2010.02.16 Document Release: Stain on Trunk Liner

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i would think that the spots with the most decomp fluid would be the parts of her body which contained the most "stuff" to decompose?
like.. where her abdomen would've been - would've showed more decomp because that's where a majority of her organs were... same with her bottom.. the bowl is the first to decompose.
do feet, legs and arms decompose at the same rate as.. say, intestines? or is it that the whole body was saturated in fluid.. and just tossed in the trunk? that's why we can see the outline?

that poor, sweet child. never mind the act of murder.. how could someone see/touch/drive around their baby girl in that condition? that would haunt a normal person for the rest of their life.. and it's nothing to her! she was out at blockbuster, playing happy family while this was going on.
I tried to "roughly" outline in blue what I am seeing - hope this helps.

(respectfully I outlined on JWG's original work - just for reference - hope that is ok)

OMG, your outline. OMG, that poor child. I know I've seen this before, but it's painful to see it again. It almost looks like she's sleeping...I so wish it just her sleeping, not a stain...my heart just hurts...I am just sick all over again. Justice cannot come soon enough for you Caylee! This Friday is going to be so hard to follow...

I can just imagine Casey sitting there scribbling and not reacting, as usual. I hope Cindy goes running out of the courtroom on Friday when they talk about this stain :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
O MY, I have never seen these before. These are done at home on home computers ?
CSI and FBI must have even better pictures, right ?
They will show this in court, right ??
O MY, I have never seen these before. These are done at home on home computers ?
CSI and FBI must have even better pictures, right ?
They will show this in court, right ??

Fellow Member JWG helped contribute to these particular pictures - (see posts above and previous posts in this thread). I am hoping CSI and FBI have pics but who knows what exists that we haven't seen and what will be introduced into trial.
I tried to "roughly" outline in blue what I am seeing - hope this helps.

(respectfully I outlined on JWG's original work - just for reference - hope that is ok)

Thank you so much for doing this, wenwe4. . . I could never really understand what everyone else seemed to be seeing until I saw the outline you did for us. You are a honey! :tyou:
i would think that the spots with the most decomp fluid would be the parts of her body which contained the most "stuff" to decompose?
like.. where her abdomen would've been - would've showed more decomp because that's where a majority of her organs were... same with her bottom.. the bowl is the first to decompose.
do feet, legs and arms decompose at the same rate as.. say, intestines? or is it that the whole body was saturated in fluid.. and just tossed in the trunk? that's why we can see the outline?

that poor, sweet child. never mind the act of murder.. how could someone see/touch/drive around their baby girl in that condition? that would haunt a normal person for the rest of their life.. and it's nothing to her! she was out at blockbuster, playing happy family while this was going on.

I have no technical or medical knowledge but I would think if there was any kind of fluid leakage it would pool around and even under the body causing the outline we are seeing. One thing I did take into account I haven't seen mentioned here is if Casey is right handed. I imagined the exact way I would lift my daughters when they were Caylee's age and the position they were in after laying them down. Picking up their head would be cradled in my left arm, then that is the angle I would proceed to lay down first. Not feet first or to their right side pressed against me down first. So the posters that are seeing where her hands may have been bound behind her back lead me to believe that is entirely possible. I doubt she was moved at any other time after being originally put in the trunk up until she was taken out.
I have no technical or medical knowledge but I would think if there was any kind of fluid leakage it would pool around and even under the body causing the outline we are seeing. One thing I did take into account I haven't seen mentioned here is if Casey is right handed. I imagined the exact way I would lift my daughters when they were Caylee's age and the position they were in after laying them down. Picking up their head would be cradled in my left arm, then that is the angle I would proceed to lay down first. Not feet first or to their right side pressed against me down first. So the posters that are seeing where her hands may have been bound behind her back lead me to believe that is entirely possible. I doubt she was moved at any other time after being originally put in the trunk up until she was taken out.

ITA and I'm still wishing I hadn't taken a closer look at that picture. I go to bed with the chickens and get up with the chickens, but nightmares are plaguing me over this. :(

ETA, even though I know this is part of seeking Justice for Caylee. This made me physically sick and is keeping me awake. More so than seeing the place where my brother landed, after he was murdered and seeing the copus amount of blood that was still there a month later. :(
i was eating a bowl of raisin bran while viewing the pic and had to spit out the bite i had in my mouth... looking at the pictures of that and the duct tape kind of confirm the horrible-ness (if that's a word) of this case. we hear all these things in the media... the smell, the hair with the death ban and about the duct tape... sort of making our own mental images.. but seeing the pics makes it so much more real and to think of MY daughter (8 months younger than caylee) or any of my kids, being dead and decomposing... it makes my heart stop in my chest. i would literally DIE myself if anything were to happen to them because of something i did. if i accidentally gave them too much cold medicine or whatever and killed them, i'd be begging to go to prison and for the death penalty because i just simple could not live with myself... not even for the sake of my other children. i would be absolutely torn apart...
what just completely blows me away is HOW she could stand to see and move around and drive with her baby girl's body going thru various stages of decay (i'll spare ya'll the horrific details) and purging fluids all over the trunk. HOW int he world did she shove her in a hamper and then garbage bags.. then toss her in the bushes. dead or not.. wasn't she afraid to leave her alone outside? she didn't care that animals would be attracted to her and scatter her all over the place..
i wouldn't even be able to bury my child... knowing they were across town in a cemetery.. away from me and alone. maybe i'm just one of those overly attached weirdo moms.. but good lord... how does one act so nonchalant.. even HAPPY after something like this? gah!
i'm also disturbed by this... i've been for almost 3 years now..
and i can't decide who i hate more.. kc and family or her rotten attorney. just because of the blatant disregard he has for human live.. the life of a 2 year old that was taken by his client.
I tried to "roughly" outline in blue what I am seeing - hope this helps.

(respectfully I outlined on JWG's original work - just for reference - hope that is ok)

Thanks for posting. I am finally also able to see what everyone is talking about.
Here's the product specs for the chemical imaging system used by the US Secret Service, where the new SA expert witness in molecular chemical imaging (Joe Stephens) works:


Could Stephens have used this machine to create a better image of the trunk stain?? :woohoo:

I sure h ope their product is of h igher q uality than the documentation s oftware they u sed to produce t heir b rochure.

Bumping and bolding re: what technology the SA might use to further enhance the image for use in the courtroom...
Hi :)

Where is this photo? Thank you!

I posted JWG's earlier post (it's in the middle of this thread around pages 13-15 IIRC) explaining how this highlighted picture came to be. The red filter JWG used on the picture was just to highlight even more. The big circle where Caylee's knees appear to be is where the hole is on the carpet liner is for the spare tire (i think).
I tried to "roughly" outline in blue what I am seeing - hope this helps.

(respectfully I outlined on JWG's original work - just for reference - hope that is ok)

OMG! Thank you for this! I was one of those who just couldn't see it. :eek:hwow:
I tried to "roughly" outline in blue what I am seeing - hope this helps.

(respectfully I outlined on JWG's original work - just for reference - hope that is ok)

Got it now. That is most definitely an arm and a hand we see (from where you point out the elbow) and I also can see a fingernail. This has to be shown to the jury - because it is beyond SAD. Thanks so much.
Hard to say this, but the image also looks like she is wearing a pull-up diaper where less seepage was allowed to stain the carpet.
Hard to say this, but the image also looks like she is wearing a pull-up diaper where less seepage was allowed to stain the carpet.

Can they present this at trial and say this in our opinion is the outline of Caylee in the trunk. Because if they do, KC is dead in the water. DEAD.

The fact that we can actually see her in the trunk brings us so much closer to what she went through and how matter of fact KC awas about this. Her hand is heartbraking. Heartbreaking!!!!

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