2011.04.15 Hearing Thread

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Thank you, Tia.

It's my understanding that yes, the court is making accomodations for the Jury, but NOT the State or the DT. The State and Defense obviously have to make arrangements in another hotel away from the jury. Your Honour did say that 1 person should be assigned from each side to make hotel arrangements for their teams (@ approximately $50.00 per head). This 1 person is going to know in advance, so the State and DT can set up office and hotel locations because they won't be able to keep driving back n' forth. Makes me wonder just how far away this trial is gonna be.

Can I see JB selling this little tid-bit to People magazine for a hefty sum? Oh, without a doubt.

Of course that's my opinion only.


They are not making accommodations for the jury in the county the jury will be selected from I do not believe? The jurors will be local to there. They will not need rooms until the trial kicks in and the jury is brought to OC.
I'm thinking if it was a plea deal, they would have done it earlier or possibly before this hearing without it being public. Still in camera.

right but they went in camera because JB requested this after JA made the note that he will still be suing the doctor's deposition during the penalty phase. This prompted the in camera meeting. Or are you saying the in camera meeting was scheduled in advance?

I think JB had a plan according to how the rulings went today and the in camera part was requested directly due to the outcome of today. KC is in with them so this tells me it has to do with her specifically and not just lawyers.
Same sots - no refreshing here either - let's all see if it helps and we can get our other peeps back on.
I'm gonna make Tricia & aware asap,
I'm thinking if it was a plea deal, they would have done it earlier or possibly before this hearing without it being public. Still in camera.

Yeah, no plea deal in the works.

Even though they are losing motions right and left, and are on about their 17th incarnation of how they are going to rebut the State's case, they DT is still very, very smug, puffed up and smiley.

They still think they've got this in the bag for some reason. :waitasec:

Funny, I didn't know "delusion" was contagious! :floorlaugh:
Wow, if this is a plea deal (and I don't want to start a rumor that it is) but that would be huge. Something big is going down.

I don't think a plea is in the making. Hope not anyways.
To be a fly on that wall.

Let's all pay close attention to KC's nose when they return.

Will it be red and swollen from crying...or longer from lying??

Will she be all smiles or frowns?
Please be patient, folks. There are about 1,500 people on WS at the moment, and many of them are here. The Cooper trial is also bringing in a lot of readers.

If you get a server death message, just close and don't try to bother it for a moment. Let it take its lie down, and see if it feels better.

Also, be sure to copy any post before hitting "post," so you don't lose it.

Bear with us!
They are all in the jury room, including KC. Talking
jb - we don't have enough money to take our staff over there -

I missed the last part of the hearing
Did he really say that?
This from the 'unusual person' who has been asking for a change of venue since 2008?....
How would he have afforded to move the staff 4 hours south to her preferred location...Miami?
Try and not use the thanks buttons either as that is slowing things down as well. :) Just seeing if we can do whatever it takes to keep the thread up and running.
Good heavens--just shouldered my way back in... thanks Beach for sending the update to Tricia and .

(Totally OT but right now I am hearing the first ice cream truck of the season a block over! :spring:)
I'm going to sit back and not post until court starts again and see if that helps with allowing others to get back on.
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