2010.04.21 - PCSO asks Bloggers and TV Personalities to back off....

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I thought Granny's speculation on Rons guilt was based on fact as we know it. Misty was strung out and Ron left her to babysit her kids. How can GMS counter that?

Yes, when asked for specifics, this is what Gma Hollar responded with to support her claims that Ron knew more about what happened to HaLeigh. Gma's response points toward Ronald being a negligent and incompetent parent (surprise, surprise - not) but it does not explain why she feels Ronald knows more about what happened to HaLeigh. JMHO ~
Okay so if we are to disregard the statments given by these "personalities" and blogs...we are left with:

1. People (no idea who) are talking (no idea what about)
2. Haliegh is deceased (no idea how, by whom, when or why)
3. Misty is the key to the break in this case (was the general consensus when Haleigh first went missing)
4. Misty is calmer (is she doped?) and starting to talk (about what?) because she knows she's in trouble (when did that light bulb finally go off? and why?)
5. LE has a "reasonable belief" that Haliegh was killed/disposed of at the river (why? what leads them to reasonable believe this?)
6.LE is working dilgently to close this case (we would hope so)
7. Pretty much everything that is said by anyone besides LE is either fabricated, exaggerated or complete hoggwash (now there's a BOMBSHELL!)
I hope AS is not going to go on her public mission about how grief-stricken her grandson is. I bet she goes on and on about how wonderful he was and how great misty appeared when they met. Then she will switch it up and go full blast at misty for what she has done. AS will steer clear of any of ron's judgement calls, behaviors, guns, drugs. She will concentrate on his being the bestest Daddy around and he simply made an error or two in judgement.

FH does not have the articulation to match AS and she will give back a response that says it the way it should be if there were no filters around. She's rough around the edges, okay more than the edges but AS is a pit bull. I am kind of disgusted when I think about it that NG has decided to bring ron's family into this so they can get an opportunity to build him up to the masses that know NOTHING about him and give him a sympathetic audience again.
I so agree HH. The problem is the gullibility of the masses. But Kimster would seriously zap me with her ray gun were I to follow your excellent observation here with a discussion of the status of education in our country.

So I won't. :angel:

Nor will I adhere the word "spoon" together with "fed" in reference to said discussion. :angel:
I have to go buy some supplies for the show.. :drink:
but whisperer, fh might say something that will throw ggms for a loop. or vice versa. I just can't wait to see reactions and such. I don't think anyone will take what either of the gma's say as fact, but the responses will be interesting for sure.
I have to go buy some supplies for the show.. :drink:

omg... you are ONTO SOMETHING!! I could watch the later repeat NG (after Survivor, of course) and maybe with some calming beverages it would be palatable!! :woohoo:
I hope somebody ask AS who was in the car with her that night. I know misty said lisa but I want it verified. I also want to know how many times rc called her that night. Why did TN have to send her over there? Were there any cars out front?

At one time GMA said misty fed, bathed and got the children ready for bed. Another time, she said she never went inside. How often did GMA babysit the kids and when was the last time they were at her house?

.....will they pick up the phone if I call NG?.....LOL
omg... you are ONTO SOMETHING!! I could watch the later repeat NG (after Survivor, of course) and maybe with some calming beverages it would be palatable!! :woohoo:

I plan to imbibe beverage while studiously NOT watching. No amount of alcohol could make that spectacle palatable IMO, lol. I will, however, toast to ya'll choosing to watch and will await your thoughts on the broadcast anxiously tomorrow morn.
I'd just like to point something out, then I'll try to shut my mouth and not say anything further on this issue; One of the points that I've heard Levi raise (or at least attempt to) during his recent guest appearances, pertains to the source(s), in this particular case, Gma's source(s) for all of her recent proclamations and, as Levi pointed out, Gma Hollar can't even recall precisely who told her what - instead her reply, when asked for specifics, was something along the lines of "Oh one of em in Florida." Why is this so important? Its important, not only because any information pertaining to a missing, possibly murdered child case, should naturally be of the utmost importance, especially when aired publicly on national television - its important because it makes the difference between the individual who is simply publicly sharing their own personal opinion(s) and the person who genuinely has credible information relating to the case.

Let's face it, if NG and JVM invited guests on their programs simply to add another opinion to their panel of guests, we'd all be invited. Gma Hollars opinion is/has been given special favor purely because of her close proximity to the case; the family relation. IMO, that may be enough to get her (Gma Hollar's) foot in the door, so to say, but it shouldn't be enough to keep inviting her back when she clearly can't even give (or recall) the important specifics related to the information she's disclosing.

Sadly, due to NG's and JVM's lowered bar of standards regarding their guest's credibility, they've become nothing more than a public national forum whereby family members and others related to a criminal case can appear to duel it out. Sadly, it has become no different, IMO, than the Jerry Springer Show - chairs being flung across the room. As long as viewers realize this, there isn't any danger (take it with a grain of salt...) but unfortunately due to NG & JVM's programs covering true crimes and cloaked in a "fighting for justice" platform, people take what they and their guests say very seriously. The public's opinions then become prejudiced - not by facts, but by which guest, in this case, it will be Gma Hollar vs. Gma Sykes, is more likeable or seems more believable.

With so much potential to do so much good, what a shame that these programs have been reduced to this but, lets not kid ourselves, this is all about ratings and $$$ - nothing more and nothing less.

I totally agree with you. Nancy Grace and JVM became entertainment shows a long time ago. However, I still use them to find out about cases that I might want to follow on WS. Originally, I didn't know about crime blogs, but a disability gave me way too much time on my hands and I goggled a case (Natalie Holloway) and found WS so I kind of listen to NG and JVM while following on WS. You are right, people should recognize the shows for what they are and don't take them as gospel and research the true information. They do provide a fractional bit of information on cases but are seen more as "entertainment" as far as I see them.
I hope somebody ask AS who was in the car with her that night. I know misty said lisa but I want it verified. I also want to know how many times rc called her that night. Why did TN have to send her over there? Were there any cars out front?

At one time GMA said misty fed, bathed and got the children ready for bed. Another time, she said she never went inside. How often did GMA babysit the kids and when was the last time they were at her house?

.....will they pick up the phone if I call NG?.....LOL

All good questions and were GGMa Sykes to be on JVM - those might get asked. Questions such as that will not be asked by NG. It is going to be a sugary show I am afraid, a real suck up.

I don't see why these GMa's should be confrontational to one another - GGMa Sykes should be quite pleased by GMa Hollars pointing at her own kin and not Ron. Gonna be a tough row to hoe if GGMa Sykes decides to say Ron wasn't a fool for leaving his kids with Misty that night. And if she takes that route I hope someone will have the guts to ask her just why the heck all the phone calls and no coming home to find out about his kids instead of stoping for beer, nuts, and cigs. But that question will not be asked either.
It is a rare opportunity for us to hear the players speak. It is good to be able to assess their behavior and analyze their words. It is a tool. Just pretend you are a juror and they are giving testimony. It is up to you to decide if you believe them or not.
I don't think she's had that much of a makeover-just has her hair down, wearing an attractive blouse and some lipstick. She says she has no money to put into Misty and Tommy's account to talk to them-so I don't think she's gotten much if any money-yet!!:banghead:

I'll bet she's had more than a couple of $$ donated to her by now.

You know, if Nanny Hollers is being manipulated, whoever doing it is being REALLY smart about it.

I mean, who is going to donate money to her just so she can reassure Misty/Tommy? "Boo hoo...boo hoo..I hate it in jail...gimme some money...buy me some honey buns...I'm more important...get me out first...I didn't have anything to do with it..."

HOWEVER...people WILL donate money to keep her phone line open if they think she's going to get all the sordid details from Misty/Tommy about Haleigh's murder/disposal of Haleigh's body/a confession/etc... and share them with the public.

Smart. They don't REALLY give out anything. Just more carp to keep the public interested AND they get what they want...money in their accounts, freedom to make calls, "fame"

The more I think about it, the more impressed I am that somebody could come up with that sort of scam.
omg... you are ONTO SOMETHING!! I could watch the later repeat NG (after Survivor, of course) and maybe with some calming beverages it would be palatable!! :woohoo:

O/T, me and Survivor have a date every Thursday! I love Russel! I will record NG and watch after my Thursday shows. That is after I read hear, if it sounds like a waste of show which most of the time it is, then I skip it.
O/T, me and Survivor have a date every Thursday! I love Russel! I will record NG and watch after my Thursday shows. That is after I read hear, if it sounds like a waste of show which most of the time it is, then I skip it.

Trying to follow this mess is like BEING ON Survivor. :banghead:
Wondering how two loving, caring, respectable Grandmothers would even partake in this circus. What does bickering like an episode of People's Court have to do with honoring the life (considering its only been a few days since Haleigh has been deemed deceased) of their grandaughter let alone help solve this case!!!
Sounds like a Jerry Springer mover for ratings.

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