and I do think he is telling part of the truth. No matter what he is not helping his sister's case.
Bold is mine

Exactly what I thought, useless facts, like CA.....it's torture to listen to!

I'm amazed he talked so much, & Luka let him?:waitasec:

In reading the transcripts there was a ton of errors but I could have sworn Morgan helped a couple of times when Luka should have objected.
Dear Hercule,

BUT if you BELIEVED that ZFG and her sister Samantha really TOOK your niece you bet your bottom dollar you would REMEMBER THEIR NAMES!

Undoubtedly and absolutely.

I thought he was a detective wanna-be too and kept notes while he was doing his 'investigation.' Maybe they should have allowed him to refer to his notes during the questioning.
And it begged the question: WHAT WAS THE FRIGGIN' LESSON?

If anyone said to me, "They told me they were taking my child to teach me a lesson" it just beggars, "What lesson?" Lee never said he asked the question. And could not even come up with a good idea as to WHAT the lesson could be.

If you're going to come up with a BS excuse at least REASON through the excuse! Was Zanny teaching you a "lesson" because you stole from her, or because she thinks your a sorry parent, or because maybe you choked her throat? :)

This reminds me of the jailhouse video where Casey was "so frushtrated" she "couldn't schwallow." Casey was pleading to be out of jail and asked what being in jail was supposed to teach her (or what lesson she was supposed to learn.)
I had the same reaction, Indicat. My stomach actually rolled.

Mine didn't roll over the CMA "revelation" because nanner nanner I already thought he was referring to Casey. But ANYWAY, it is good to have people who aren't so cynical and have endless amounts of hope for the A's., unlike me! I'd hate to sit here and read only stuff I agree with!

Welcome to our side of the fence...sorry the fall was so hard.
Bold is mine

Exactly what I thought, useless facts, like CA.....it's torture to listen to!

I'm amazed he talked so much, & Luka let him?:waitasec:

CA, LA and, KC all spew irrevelant details in the hope to run out the clock and distract -- so you cannot get on an investigative roll.

Deny, delay, distract, dumb, deny, delay, distract .... repeat and wash 3 times.
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