2010.04.06 KC's jail house letters released

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LoL! We were starved for these!!!
Okay, excuse me, but where is she getting this Irish stuff? I thought her mother's side was the Romanian and her father's the Italian. I always thought her fascination with the Irish came from the fact her birthday it so close to St. Patrick's day. What have I missed? She wants to adopt an Irish baby? Good heavens, that's enough to make the whole country lock up their children!
Maybe her jail buddy was Irish??? and she wanted some acceptance. ;)
"We're going to set the date for the service sometime this coming week - the first week in February. I am extremely nervous to say the least. We'll finally have a little bit of closure. Is it wrong of me though, to not really want to know the truth? I'm honestly scared of the numerous possibilities. She's safe. She's in God's loving arms. In a lot of ways, I am content by the fact that she will never have to have her heartbroken, or see the constant negativity our society breeds, nor will she ever be abused or taken advantage of."

I was going to comment on this quote also. From Page 32 of the download. This makes me incredibly sad. She is "content" that Caylee will never have her heart broken. Most of us have had our hearts broken at one time or another. We survived it. Caylee should have had her chance to to grow up and love well enough to risk a broken heart.

KC? You there? You are "content" that Caylee will never be abused or taken advantage of? Caylee was abused. Plain and simple. Someone murdered her.
Her best friend 'Sista Robyn' asks of Tracy in one of her letters... 'Do you think her (KC) letters will be worth something in the future, maybe a spot on the Today show' - sounds like she was investing in her future income by befriending Casey. mmm Sounds like they are all made of the same stuff... scum.
I am late on the scene folks so have mercy!

pg 7...

the rapture? Is she freaking kidding me? Oh dear Lord...and she wants to adopt a baby, an Irish one, but when she does it she will do it U.S wise...gag, puke, retch, vomit, gag again! She is concerned for the missing...

so concerned she threw one of "the missing" out on the side of the road to rot like so much garbage...she wasn't concerned about THAT missing child, but now she is full of concern...

I will have a migraine by the time I finish these...
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LoL! We were starved for these!!!

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Has anyone ever seen the movie Elf with Will Farrell? He plays Buddy the elf & when he gets excited he talks non-stop about random things. He doesn't stick with one subject....he speaks quickly & is all over the place conversation wise. ANYWAY, KC totally reminds me of that character. She bounces all over the place. It's very hard to read!
This is a indicative of KC being Unipolar, Bipolar, or suffering from severe ADHD....in addition to her Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
"There's this song by Shinedown called "Second Chance", amazing song! It brings tears to my eyes and chills to my appendages everytime I hear it. The song of my current life situation(s). Something to hold on to."
Beauty tip from KC - put toothpaste on your zits. Guess she can't reach her back.

:rolling: Thank you! I needed that laugh amongst the tears.

I can't even get angry with these letters, I just find them soooooooo terribly sad for Caylee. Knowing what Casey did and who she is, is one thing, but seeing it in print just makes me sob! She was a mother. A mother of a beautiful gift from God and look at her! Ugh!
She had started having seizures in her sleep in September while she was home, caused by stress, and she has had a few while in custody. She suffers from headaches and takes medication to prevent these seizures.

I gotta wonder if those are truly seizures - or just when she is sleeping she is facing reality. I don't think you can lie to yourself completely when you are sleeping. She is probably having horrendous nightmares about what she really did.
I cannot read anymore, I purposely poked my eyes out!!!!! GOOD GRIEF!!!!!

I know! I can only read like 10-12 pages at a time and then I switch back to here. When I do, the letters typed here look so small compared to her huge handwriting! Its making me see double almost!
KC wants to get an RV, get out of jail by summer, have a second chance...and she is grateful Caylee won't have to be hurt by life to reach those second, third and fourth chances KC is so clammoring for: translation: "I did Caylee a favor." JMO.
Hmmm I have a feeling that this little story of Zanny and not reporting Caylee missing because she was getting their shi*t together to move away will come back at trial to haunt her. What money did she have saved? She had no job! New everything?! With what her good looks?! The prosecution will have a field day with this...

She forgot to mention also trying to clean the decomp smell out of her car trunk.
I LIKE MONKEYS thing creeped me out!!!
I love all the nonsense 'God talk' and scripture quotations, interspersed with obsessive self-talk about her needs and wants, lusting after Jose, other attorneys, talking about teeth whitening, etc. Just disgusting and bizarre.
"Unfortunately, my plans got beyond tangled when Zany wouldn't tell me where she and Caylee were. I had asked her to take Cays for a few days, so I could put the rest of our stuff together, money I had saved, new clothes, new everything," Anthony wrote. "That's why I waited to report her missing because she was and wasn't."

1) All of the money I had saved (lol). That I spent at Target and Fusion while I was looking for Caylee.

2)New Clothes? For Caylee? Really? New everything? Couldn't Zanny have lent it to u since she had it all along

3) I waited to report (Caylee) missing because she was and she wasn't...really?

Throw the book at her already. I would but I am currently blind reading her handwriting. I can't see...my aim would be off...
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