2010.03.17 NG: George denies affair, Woman tells NE about supposed affair.

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I always noticed and wondered about this! (even tho at the time....we did not think the A's as suspect or comprehend the level of the A's penchant for lying...including Lee...I still always wondered why they weren't be followed....didn't know why then....now I know) Isn't weird how are hunches are often correct?

hindsight is 20/20, huh?
We really thought at first that Ca/GA were nice grieving grandparents.
When the lies and cover up, deceits, lies came out, we got the true picture.
I love looking at the old original videos now and watching GA .......IMO
HE KNEW the drama was for nothing with KC.
GA KNEW Caylee was dead...........even while taking to LE.
GA is a good con man, IMO, being in LE taught him the how to cover up and make a murder look like a kidnapping.
But to save his child he lied over and over again.
The A's made allot of money off baby Caylee.
CA loved the attention, IMo.
CA KNEW in her heart from the smell in the car something terrible happened to Caylee, she was in a denial at first, IMO just like never knowing Caylee's birth father and that KC had a job and KC wasn't pregnant. (looney tunes!)
Then CA also went into the lies,
Lee IMO was told to destroy anything that his sister may have on computer but was unsuccessful..........all that time at Ricardo's apt. MOO
How does one go into their local coffee shop ask for their normal drink and fruit and slip in a National Enquirer without the staff looking at you like the whole world has gone mad, because I have no time for the baseball hat and dark sunglasses switcharoo?

You're right Patty..your memory for details is amazing, I gotta tell ya! Now that you mention that, AFTER KC went back to jail, the protesters even stopped for the most part, only stragglers here and there IIRC. Also, thinking back AFAIK, nobody really followed them anywhere. Clips we saw were from jail visits, hearings, interviews, etc. And of course *leaving* the house with the rolling billboard and occasionally @ KFN tent and such. Don't remember anyone filming him *returning* home or ever being filmed or even interviewed doing every activities away from the house, do you? ..

I dont recall anyone seeing them go to the funeral home either.I would say they went at least once.
the national enquirer gets it stuff right only when they stalk the people they are writing about.

otherwise they usually make it up as they go along (did you know jaycee is 'in love' with garrido?)
The last biggie with the media for the Anthony's is when Cindy called the media to come to their home to look at the new Caylee Marie search boat.

OT, but why did they need a boat to look for a live Caylee ?
And what ever happened to said boat?
ok I am sorry but I am trying to come up with a single reasonable explanation for having an affair with a man whose daughter has been arrested for murdering her daughter.
Not doubting the affair necessarily,just the rationale behind it. come on.

Maybe for the same reason women (or girls) wanted to be with Drew P. They are :crazy:
There is a lot of weirdo's out and about these days.
FYI...we get our NE's on Thursdays at Walmart. I buy them on Thursday mornings, meaning they are already stocked (probably Wednesday night). But our grocery stores don't get them till Fridays. If you can't wait till Friday, go to Walmart tomorrow.
hindsight is 20/20, huh?
We really thought at first that Ca/GA were nice grieving grandparents.

(respectfully snipped for space)

I didn't! The first time I saw them, IIRC, was Geraldo's show and Caylee had just been reported missing. They didn't strike me as grieving grandparents at all, in fact, were rather combative with him! I also knew then that something was very wrong with the "nanny story".... MOO
how reliable is a lie detector test administered by a tabloid?

polygraphs arent even admissable when done by le or private detectives
Do I believe River or do I believe George and Cindy who still believe it was not Caylee they had cremated?
how reliable is a lie detector test administered by a tabloid?

polygraphs arent even admissable when done by le or private detectives
I was a psychobiology major in college and as such had to learn how to administer polygraph exams. All I can say is I would never take one in a million years. I failed miserably on my name, age and address.
I won't doubt the sisters story until I see some proof. The sister claims River has
other pictures and many text messages so I'll just wait to hear more before calling them
liars. George has already proved he lies and even stated he will do anything to save
Casey from her well deserved fate.
I didn't! The first time I saw them, IIRC, was Geraldo's show and Caylee had just been reported missing. They didn't strike me as grieving grandparents at all, in fact, were rather combative with him! I also knew then that something was very wrong with the "nanny story".... MOO
ME TOO!!!! I went sour on CA and GA, I think it was the 3rd day after the story broke, when CA got so rude to Meaghan Kelly on FOX Nat'l - CA just hung up on her!

I was always hinky about GA - from the get go - because of the car and his LE exp.
Then, I kinda let up on him - he was a somewhat believeable grieving grandpa.

But now? Who knows now - I sure don't.
Would they (the NE) send NG a "proof" copy or an "advanced cover copy" before its even out on the trucks?

For all we know NG called them last night and the NE worked this up today.

All the copies are printed up by today. They have to be. It is not unusual for people who are the subject of a story to get an advanced copy.

Nancy is powerful enough that the NE would gladly send over a copy to her.
I didn't! The first time I saw them, IIRC, was Geraldo's show and Caylee had just been reported missing. They didn't strike me as grieving grandparents at all, in fact, were rather combative with him! I also knew then that something was very wrong with the "nanny story".... MOO
I couldn't agree more! Very first time they were on TV, here locally, something about George did not sit right with me.....to this day, I cannot find that interview, but it was the very first local one that saw here in Jacksonville.....
The first time I saw the story I believe it was on Greta Van S.
and I was reading here. PA didn't have the story day 1.
I did think the room looked like it was redone to a shrine.
The gas can story was odd..........as this whole story.....
Stephen King couldn't even write a novelthat comes close to this whole mess.
God Bless the LE and prosecuters..........before they go nuts with this case!
Thank you so much Tricia! My money is on the new edition that hasn't hit yet. I'll betcha anything that tomorrow (or Friday) we see this story that NG so porudly proclaimed was already on the stands tonight.

Who gave the NE the story? That's the million dollar question.
I'm surprised the house is still standing.:furious::eek::bang::Banane38::cursing::argue:

didn't they move into a rental? IIRC I read it here on some other thread, no link sorry
You know, someone wanting to discredit the story could leak the information. Someone allied with Brad Conway...Not accusing him of course.

Exactly what I was thinking, what better way to discredit her by going to a tabloid with some details of the story. I was also thinking that someone inside the investigation could have did some under the table deal for the story as well.
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