2011.03.07 Motion Hearing - *Updated* Key Ruling In! See Motions Thread (sticky)

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Me too, for Susan Smith.

I watched her initial press conference and thought, wow, she's lying!

It was the strangest feeling.

Me too. Always rely on your gut feeling... I got the same feeling when I saw ICA come through that door with LE and she was smirking at the cameras
I love "consensual encounters with the police" too! Wasn't the first time she had a "consensual encounter"
You are too clever!!! It was right there and I missed it!!!! You are a gem!!!!
I think the code has finally been cracked....

Today is...

TIMER 55!!!

Let the countdown to trial begin!

See the countdown timer at The Hinky Meter .com
I just read your siggy. She really stated that, huh? I'm not sure I know how to take that.... Does she mean that she'd rather have the baby dead than alive with somebody else? Is that somebody else really her mother that she would dread the baby being alive with? Or does she mean that she doesn't want to go through the daily torment of not knowing where the baby is or knowing that the baby is living with somebody?

Wouldn't any mother rather experience some level of comfort intuitively knowing their baby is alive with someone as opposed to being dead?

Clearly, that statement has my head spinning. That is a classic demonstration of the narcissitic trait of "odd thinking."

I'm not AZlawyer, but her signature quote by Casey that you are commenting on also hit me squarely between the eyes. It is very incriminating and speaks to motive, IMO and here is my take on it (which is similar to your questions) - Cindy and Casey were in competition over Caylee it seems. When Cindy got on Casey for her stealing and deficiencies as a mom, she threatened to take Caylee from her (legally.) In essence, Casey said ("Over her dead body.") JMO.
Me too, for Susan Smith.

I watched her initial press conference and thought, wow, she's lying!

It was the strangest feeling.

I remember this too....why did you think she was lying? ( I did too....too dressed up, made up with a pretty scrunchie in her hair to be distraught)
I knew Susan Smith was lying because NUMBER ONE: A lot of black men don't take care of their OWN kids so I knew darn well a black man didn't take her kids. And TWO: That woman cried without tears.

I knew Susan Smith was lying the minute I heard the announcement that a black man who was on the run after a robbery hijacked her car with SS and the boys inside, then dumped SS and drove off with the boys. Really? A criminal on the run would call attention to himself driving alone with two little white boys? Really?

I could see the man hopping into the car and then forcing all of them out so he could have a getaway car, but never would he saddled himself with two little white neons signs. In the south. Or anywhere. That would be like hanging a bright flashing sign on the car - "Look at me, Look at me. Come and get me.".

SS's public cryfest only confirmed to me that she was guilty.

Back to the main subject at hand, JUDGE PERRY IS MY HERO. :clap: :woohoo: I knew he'd do the right thing for CAYLEE. :great:
Wonder which way the defense has to look now.. They have looked in all directions I can think of ( up, down, left, right and even sideways) This is only the beginning of Justice for Caylee! Rest assured she will get Justice.

In the spirit of cooperation might I suggest, THE MIRROR!!!!!!!!!!!
(do they have mirrors in jail?)
Ohhh My I just dont know where to post this since there are so many threads..But I just read Judge Perry denied all Defense's motions regarding Freye Evidence aka Choroform..etc..I thought I copied and pasted the link..but it went nowhere..Yikes...

Bottomline Defense has lost alot of key battles...I'll bet they are hoping things dont move forward due to fundings...I think in their minds that the longer they delay..the longer they wont have to face their "Waterloo"!!

Personally, I have no idea why Casey has NOT confessed to her actions..but by her denials, and causing so much waste of time and millions of dollars by the State, donators and all!! I certainly Hope seconary charges get levied against her!! "Concurrent" to her sentence!!

I wonder ?? How Casey sleeps at night??..:loser:
IMO you hadn't given consent.

One more tidbit to my story posted earlier on this thread...the officer that cited me had a horrible reputation in the county-She had sued the county numerous times for sexual and racial discrimination, losing more than one suit. Quite a bitter disposition, which came through in her tesitmony. The sitting judge was aware of this.
My attorney, on the other hand, was well-liked and an older, very humble gentleman who had worked in the circuit for quite some time.
Perhaps here the converse held true-That an officer/detective with integrity gave compelling testimony unlikely to be doubted as untruthful. An attorney with a bad track record, er, Baez, is not likely to make same impact as an attorney that has "pure" motive and honesty behind him.
Not to say that HHJP did not rule on law, but I have to wonder if today's ruling does not at all reflect on the defense's muddied reputation. Just something to think about as we move ahead. At this point, some humility on the part of the defense may serve KC well.
Just an observation and personal opinion here...a bunch of us recalled the Universal interview as Casey being told she could leave if she wanted, when those words were not spoken. I believe the words, "Obviously the doors unlocked. We just closed it so we could have a little privacy and talk to you," allowed me to infer that she was free to go. The inference is there.

Makes ya wonder if today's ruling will slightly change the course of future Miranda rulings-That "free to leave" does not have to be a verbatim statement, but can be a variant of that statement.
I doubt ICA is going to enjoy what I have just inhaled and digested - a gorgeous meal of Denied Motions, which I have lovingly grazed on to my heart's content.

I am so full and downright blissful right now - I can barely move.

O Happy Day!

By the way Mr. Baez, may I present you with your dinner because this is such a special day !

You may have wanted manna from heaven, but here you go - This is called....

.......A THWART CAKE.........:cupcake:

Oh sorry - it's just a picture!!

It is actually for us - each and every one of us here at Websleuths - we are celebrating because you have been thwarted.

Here a thwart :cupcake: there a thwart :cupcake: there a thwart :cupcake: everywhere a thwart :cupcake: thwart :cupcake:

Justice for Caylee Folks are having themselves a little Par-Tay!!

Now Logicalgirl i drawl the line right here --------> No giving good Thwart cake to him................ I have something better for him and KC in honor of this monumental day...............
Not to go terribly OT, but ICA's 25th birthday is tomorrow (what a nice pressie, eh). And it looks like she'll be able to choke down these motions with some cake too!

Her day will start with the jail's breakfast menu for the day -- one cup of grits, some breakfast gravy, bread, jelly and margarine.

For lunch, the jail will serve a bologna sandwich with cheese and pudding for desert.

Dinner consists of meatloaf with gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots and bread. Anthony will get a piece of cake with dinner, but that's only because it was already on the menu this week.

I wonder if JB will deliver this grand news on her birthday!


The years between 25 and 30 are, IMO, a second set of "coming of age" years in our lives. That is, it is the time where we struggle with who we will become professionally, where we stand as far as starting families, getting married-Some are just leaving college and are out in the big bad world for the first time. (Okay, not me, I started a family at 19, but most sane people hold off a bit longer!)
I wonder if this maturing effect will get to KC at all...not likely that we will ever know since she is as stubborn as a mule, but my birthday wish for KC is that life's weight begins to bear down on her and some realization kicks in, even if only in her mind-She is, after all, trapped with herself and her thoughts.
I for one will not give the A's one second of viewing time on any show or network they may appear on after she is found guilty and sentenced. That goes for any member of her "dream-team" too.

I would be game to watch their trials!!!!!!!!!!!
Now Logicalgirl i drawl the line right here --------> No giving good Thwart cake to him................ I have something better for him and KC in honor of this monumental day...............

OMG!!!!:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :laughitup: :laughitup: :laughitup: ................... :toast:

I love it!!!!

I only sent him the picture though! Not to eat - just to eat his heart out - LOL
Ohhh My I just dont know where to post this since there are so many threads..But I just read Judge Perry denied all Defense's motions regarding Freye Evidence aka Choroform..etc..I thought I copied and pasted the link..but it went nowhere..Yikes...

Bottomline Defense has lost alot of key battles...I'll bet they are hoping things dont move forward due to fundings...I think in their minds that the longer they delay..the longer they wont have to face their "Waterloo"!!

Personally, I have no idea why Casey has NOT confessed to her actions..but by her denials, and causing so much waste of time and millions of dollars by the State, donators and all!! I certainly Hope seconary charges get levied against her!! "Concurrent" to her sentence!!

I wonder ?? How Casey sleeps at night??..:loser:

Actually the Chloroform is the only one that the defense sort of won. HHJP ruled that the admissibility of that evidence will be argued at the Frye hearing. The defense lost on every other motion in todays rulings.

- All of KC's testimony to LE, from the first 911 call up through the interview at Universal Studios will be heard by the jury. ALL OF IT. She was not detained by LE and gave all of those statements voluntarily and willingly.

- Neither the A's nor the prison friends are considered agents of the state. As a result all of KC's conversations with any of them will be admitted. The jailhouse recordings of visits etc.

- The Plant evidence will not be subjected to a Frye hearing to determine admissibility. It is pure opinion testimony. As a result the Jury will hear Dr. Halls testimony directly and the defense may challenge it using their own expert. (Dr. "Happy Plants"). The jury can then come to their own conclusions regarding who knows what they are talking about, and whether an experienced distinguished botanist of 60 years can give a reasonable estimate of how fast plants grow. (I don't think there is a lot of doubt about this one).

All of these rulings should be blood chilling for the defense. There is not a lot left for them to work with. The jury will see their client exactly the same way we have been seeing her for the past 2 years. All the lies, all the inappropriate emotions, all of the narcicism. (They will now 100% see KC's... and not just JB's).
OMG!!!!:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :laughitup: :laughitup: :laughitup: ................... :toast:

I love it!!!!

I only sent him the picture though! Not to eat - just to eat his heart out - LOL

Fine, I will spring for the accessories!

and this adorable licorice looking electric cord!
Fine, I will spring for the accessories!

and this adorable licorice looking electric cord!

You are definitely on a roll tonight - and that is sooooooo considerate of you! I'm so impressed!
...................... :pillowfight2: ......................:giggle:
I don't think JB is losing any sleep tonight, because remember, at trial he is going to tell us what REALLY happened and then we're all going to mumble a collective "Ah ha" and give KC the mother of the year award!

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