2010.04.20 - Nancy Grace.

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Granny - "I hate to say it b/c they are my grandkids, but that little girl has grandparents too."

go granny
FH: I hate to say it. Their my grandkids. But that little girl's got grandparents, too.
Tommy could well have been inside of the LE car for the ride over... just thinking of possibilities.

Bottom line I hope that Art knows what he is saying and is confident enough in it to say it on the Nancy Grace show.
That's right, Misty and Tommy were not at the dock on the same days, much less the same time...how could they ride in a police car together ? Unless there was a trip we don't know about ?
I was thinking small fragments...maybe it was large bones...OMG! Still don't think they would show misty Haleigh bones (evidence) though, I think they would use anything that looked similar. In this case, they may have got desperate though, and I could be wrong.
Wow just wow. Im thinking they are tricking Misty to. And allowing her to be in the same car with tommy got my hinky up...They are listening to every word, just a matter of timewho gets the best deal.
LE means business now - may be messin' w/them big time
W/E it takes (w/in the law)
I hope Flo says she thinks ronald is involved and mentions the marriage was to keep from talking to miss nancy!
Again, from his "sources"................everyone needs to relax and just let all this soak in with a grain of salt; I want confirmation from LE; until then; I am not going to get upset!

ITA...I'm just floored he would state that. :banghead:
Good point---they were taken on different days. Also Sheriff Hardy said at the presser--they found no human remains. They were scaring her with deer bones.
OH good grief...No one knew if they were Haleigh bones, could have been animal bones. They were trying to shock a confession out of misty. She cannot be reached...they think she has blood running in those veins.

Bring Granny there...that'll do it..


Yes, Whisperer, bring Granny to have a face to face with Misty and then Tommy!
I was thinking small fragments...maybe it was large bones...OMG! Still don't think they would show misty Haleigh bones (evidence) though, I think they would use anything that looked similar. In this case, they may have got desperate though, and I could be wrong.

BBM --

ITA - doubtful that MC has the keen eye of a forensic anthropologist.

ETA: she didn't even know how much HaLeigh weighed. :(

MC's bluffed long enough...it's time the bluff was on her.
They probably just had Misty looking at some random animal bones- no one said it ws any full piece of anything. A bone looks like a bone to a regular person, especially if it's just a piece that's been sitting in a river for a while.

Meanwhile, they could be using the DNA to test other things like hairs caught in something.

The ONLY person I've heard say they were Haleigh's bones is NG and she's almost insisting on it.
I was thinking small fragments...maybe it was large bones...OMG! Still don't think they would show misty Haleigh bones (evidence) though, I think they would use anything that looked similar. In this case, they may have got desperate though, and I could be wrong.
Honestly I think LE could've shown MC just about anything, told her it was a human bone, and she'd believe it........MOO
That's right, Misty and Tommy were not at the dock on the same days, much less the same time...how could they ride in a police car together ? Unless there was a trip we don't know about ?

i understood that they allowed them to ride back together
and misty told him what they showed her
confirming now -AH
they rode back together
Um...How exactly does AH know what conversation happened between ToC and MC in the back of a police car?
I hope grandma says the part where she thinks Ron's involved, just to see the look on NG face.
OMG! It just hit me... so Tommy and Misty are in the back in the car and may have come up with story... then called Gma 15 MINUTES APART with the same story... gawd.
Oh boy, rc's interview about the cinder blocks on his property. NG asks if he seen them before. He says, He has no clue where they cam from.

..............the rest is double speak. Eventually he winds up saying he may have seen them but not where it is now...
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