2010.03.18 KC's indigency hearing #1

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Either Baez is being a patsy on purpose, they are desperately trying to set up a stellar appeal later on, or no one with a brain and common sense
is willing to go anywhere near this case.

I think what you see now is what you gonna get later. IMO
I laughed so hard when JS was saying he wanted to know when, where it was spent and Mason kept insisting it's all in the past and there isn't a penny in the coffers now - the past is over and it doesn't matter.

(I'm adlibbing part of that - but wow - crazy and good try - didn't work on JS! He just kept rocking from side to side like he does when he ticked off)

I enjoy the colour commentary.
Nope I saw her chewing when she was talking to her girlfriend.
Here's a thought - (from that new Trident commercial)

Why don't the state PAY THEM ALL IN GUM??????

I am still catching up, just got back. Thank you all so much for the updates.

In the first video, at the 29:00 mark JS says he wants to know what happen to the money and that how it was used and he needs to hear on that before he can trust the defense with publics money. LOVE IT! Something to that effect.


I had never seen this application until just now. Very interesting that KC says her monthly expenses are $600/month, that she has $1200 in her savings account, and crossed out the $1400 monthly salary (really? she wasn't working at Universal Studios? Really????)

Also, she has checked that she wants not a private attorney but a (free to her) state defense attorney.

Cheney Mason new member of defense team, Judge says what kept you

How on earth did JB get Cheney Mason to join his team. This guy is a power house attorney. I just can't imagine Cheney Mason getting involved with this case. He is first class all the way!
I really think that they thought that they were protected by the sealed in-camera hearing where JS sealed the source of the funding. Never thought that when asking for public money they would have to disclose that. Geez!

And why did they take so long today in the back room to figure out what they were going to testify to about where the funds came from and how they were spent? The truth shouldn't be that hard to figure out.
So Andrea states that students are not paying any money?? Or that they are not being paid money???? My question is......if Depaul students are working on the case as part of their class........AND if they are students paying tuition.....then there is another can of worms to look into.

She states her clinic is a charitable organization. Who is going to ask for those records that, by law, MUST be made public???????

Right...and further....

1. Andrea works full time at the school right? So she is paid a full time salary. Her "clinic" is part of her work right? It has to be because she is giving students school credit. So..........she is working on this case as PART of her job. She stands there in court and proudly states that she takes no money (except costs) for her thousands of hours. Ummmmmmmm, you are already being paid by the SCHOOL Andrea. Wouldn't it be "double dipping" if she were paid for her hours for the defense? So it's not such a gift Andrea......

2. Did you catch how she said that the clinic worked on behalf of the poor. Then goes on to say that the seventy grand in donations was pretty much spent on THIS case. Hey Andrea, what about all of those other ummm "poor" people? I guess they can wait the years it will take to finish the Anthony case. I wonder how many of those other "poor" folks had a war chest of more than $300,000 to start with....

Oh, and I had to chuckle when the new attorney had her give a summary of her experience. "yes, I've practiced for decades, hundreds of capital cases and yes (blush) I guess I am an expert." Then when Jose gets up there, not one questions about his experience or expertise. It would be funny if it were not so pathetic...

I am so happy that JAC is holding KC & Company accountable for the details of the expenditures. I'm also pleased that JS refused to allow them (defense) to go in camera with this hogwash also.

Seems that any attorney worth their salt would have come to court today with reams and volumes of documented expenses/fees/whatever (I don't care - make something up) to impress the court and the JAC.

The arrogance and ignorance of team Casey continue to render me speechless. They want the Florida tax payers to pony up and pay because they are to be trusted?

I was thinking the same thing he should be keeing an accounting of his hours and expenses. you would think that's something you learn the first day of law school. If my lawyer spent that much money he better have records of what he spent it on.
Hey guys, late getting here.
Here is what I predict

1. ) The money Todd paid will need to be returned to Todd since that much and more is allegedly missing from his clients trust account.

2.) The judge is making Baez itemize the costs he has spent

3.) The judge is going to order experts are to be sought out in Florida if at all possible, regardless there will be a cap on what they are paid.

4. ) Mr. Mason has a real law firm with a real staff and from now on motions will be correct on the facts, and correct on the law, personalities aside.

5. ) Andrea will bow out gracefully within three months

Mom and Pop are dunzo!

It is all good!!

I have a question re: number 3 on your list. Wouldn't that interfere with her rights to a fair trial to not be able to obtain whomever the very best expert in said field to testify on her behalf? This was my understanding and this would then give way to possible appellate appeals etc?!

All this makes my head spin around!
Sorry if this has been mentioned...Did you see CA get a call or text message and run out of the courtroom, then return looking like the 'cat that swallowed the canary'? Is it possible that she was invited into the room to see KC?

I think it was an emergency call from her hairdresser telling her to get in there immediately?
$200,000 licensing fees from ABC
5,000 donated
7,000 ALyon clinic
70,000 Todd Macaluso donated

That is the amount Inmate Anthony recvd...$282,000 so I can still find at least $90,000 unaccounted for...show me the money! :furious:

Dispicable Caylee has paid into the defense fund for the one who sits accused of her murder..How do we know, there aren't any movie/book deals. BC claims since the house is in forclosure that should prove there's no money coming in!

Her due process is for a fair trial. I say get some of them fat cats off her case. ALyon is no longer needed for C.Mason is death qualified. Baez has no use, being first chair is for what? Publiciity..or is he hanging on the the shirt tales for money after this trial. Unethical..he had to ask the ethics committee if that would be unethical??? What a dunce.! Get him off the defense, he's useless, IMO and has never said he's doing this pro bono but the experts are!
All that money and no depositions yet...he was waiting on this to start the depos at the states expense !
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