2010.04.05 Hearing Today Monday 10am EST

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I need to do some digging as well. I remember reading that there were TWO pieces of dna on duct tape (I believe both were from duct tape, but could be wrong): one that could not be traced to Caylee, Casey or anyone in the family (hence, the mystery); and one that was clearly identified as belonging to one of the FBI techs.

You're right. In hopes of preventing this thread from veering further off topic, here's an old post I did about this: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4327180&postcount=45"]http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4327180&postcount=45[/ame]

Summary: DNA from 2 people on duct tape. One was definitely from an FBI lab tech, the other was a tiny fragment consistent with another lab tech.
Did anyone tape that In Session talk with the lawyers and if so can you post it please? That is moving straight up to my number one favorite asenine thing I have ever heard a Casey lawyer say to date. Straight to the top!

Baez better thank God for Mr. Jordan not showing up today. That would have been a disaster of biblical proportions!
Mr. Jordon testified in his state subpoena interview many revealing things
1. He was contacted by a lady by the name of Laura Buchanan who was then and remains unkown to him. He has since learned she is a dear friend of mom and pop Anthony. ( In October of 2008 she blogged publicly about her affection for them, and that is only one example). Laura tried to convince him she searched the exact area Caylee was found in with him. Even looking at a photo of her, he does not recognize this woman and her claims made no sense to him, whatsoever. Still she insisted , she was working with the defense and asked him to call them. He declined. He was made so uncomfortable by her and what she was trying to get him to agree to that he KNEW to be untrue, he asked her never to contact him again.
2. To his surprise he received a call from Mort, whom we know from the Kronk interviews is ready willing and able to record interviews. Mort told him Laura thought the defense should contact Mr. Jordan. Very suspicious indeed, he asks a lawyer to accompany him and he records the interview.
3. Early on when first watching TV reports about the body being found off of Suburban drive, he mistakenly reported that he had searched the area.
4.Being shown the actual TES documents he filled out, and maps he initialed he came to understand that indeed he was not in the exact location at all, and moreover, like the other TES searchers who were interviewed under oath, he opined that indeed the exact area was ....guess what.... UNDER WATER!
4. Laura Buchanan was not brought in to testify for the defense today. Likely because it is painfully obvious that her information that she searched with Joe is either a mistaken recollection or an out and out lie. In either case, she would be, imo, quickly discredited by Mr. Nejame . Surely anthing Mr. Jordan would have to say about Laura will nail that coffin shut forever and her would be testimony will backfire. She filled out a form with Mr. Jordan's name on it, she had him down for searching an area that not only did he never search with her...he never searched that area, period. Rut row. I wont even go into her telling Mr. Jordan she was KY LE. If that is not true, that in itself is a crime. Her veracity is ...how can I put this politely...it needs to be looked into, with enthusiasm.
5. Putting Mr. Jordan on the stand and making the opportunity for these and other bad facts about the defense tactics would be such a mis-step, I am hard pressed to name it. Do you recall when he thought putting George on the stand would help illustrate that there was an agency relationship between LP, Tracey and Rob and the defense lawyers? Well..that sure backfired. George, being easily led by Mrs. Drane-Burdick proved just the exact opposite of Baez's argument. One would think Mr. Baez would learn to be careful what he wishes for.
6. Putting Mr. Jordan on the stand the fact that the area was UNDER WATER would surely be brought out by Mr. Nejame. There is no two ways about that. This form or that form, do you recall Laura or was she forgettable, these things will not be the headline. The headline would have read CASEY ANTHONY'S DEFENSE WITNESS TESTIFIED THE AREA WAS INDEED UNDERWATER WHEN TES TRIED TO SEARCH!
If I were Casey's lawyer I wouldn't want Mr. Jordan within a country mile of that witness stand.

Yes, it is very unfortunate, at best, that Mr. Jordan sent an e mail to LE before he thoroughly understood the facts of the exact area. It is not helped that he blogged and put up videos on YOUTUBE. Any time someone flip flops they lose credibility. No question. Even so, having him testify would only elicit a) he was mistaken and b) having reviewed the files and maps he has corrected his statements and opines wholly different than the quotes Mr. Baez is clinging to and c) Miss Buchanan is a friend of the Anthonys and he does not believe a word he says.

Yes, indeed, Baez ought to praise the Lord that Joe Jordan did not show up.


What two lawyers would go on national TV running their mouth off , disparaging LE and the State and TES when the judge hasn't even ruled yet. If he gets a glimpse of that little display of nonsense he is going to be even less inclined to cut them any slack, whatsoever. I am shocked, SHOCKED, that even the learned Mr. Mason does not understand that. In fact, I trust he does, because before he was on this case he opined publicly how very, very misguided the defense lawyers were for doing just that.

This brings me to my final observation. When he first came on the scene we all guessed why. My guess was he wants to go out in a blaze of glory, be on this very high profile, indeed the case of the century, write a book, be invited to give very very lucrative lectures, etc.
He confirmed that today by making the ill advised TV appearance and his remark that he wanted to do something relevant at this stage in his life.

Champagne to Nejame's office at once!

I wish they would interview you on InSessions regarding the facts of the case- the presenters there don't know much about the case and make so many errors you have to wonder if they are genuine since they are always pro defense. Cheney Mason makes a huge statement and they don't even follow up on it!
JB asking why everyone so afraid to uncover the truth of this case. JB says proscution trying to kill his client, says docs are critical to his defense.

Everyone would include his client...right? The prosecution is going to represent Caylee with facts, and evidence that her mother killed her. The jurors will decide if they agree with the prosecution or JB. My suggestion to JB is get your client to tell the truth, and throw herself on the mercy of the court. That would be justice for Caylee. JMO
Mr. Mason said "If we can prove with evidence at least a reasonable doubt that somebody else had to put that body there when she could not have, then logic 101 controls. That means that somebody else was involved. Doesn't mean necessarily that somebody else did the actual killing..."

That statement to me sounds like they know that KC killed Caylee and that someone else put her body there. Did anyone else take that to mean the same thing?

That's so STUPID! Casey's not on trial for having (or not having) moved the body, she's on trial for the actual murder in and of itself! :banghead:
:clap::clap: I completely agree! :banghead: What I don't understand is that Baez is going round and round in circles over these documents that "ARE NOT BEING KEPT FROM THE DEFENSE"!
They are just to lazy to go over to MN's office and mark the ones that they feel are of interest and get the records they want. Pure laziness IMO! :furious: Baez has been Lazy since day one IMO and it raises even more questions as to where all that money went that Casey got paid. I don't see that the defense used it appropriately, but that is another issue that IMO the state will do nothing about, just like they seem to over look other...IMO.
Back to the volunteers before I get a T/O lol.

TES is a non-profit organization and the searchers should not be harassed and have their personal information give out. This will affect any future searches and people are going to want to look the other way in the future instead of helping out in their community and who can blame them? I sure don't!
I understand where Baez is coming from, what I don't understand is why he has not carried his @zz to MN's office to read through the documents if this is so vital to Casey's DP/Murder case?
:waitasec: Why? I pray that the judge will finally step up and tell Baez to stop wasting the courts time and get off his @zz and start doing what he was paid to do! I also pray that the defense has to pay each time they pull these nonsense motions out of their @zz! :furious:

Something else I found of interest, Joe J. was supposed to be in court today. Baez was waiting for him and his attorney as a witness, but Joe was a no show. I wonder what happen and why he did not show?

I think basically JB did not want to use 'his' funds from KC to obtain the docs but now he doesn't mind if the taxpayer funds them and he has to make some excuse as to why he hadn't got off his azz to look at them before now, so he blames NJ and TM.
That's so STUPID! Casey's not on trial for having (or not having) moved the body, she's on trial for the actual murder in and of itself! :banghead:

I feel your frustration as it is mine too, I tire of the red herrings, the implications by Baez that there is some Casey version of the "one armed man" out there and that his client some poor innocent grieving victim.

Baez and the defense are not concerned with finding the truth, they are concerned with getting their client off of a murder charge. Do you not think there is a serious chilling effect that will take place on people volunteering to find missing children if the volunteers can be harassed in court as the defense tries to find yet another person to blame? Forget Zanny, forget Kronk, now it's one of the TES searchers that are so important.

YEs a person is entitled to a fair trial, but they don't get to destroy innocent people along the way. Baez admitted he doesn't know what he's looking for, so his whole purpose is to fish around for something to twist into beneficial for Casey. Disgusting.

Quote Respect Horace Finklestein :)

Yes! What about RK?

What about Zanny? :crazy:

Thank you for reminding me...the spin almost works sometimes... :hypno:
What hit me as glaringly obvious while watching court today, was how bumbling and disorganized Baez is in comparison to MN, who is concise, organized and intelligent in his presentation. JMHO
Casey Anthony attorney blasted by Texas EquuSearch lawyer

"Snip" WTVR http://www.wtvr.com/news/nationworld/os-casey-anthony-court-hearing-20100405,0,2164001.story

Casey Anthony's lead attorney came under fire this morning as her defense team tried again to obtain records about volunteer searchers with a group called TES.

Attorney: Records are available for inspection

Texas EquuSearch attorney Mark NeJame fired back at Baez's claims, saying Baez has had plenty of time and access to view all the volunteer records. He called Baez's lack of doing so "either laziness or sloppiness."

NeJame said Texas EquuSearch can't be responsible for what searches people did on their own time, separate from the organization.

He noted the defense hasn't tried to question EquuSearch President Tim Miller under oath.

He also refuted Baez's suggestion that the volunteer information may contain a bombshell, since the defense hasn't even looked at the documents.

Much More at link!
I will try to find it, but there is dna that is not consistent with an fbi agent. There was another dna that was consistent with an fbi agent. I wonder if this hair and dna are one in the same.

That is not true!

Both the fragments were attributed to FBI and a lab tech; they were both accounted for! There is no "mystery" DNA anything and this nonsense should be put to rest once and for all.
One comment made by Jose today and it is not an exact quote was... how the volunteers inserted themselves into this case by searching. That they were inserting themselves into a capital case.

I thought Caylee was "alive" back then? How could they have purposely inserted themselves into the case of a murdered child when the defense claims she was alive?

Name calling and bashing of players CAN result in a Time Out. If you feel you may have made a post like that, please edit or delete it.

We know this case can be very frustrating, but we need to keep focused on the hearing and not our personal opinions about the players.

This post has been made randomly and is not regarding the posts made right above it.
That is not true!

Both the fragment and hair were attributed to FBI and a lab tech; they were both accounted for! There is no "mystery" DNA anything and this nonsense should be put to rest once and for all.

The hair was not identified, although the hair came from crime scene items that are probably completely unrelated to the case, and definitely could have fallen from an LE tech during photography. Here's my old post again--hopefully this old thread is still open if anyone wants to rehash this issue:

Mr. Mason said "If we can prove with evidence at least a reasonable doubt that somebody else had to put that body there when she could not have, then logic 101 controls. That means that somebody else was involved. Doesn't mean necessarily that somebody else did the actual killing..."

That statement to me sounds like they know that KC killed Caylee and that someone else put her body there. Did anyone else take that to mean the same thing?

I think he is trying to confuse things and make them more complex -- thus introducing reasonable doubt into the chinks in the story.
One comment made by Jose today and it is not an exact quote was... how the volunteers inserted themselves into this case by searching. That they were inserting themselves into a capital case.

I thought Caylee was "alive" back then? How could they have purposely inserted themselves into the case of a murdered child when the defense claims she was alive?

excellent point Lola! The one who seems to have "insinuated" himself into the case of a murdered child is JB himself.
JB says TM should be listed on witness list.

What is Tim Miller a witness to with regard to this motion? He wasn't with any of these searchers when they stated they searched the remains site. DC searched the area for 3 days, and said he came up empty too, and he is a P.I. Tim Miller can only testify to what he saw with his own eyes. He wasn't there at that time..period! That is why JB won't depose Tim on this matter.
CM saying all evidence is exculpatory. No place of death, time of death, cause of death or who did it. Wants to do something relelvant at this point in his life. He was asked to join the defense.
And yet... Scott Peterson was convicted without the time of death, cause of death or place of death...
Maybe JB should put an ad in the papers requesting anyone who searched Suburban Drive before the rains came to contact him. He would probably get a lot of responses. He would also have a large group of suspects brought right to his doorstep.
Tm said on Ng that it would be a cold day in **** before he would let the defense see any records. So I respectfully disagree. This is an all out war. They are not going to be reasonable. They may have to go to Texas, afterall thats where Le found Lb's records. Talk about a coincidence. This is not a law suit, this is a capital case and the truth needs to prevail here. The Judge can decide to hold the truth at bay here if he chooses, but it would only result in an appeal later on. Three cheers for the truth, lets get everything out on the table so we can all move on. IMO

Yes, let's get this fantastic, caring mother of the year (sarcasm fully intended) to actually speak the truth (any truth would be a good place to start, IMO)! Get "everything out on the table" Casey....afterall....your tiny, sweet daughter is the VICTIM in this case, right?
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