2010.04.06 KC's jail house letters released

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I believe AZ Lawyer mentioned the episodes of General Hospital and their relevance to certain parts of Casey's crime, intersting that on page 75, Casey admits to being "hooked" on General Hospital and watching it in jail everyday.
"Peace and hair grease" LMAO

Websleuths just crapped out on me for a couple minutes!
I haven't read about the chloroform in the acutal letters yet (I'm on page 76), but it is mentioned in Yuri's summary at the bottom of page 8. I really hope they have that letter.


I am also now reading Yuri's report, been switching back and forth between them cause the handwriting is blasting my eyes not too mention the content! OMG! Yuri's report on bottom of page 8 really gets interesting and it is clear that Casey made mention of details that the chaplain was unaware of when he went to talk to Casey and inform her of finding Caylee possibly! Her boats going to sink me thinks.........
Repressed sexual abuse by her father that is just now coming to the surface? For once, this one single time, I actually feel sorry for George...and Lee? Three years of sexual abuse by him? She was either super jealous and out to get back at him, OR she is just THAT diabolical to make that up, or the least likely scenario of all, Lee actually did that...
Her writing gives me a HEADACHE.

Anybody doing a transcription will get a reward. :)
I tried..truly I did...but "drivel" was a good word to describe this...painful even better.
She wants to set up an RV ministry, traveling throughout the US. How does she read the Bible without bursting into flames when she touches it??
I wonder if GA and LA are going to jump the KC ship since she threw them both under the sexual abuse bus???

What tales they may have to tell?????

This is getting better by the minute.
I believe AZ Lawyer mentioned the episodes of General Hopspial and their relevance to certain parts of Casey crime, intersting that on page 75, Casey admits to being "hooked" on General Hospital and watching it in jail everyday.
Why does it sound like this girl is away at summer camp? She's having way too good a time in jail IMHO.
I've just started reading - on page one - have to agree her handwriting is obnoxious!

It made me really sad to read the "in order for us to have lives, we must lose our old lives in order to be reborn". Her getting rid of Caylee was her way of ridding herself of her old life. How very sad.
"We're going to set the date for the service sometime this coming week - the first week in February. I am extremely nervous to say the least. We'll finally have a little bit of closure. Is it wrong of me though, to not really want to know the truth? I'm honestly scared of the numerous possibilities. She's safe. She's in God's loving arms. In a lot of ways, I am content by the fact that she will never have to have her heartbroken, or see the constant negativity our society breeds, nor will she ever be abused or taken advantage of."

Glad you posted that one, because it made me do a double-take too. That last sentence...
Well I have not made it throught the first set and I just can't take reading this crapola anymore. I'll just wait and read this thread for the highlights. Good luck to any and all who can stomach reading them all. :)
An entirely NEW Zanny the Nanny story! Give it up Casey-you are done!
Well, early on she does admit to staying home all day and going out at night to find "Mr. Right". So much for a job!!
Pages 50-53 about CA and the memorial are very interesting. My opinion of CA has been proven without a shadow of a doubt. Unless KC isn't telling the TRUTH, of course. :waitasec:

Kimster, my opinion of CA (referring to Cindy) has been proven as well; Cindy is as disturbed and dangerous (perhaps even more...) as her daughter. :furious:
She had seizures before she went to jail and has had several since she has been there? The only sign being a headache, and then all the seizures in her sleep? Needs reminded to take something for it if she gets the headache...what? Seizure meds do not operate like THAT! You take them ALL the time...not just when you think you have a sign you might be getting ready to have one...

She's certainly hitting all of the necessary points - she was molested/victimized, but magnanimously forgives the victimizers (just like ghandi! WOW!),she is reading that Bible night and day and has found Jesus, complete with quotations, she knows the 'real' Zanny didn't do it (I don't know where to even begin with that)- therefore, the killer is a mystery person never to be found. Don't worry that you can't find the real Zanny, she couldn't have done it,she was gonna rescue Caylee by moving away from the evil family (with what? monopoly money?) but alas, the cruel world prevented it from happening, and BINGO!! *The big one* An explanation of why she waited 31 days...because Caylee was and wasn't missing. Yes, this is a scheme, a setup, a contrivance ladies and gentlemen!

Well, early on she does admit to staying home all day and going out at night to find "Mr. Right". So much for a job!!

She has a knack for making laziness seem like a virtue. As if she's some struggling single mom, trying to make her way in the cruel world.
I've just started reading - on page one - have to agree her handwriting is obnoxious!

It made me really sad to read the "in order for us to have lives, we must lose our old lives in order to be reborn". Her getting rid of Caylee was her way of ridding herself of her old life. How very sad.
Ya know, even when she writes about Caylee...there's no feeling in her words...nada. Maybe it's good for Caylee to be gone 'cause now she won't experience her heart being broken? Who says these kind of things?! This piece of work is seriously wacked.
PG 508
Casey says, Jesse. Some man of God! I got God's message last night though - I need to forgive Jesse for being a "creep" and for taking advantage of Caylee and I yet again. I've forgiven him but I will never forget how he treated her and I before and I will never forget him trying to capitalize off of us now. Everyone sees him for the joke that he is and he has no one to blame but himself, but of course, the idiots in the media love a controversy.

Pg 512 She talks about her book (?), Cindy's (?), and someone by the name of Ray.

Link: http://www.wesh.com/download/2010/0406/23069066.pdf
Well LA and GA went under the front wheels with her lies about abuse and CA is being pushing under front and back. Saying that her mother brought home Chloroform from her 'clinic' is absolute rubbish but KC is too stupid to realize it. Chloroform has been out of general use in anesthesia for Many years, and is not freely available in hospitals,pharmacies etc- that's why KC wanted the recipe to make it.
For once I feel a smidgeon of pity for the Anthonys, what a vicious shrew KC is, plus these stories have all been contrived with Baez, that is obvious.

In a few days the A's will react with righteous indignation of course, and try to convince the world that KC is obviously deranged, and probably needs mental health care, not incarceration. The wheels go around.....
ITA. CA is sitting at home right now (drawing unemployment or medical disability paid for by our tax dollars) writing up her speech. Lord have mercy!
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