2010.04.19 Judge Strickland IS stepping down

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The rainbow got me. Why am I on the verge of tears over this? Am I a loser or what?:loser:

No, you're someone with the compassion and sense of humanity that Casey Anthony and her ilk lack, that's all.

Take comfort in the fact that this isn't going to change Casey's outcome in the least. She's still going down for Caylee's murder. ;)
The judge notes the time of the filing last Friday and says there was no copy forwarded to the court and says this was an obvious move to maximize media exposure and minimize time for a response.
:furious: I am SO annoyed this happened today. IMO, it's all because fingers were on a keyboard typing away when they should have just remained off the keyboard and remained silent. :furious:

I agree that maybe he should have kept the conversation to himself, though I would be hypocritical to write that he should stop posting all together.

I suppose they still could have found this, if they listened to the older court proceedings, but that would be unlikely at this point-This does go back to the fact that MD wrote about exactly what happened. And his latest blogs show some signs of him being disturbed that this happened because of him.

I really have to wonder what KC thinks about this-As vapid as she can come off, I do think she knows a thing or two about what is going on around her, and if she were truly paying attention, she would see that she has been getting a fair shake from the Judge S. She has to be worried that she is going to be getting Judge Hateskillermommies next.
please tell me I am dreaming!
This can't be true!
I loved the judge...........now who will Baez get in his pocket!
I'm so upset!
What does this mean for the trial?
Start all over again???
"At it's core, defense's counsel's motion accuses the undersigned of being a 'self-aggrandizing media hound.' Indeed. The irony is rich. Motion Granted."


--respectfully snipped

Over the past 20 plus months, in-between media interviews, guest appearances on television shows, and press conferences, defense counsel has filed a litany of motions.
My two favorite quotes (though there are others):

"Over the past 20 plus months, in-between media interviews, guest appearances on television shows, and press conferences, defense counsel has filed a litany of motions."


"At it's core, defense counsel's motion accuses the undersigned of being a "self-aggrandizing media hound." Indeed. The irony is rich." Hello Pot, meet Kettle. :)
I think it is important to take note that -

Cheney Mason has pretty much stated his intentions to retire soon, so that means he won't have to appear before Judge Strickland anymore....if ya catch my drift. ;)

However, Baez will. :)

I cannot adequately express how stupid a move I think this was from the defense.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Is Perry strict, no nonsense, what?

I'll say! He is a no nonsense judge. He was a former Asst. State Attorney. JB and his posse will never get away with half of the nonsense JS allowed. I don't think there will be too many motions that are not ruled on right away. This judge knows the law back and forth-he was over JS.
Let me go on the record as saying.........Be careful what you wish for.......

While I respect Judge Strickland and consider him to have behaved appropriately and fair when presiding over hearings and considering motions. This DOES NOT and I repeat DOES NOT.....worry me, concern me, or freak me out.

The defense has argued how the media has impacted this case........this event (in its entirety) has added more interest and fuel to the media interest. When they ask for that COV.............remember that.

Take a deep breath my WS friends.........and put your faith in the system. While flawed, it works! Who knows....maybe the histrionics of a self proclaimed old / hearing impaired attorney before a no nonsense Judge will create for more exciting commentary.

I have faith.
Now KC is left with a Good ole boy who is overdue for retirement, a lawyer who was 182nd in a class of 185, and an unknown quantity for her Judge.
Her attorneys have just got rid of her greatest asset. lol
Check out his closing statement...

he addresses the accusation that he is a self aggrandizing media hound...

says the irony is rich!!!!!!!HAA HAAA
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