2010.04.06 KC's jail house letters released

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I do not think that these letters were done for the sake of Casey's defense. I honestly think this was Casey thinking she had a friend in jail and was blowing off steam and just creating a friendship due to loneliness.
So far, there are just too many things that she is saying that I do not believe the defense would have wanted out there...way too many things to have to dodge in trial...
wow the letter about her mom is a good read! pg 52 and on!

Thank you so much for including the page number.
It would be great if y'all would include the page #s when you post about the juicy tid-bits. ;)
I had to stop, I'm going blind too.
But who is "Jose 2" who was going to sneak food to her? And who are "the boys"?
Hmm...maybe instead of insanity she wants to throw LA and GA under the bus and claim they were abusing Caylee?
Strange letters, that's for sure.
Maybe Baez doesn't care because he is planning on a plea deal anyway....

Kimster, that is EXACTLY what I am thinking. There is no way in hell Baez told her to write about using chloroform, or destroying her orginal zanny scenario. Because of these letters, they have even less to nothing to go into court with. They are morons if they aren't trying to work ou a plea bargain right now.

Wow, is Casey TOAST. I think the SA must have done the dance of joy after reading these letters. No wonder JA was in such a good mood yesterday!
OK...page 41..... "Jose did say I'd have a guy to love me." WHAT??????? Which Jose? Baez or Garcia? and Why is that appropriate discussion?
I wish the media would have transcribed these.. her handwriting is hurting my eyes.. from the little Ive been able to tolerate... she seems so... immature.. Seriously feels like Im looking at something a 12 yr old would be writing, for the most part. The "man crazy" part of her comes thru LOUD and CLEAR in this.. as does her extreme self -absorbtion.. Very little about Caylee and all about KC..
I truly don't see CA, GA,LA or JB being in on something like this because it has the potential to backfire in a very bad way. What I do believe however is that Inmate Anthony has been doing some reading etc. and is attempting to help her defense out her own way. JMO

I will be quite interested to see the reaction of CA, GA and LA to these letters! Accusing CA of bringing chloroform home for Caylee because she could not sleep! And the sexual abuse...disgusting! Every word of it. I for one do not buy one lousy word of it!

This girl is beyond crazy!!!

I was thinking maybe Jose told her to proclaim her innocence, etc when she communicated with people in jail, and she extended this to her letter writing charade. She protests too much and the Bible passages are just overkill.
What order is everyone reading them in? Should I start with the last first or vice versa? Thanks!
I read everything and no where does she write that Lee had intercourse with her or that GA molested her. She wrote that Lee felt her up and that she has strange dreams that she thinks might mean GA molested her. And no where does she write that she gave Caylee chloroform. That said, who wears a sports bra to bed? Especially a young preteen girl with either no or small breasts?? The Lee molest story makes no sense.

I think the news report made it seem like those things were in the letters, but if I read it correctly, they were actually in an interview they did with this Robyn person. Not in the letters.
OMG!!! How can they say there was nothing shocking in here. She admitted to using chloroform on Caylee. Hello????

I'm only on page 48, need a break, but where does she say she used chloroform?
I cannot read anymore, I purposely poked my eyes out!!!!! GOOD GRIEF!!!!!
Well, if the defense is working on a plea, the title of said plea would be, "Judge, your esteemed Honor, we are so very sorry for wasting two years of the state's time on such an obvious slam dunk...it is apparent to us that if our client keeps insisting that there was/is a Zanny the nanny then our SODDI is sunk because you won't let us go on a fishing expedition through all of those TES records and even though we said we could prove that KC was innocent when we had our day in court, it is clear we can't cuz even we don't know what we are looking for...and if these letters our fair KC penned so eloquently about her time in clink don't do the trick to make people feel sorry for her...can you just waive your magic gavel and make the DA's office sit down with us and take the DP off the table? Please."
Could somebody please tell me how to change the document orientation on my computer? Ive got a stiff neck from trying to read them sideways!
I'm on page 77 and my head is screaming! As far as the molesting... I think that sneaking into a twelve year old's room at night and touching her upper regions is considered molestation in most states... so, yes, she is accusing Lee of molesting her. And she is basically accusing George of the same thing in an indirect way. You know how Casey is.

She really doesn't like Brad Conway and she does admit to having a crush on Jose.

I need a break!
Could somebody please tell me how to change the document orientation on my computer? Ive got a stiff neck from trying to read them sideways!

Right click. It will give you an option to rotate clockwise.
roflmao ... she said people think she looks like Alyssa Milano.
I am on the floor with you. She looks NOTHING like her, ABSOLUTELY nothing...whoever told her that (all her life) was a big fat lie baby...no similarities at all-except they have the same color hair.

She says she does not know of one single mother who "doesn't try to get their freedom" and immediately after how it cuts her what people are saying because she was a great mom! (she is completely deluded. she has forgotten that being a great mom requires sacrifice and support and THOSE came from Cindy and George NOT from her).
Am I reading this correctly? She has a crush on Jose? As in her lawyer Jose Baez or is she speaking of another Jose?
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