2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

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I guess I'm assuming they're pursuing a dual course. LE is, of course, human. So it's possible they have tunnel vision. But it's not like they've focused on th just cause it's easy. She's done plenty to warrant their full attention, imo. I have no idea what LE does or does not have in the way of evidence, but I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that the case is progressing the way it's progressing for a reason. For example, the lovely miss aleshire submits that they've got it all wrong. However, if she's an employee at the gym and saw terri and maybe baby k on june 4th, then her testimony is relevant, regardless of her enlightened opinion on the subject.

I think I read that she is an employee of The Edge on Twin Oaks. Interesting that considering TH reportedly went to Waterhouse gym location on the 4th or was it DeDe? I'm still puzzled by her switching locales that day, why? The two gyms are .5 mi (3 min) apart.
Just jumping in here quick, still catching up... but I'm very happy to see that they are calling more than 1 or two witnesses a day... I think that I read that the judge ordered all media off the upper floors of the courthouse until Aug. 11th. I also think that I read that the parents are the first of a long line of witnesses coming in to testify...What I'm confused about is why DS is coming back at a later date...perhaps she is working a deal for immunity... Just my opinion.... :)

It could be they want to hear what other witnesses have to say about that day before they call in DS. Maybe her immunity (or even her need to testify) depends on what some other testimony or evidence establishes.
I think I read that she is an employee of The Edge on Twin Oaks. Interesting that considering TH reportedly went to Waterhouse gym location on the 4th or was it DeDe? I'm still puzzled by her switching locales that day, why? The two gyms are .5 mi (3 min) apart.

- According to this video, friend Chelsea used to work at a 24 Hour Fitness before it moved locations. I can't understand the location of the 24 Hour Fitness that she worked at when the reporter says it. Tannonshire? Something like that?


- According to Kaine, Terri goes to 24 Hour Fitness on Waterhouse Ave in Beaverton every day from 11am to 2pm. So it looks like she went to the gym she always goes to, not a different one.


At 11:39 a.m., Terri checked in at a 24-hour Fitness in Beaverton on Waterhouse Avenue and worked out for about an hour until 12:40 p.m.

I have a "gut feeling" that the GJ will know exactly what to do once they've heard all the friends' testimonies. I guess I'm still holding on to the hope that TH handed Kyron off to someone to keep him safe from some real or imagined harm. It would explain why this one friend says they are going down the wrong road and, in a way, why they are saving DS testimony for last. I can't see another reason for her friends to be so vehement in their protection of her. They know things we dont know. For Kyron's sake, I pray it is so.
Above BBM. I am just going to put this out there as an example... The above BBM, "It's not as if there were a large area bleached in the home or truck."~end snip..
How do we know there was NOT an area such as, or similar to a "bleached area" found by LE?

We don't KNOW. KH and DY would CERTAINLY NOT share any type of info or evidence of this nature with the media.
So, there could be any numerous items of evidence that we have NO CLUE even exists, much less the details of what and where such evidence were located..

Respectfully snipped.

I'm making an educated deduction. LE has stated consistently and repeatedly that there is no evidence of a murder. None at all. A large bleached area would be an indication something violent, like a murder, took place, IMHO.
- According to this video, friend Chelsea used to work at a 24 Hour Fitness before it moved locations. I can't understand the location of the 24 Hour Fitness that she worked at when the reporter says it. Tannonshire? Something like that?


- According to Kaine, Terri goes to 24 Hour Fitness on Waterhouse Ave in Beaverton every day from 11am to 2pm. So it looks like she went to the gym she always goes to, not a different one.


At 11:39 a.m., Terri checked in at a 24-hour Fitness in Beaverton on Waterhouse Avenue and worked out for about an hour until 12:40 p.m.



They are saying Tanasbourne. =)
I'd be very curious to know what these very loyal friends of Terri's have to say about her trying to hire someone to kill her husband and sexting and sending provocative photos of herself in the days following Kyron's disappearance?

I don't have many people I call real friends. The few I have, I treasure above gold and rubies. It would take a lot more than the allegations being made about TMH to shake my loyalty to my real friends.

Some of my real friends have seen me do things that were unwise (to say the least) or downright stupid. They didn't reject me or scorn me for it and they sympathised when it all went inevitably wrong.

If I were TMH's friend? I'd want to know a lot more about the MFH allegations before believing them. If the witness (the landscaper) is so very credible, why did he wait until approached by LE in a different matter six-plus months later to come forward? Does he have some legal problems of his own that he may be hoping to make go away by concocting such a story about TMH?

As for the sexting, that's her business. It isn't something I would do but then, I really don't know. My whole world wasn't in the process of exploding around me and I don't know what sort of marriage KH and TMH had. I know people whose partners explicitly allow such things; since it's not my marriage, it's not my place to judge.
I've said this already, but this is really sounding like an investigative GR...did someone say whether or not they ever use them in Oregon?

Am anxious to hear if and when teachers and others from the school will start coming in, if they haven't already. Especially the little boy.

would they bring children before a GJ ??? That would be so freightening, especially if they had to go in alone...
- According to this video, friend Chelsea used to work at a 24 Hour Fitness before it moved locations. I can't understand the location of the 24 Hour Fitness that she worked at when the reporter says it. Tannonshire? Something like that?


- According to Kaine, Terri goes to 24 Hour Fitness on Waterhouse Ave in Beaverton every day from 11am to 2pm. So it looks like she went to the gym she always goes to, not a different one.


At 11:39 a.m., Terri checked in at a 24-hour Fitness in Beaverton on Waterhouse Avenue and worked out for about an hour until 12:40 p.m.


I read the order twice, the only mention of a gym that I could see was Kaine listed The Edge on Twin Oaks as an additional place for TH to avoid him. It seems logical to me that is the same gym that the family usually went to, not the Waterhouse location. I'll look it up but I think, and I could be mistaken, that The Edge was where Terri went and requested a call when Kaine came there to work out. So, I really don't understand why she would go to the other location on June 4th. :waitasec: At this point, I need my own timeline and info notes, it's very confusing esp. since LE has not been able to release info. Just one of those confusing details about her timeline. I have to go back and research more, in that I'd like to be clear on what, if any facts have been from LE and what is "unnamed sources" ???? Thanks for linking all that, it helps. mg
There is speculation on this board that maybe Dede stood in for Terri by going to the gym under her name. That would work if she checked in at a location that was not super familiar with Terri - just could remember red hair.
Possibly Terri duped Dede - told her she was interested in another male and was planning on meeting up with him and would need her to stand in for her at the drop of the hat. So, Terri could call her at the last moment Friday (Dede would kind of be expecting the call and ready to hit the gym under Terri's name) and instead of meeting a man, Terri was taking care of business (disposing of Kyron). This could explain the sexting to an almost stranger - possibly while Dede was staying with her Terri was sexting to add credibility to her supposed affair. Just a theory.
It appears to me that Terri has some very loyal friends.

From the article: http://www.koinlocal6.com/content/n...pear-before-grand/2Ls683NdO0mfFAKnUn2ZHQ.cspx

"I can't tell you what happened, but I can tell you that you guys are going down a dead end," Aleshire said just before she entered the courthouse.

“She (Terri) was my friend, I talked to her that day as a friend, and that’s all,” she added

I think she was defending herself in that quote. I think because she was Terri's friend, and Terri's friends are being looked at with suspicion by the media and others right now, that CA was defending her own lack of a role in the abduction. Saying that she spoke to Terri not as a co-conspirator but simply as one would speak to any friend.

This is another stumbling block for me. She genuinely seemed in earlier pictures to love Kyron. Somehow she went from loving him, to not caring whether he lived or died, and her daughter was the reason.

But she's willing to kill her daughter's beloved brother in front of her, and dispose of him, either with while she's with him, or endangering her while leaving her alone while she disposes of the body?

I can't really get my head around how that is even possible, let alone the trail of evidence that would have been left behind, and she had very little time to erase it and compose herself. Either MCSO are the most incompetent LE agency on earth, or TH is the most brilliant human ever to live.

Looking at Terri's pictures I agree with you; it's totally baffling. But Kaine and Desiree also appear as loving, engaged parents in pictures. We don't have a single picture of anyone looking with malice upon Kyron. It's so sad when you read about other cases of parents harming their child, there always seem to be loving, happy pictures of them taken not one week before the parent snapped and killed them. It's awful. It defies any caring person's explanation or understanding. :(

Also, with regard to Terri's friend, obviously she doesn't think Terri is guilty, so I doubt there was some explosive revelation about whatever they talked about on the phone that day. Terri talking to this girl only confirms another plot point on her timeline. We may not know what it is, but it's something else she did that day.

When I think about the GJ indicting Terri and a possible trial, I wonder:

How are they going to disprove that Terri drove baby K around too soothe her earache? They'll get some doctors and friends who say "Yes, in fact, driving a baby around while she's teething would be soothing." It's something that can't really be disproved.

Her pings don't quite match up? Experts, and a lot of them, to cast doubt on the exact science of cell pings, or Terri doesn't remember exactly where she was driving because she was worried about calming her daughter so maybe she did ping off that tower and didn't realize it. Suavie Island has been searched extensively, and LE found nothing.

What do the cell phones prove? Desiree has said she was suspicious of Terri from the first phone call. Houze will trot out some friend who tells some sad story about Terri not even being able to talk on her phone because everyone was so suspicious of her. All she wanted to do was find her son, she had no one to talk to, blah blah blah.

The sexts? IMHO, even though it's among the more supposedly damning evidence, it's also the easiest to explain. Trot out some expert who says Terri has low self-esteem and only feels self-worth when engaged sexually with a man. Lord help us if there is some revelation or accusation that Kaine was emotionally or otherwise abusive. Kaine left Terri, took the baby, accused her of something horrendous, Terri was grieving for her son, and voila, ugly coping. Everyone was pushing her to break, and she did, but not in the way anyone thought or hoped she would.

I just don't understand how they're going to indict her without witnesses seeing Kyron leave with her and without a body and without evidence that a murder even occurred.

Also, IMHO, if DS was going to reveal something explosive, she'd have done it by now and the case would've progressed in a mighty way (his body found, the bloody shovel, whatever). There has been plenty of time for immunity to be worked out, and yet Kyron hasn't been found.

I hope they have more clues at their command than we do. I actually (oddly) desperately hope that we the public are the least possibly informed part of this case and that others have more solid clue footing than we do. Actually they must, because based on the evidence that has been released and even suggested, I'm not sure how they could have brought this to a grand jury. So they must have more evidence - probably much more - than we know of.
I don't doubt that LE looked into other possibilities than Terri being guilty; but they appear to be invested in a need for her to be guilty, in a way, at least to me. Maybe that is partly due to D&K needing it to be Terri so badly and being so vocal about it. They are really the ones who brought all the focus on to Terri, not counting the flyer from LE.

With the GJ meeting, however, it does seem that whatever they have learned, they are pretty convinced Terri is the culprit. I still can't figure out how they can prove it if no one saw her leave school with Kyron. Her saying she left him there should make perfect sense, if not for her oddities since that day. So taking away her behavior (if possible)- what points to Terri, really?


As I understand it, a Grand Jury consists of a panel of jurors who basically watch a presentation put on by the prosecutor, that may include witness testimony, exhibits of evidence, etc, and who then vote on whether the prosecutor has provided sufficient evidence to return a bill of indictment.

I'm not sure where your information (BBM) is coming from. As far as I know, they haven't even voted yet.

Do you have a link?
It just seems wierd that absolutly nothing has come out today about anyone being called bf the GJ.
It just seems wierd that absolutly nothing has come out today about anyone being called bf the GJ.

Or any other news, that I can see. And it's nearly 1:00 here in Portland. Calm before the storm?
Or any other news, that I can see. And it's nearly 1:00 here in Portland. Calm before the storm?

I know Right! I mean I realize that cases kinda slow down or whatever but man with all thats been going on, GJ hearings, the "note" on the wall, then silence...... It just strikes me as odd.
No, there's a place farther down in the RO document that Kaine lists the places Terri frequents, and it listed 24 hour fitness in Beaverton as her gym.

Kaine listed his own gym as The Edge.

I see it now:dance:. However, how do we know that the Waterhouse gym was the one she went to on a normal day? Obviously after the RO she could no longer go to Twin Oaks, but that doesn't cover her on the 4th. Unless KH and TH always went to separate gyms prior to Kyron missing, which has no logic to me at all, however it's possible, even though the 2 locations are only 3 min apart. But, I don't think so. IMO

As I understand it, a Grand Jury consists of a panel of jurors who basically watch a presentation put on by the prosecutor, that may include witness testimony, exhibits of evidence, etc, and who then vote on whether the prosecutor has provided sufficient evidence to return a bill of indictment.

I'm not sure where your information (BBM) is coming from. As far as I know, they haven't even voted yet.

Do you have a link?

By saying they think she is the culprit, I mean LE thinks that...not that the GJ thinks that...at least not that we know of...

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