2010.07.27 - Investigators presser - reward increased to $50,000

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On the bright side, I was glad to hear that the reward was simply for information that leads to finding Kyron, and not for information that leads to the successful prosecution of the responsible party.

Thank you, Sherbie...

AND, when I look at how all of us are frustrated, anxious, on pins and needles, etc. -- I fervently hope anyone who has a CONSCIENCE and a HEART who knows anything they haven't revealed yet about Kyron's disappearance will come forward in some way. (And not because of the increase in the money -- because a heavy heart and guilty conscience is something most of us couldn't stand to continue to live with.)

The heat continues to truly be ON............
Maybe LE had no idea that DeDe would go into the GJ and plead the 5th, possibly they thought by this time today they would have had an indictment.:waitasec:
I agree and Desiree sobbing is also something new. I'm not saying she hasn't been upset, but sobbing this time? Was she finally told that Kyron is dead or they believe he's dead? Or is just she's finally breaking? Something isn't right here. The reins are too tight, almost choking. I'm not sure what, but I'm still a bit anxious.

That was my initial reaction, too. :cry:

I hope I'm wrong, but she seemed to have gotten some news and it doesn't appear to be positive. :(
Feel so sorry for the mother to be put through that. It felt like a LE PR conference to me without any need for the parents too be there.

Just another person wanting Kyron to be found without the "hoopla" of the adults behaviour distracting.

First post here, so if I've done anything wrong tell me and I'll correct.

MOO, think I got that right?!
Somethings up, seems like a complete change of plans, what did they say about their conviction rate? I can't remember what percentage he said.
I have a feeling something is going to break big time. Don't ask me why, but I feel like their reason for the presser changed at the last minute.

I was wondering about that too. DY and KH looked way more upset today also. Like maybe they know something new perhaps.

Maybe when they scheduled the presser they thought that they'd have something from the GJ yesterday.

Wierd, just really wierd.
They had so much to tell us that they had to start late. :croc:

Actually, they probably last-minute bailed & edited out all the info they were planning to share - hopefully because they are hot onto something investigatively...

Seriously, how is it they won't even say that the investigaton - or the other investigation - is being reviewed by the GJ?

Now, ANONYMOUS donation doubled the reward for Kyron. Is that a clue?

I have an idea...why won't we use Terri's $300,000 of Terri's $350K retainer as reward money for the month while her attny sits around and does nothing. Just to see if Kyron pops up? I mean if it brought Kyron back, we could all agree on a swift trial for Terri. $50K expenses tops. Right? :banghead:
The bit about depriving parents of the child just says to me that they are thinking up a charge, if they don't find kyron and don't have a witness to Terri w/Kyron...just a new way of phrasing something...
Ever notice... when LE zips their mouths a little tighter, and the family does the same thing... when it seems like these pressers are all just a lot of talk and no news.... something is about to happen. I've noticed that in a lot of cases. When they suddenly go silent.... the dam is fixin' to break.
With this GJ thing going on... somebody is going to be arrested.
Well if that is all they wanted her to know they could have sent out an email to the press earlier saying the reward has been increased and it would have made the news just as fast.

I am not sure what their motives were. Imo, it is the worst one they have had.


Because a written note couldn't convey the look on Desiree's face. It was heartbreaking to watch her obvious pain. I think it was two fold if not enticed by the 50 grand then perhaps they could possibly have a heart and would come forward with some information.
I agree and Desiree sobbing is also something new. I'm not saying she hasn't been upset, but sobbing this time? Was she finally told that Kyron is dead or they believe he's dead? Or is just she's finally breaking? Something isn't right here. The reins are too tight, almost choking. I'm not sure what, but I'm still a bit anxious.

She probably had believed all the hype that something big was going to happen, and believed she was going to get some answers about her child. Very sad.
I have not yet caught up with the thread, but my impression was that it must be an election year for the sherrif. There was no "real" info shared other than soliciting for votes.
Why doesn't Kaine ever make an emotional plea for the safe return of his son? It's obvious that Desiree is always the one to step up to the plate (mike) and it is increasingly difficult and extremely painful for her to do so. Why doesn't Kaine show a little chutzpah and make the plea from a father's perspective? Puzzling to me. jmo

Cuz he has no gonads! I don't know about him -- he seems like he wouldn't stand up for his cat. Why put D through all this...step up dude!


I guess we don't need to start any new threads for info learned in this presser.

:crazy: I guess if we all get hard pressed we can make a thread on WHY the PC was called at all. lol

I agree and Desiree sobbing is also something new. I'm not saying she hasn't been upset, but sobbing this time? Was she finally told that Kyron is dead or they believe he's dead? Or is just she's finally breaking? Something isn't right here. The reins are too tight, almost choking. I'm not sure what, but I'm still a bit anxious.

maybe that explains ''the absence of pleading for Kyron's return''
Why doesn't Kaine ever make an emotional plea for the safe return of his son? It's obvious that Desiree is always the one to step up to the plate (mike) and it is increasingly difficult and extremely painful for her to do so. Why doesn't Kaine show a little chutzpah and make the plea from a father's perspective? Puzzling to me. jmo

I think it's likely b/c she plays it better. NOT saying they are "lying," or "faking," etc, just saying that some people do emotion better than others in public, i.e. are more comfortable doing it in conventional ways. In stressful times, people are often just delegated various positions - DY is the "emotional one," I guess. Makes sense given typical gender norms, etc.

(OK, hiding behind my rotten tomato deflector shields...)
OMG there are 450 viewers on this thread!

*emma streaks across the thread like lightening, in front of 450 people
just to cross that off her bucket list*
Is it possible that they are not finding the answers they thought they would at GJ?
I think people are reading too much into things...I think it is what it is. A bigger reward, no new info as to where Kyron is and no idea if he is alive.
I really don't think anything is about to break based on comments by LE about being in this for the long haul, and I don't think this was for Terri, either. No one called her out and there were no new or damning accusations against her. How is this applying more pressure? DY et al have been much more outspoken in the past. I have to wonder if Desiree is so upset because there are no leads and she is overcome with the reality of the situation.

LE, in this particular case, seems a bit publicly preoccupied with how much this is costing. I've never followed a missing persons case as closely as this one, but I have seen pressers and whatnot related to other cases, and I don't recall so much emphasis on the cost of the search. Yes, sometimes, on the magnitude, but not the cost.
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