2011.05.28 Cindy Anthony testimony

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As a grandma of a granddaughter who was Caylee's age, I think Cindy did a wonderful job on the stand yesterday. Watching Cindy, two things were clear to me. First, Cindy loved Caylee, no two ways about it. Second, she had been sucked into the ICA's lies for years. I think 6 weeks ago (when she was told what the defense's big ole plan was), Cindy finally saw the light, all of it. And clearly, I wasn't the only one who figured it out. Cuz it made the ICA MAD! As of yesterday, I am very, very proud of Cindy.

Well it seems CA went off script a little because KC was so upset.
Oh my word. I was just rewatching the CA testimony and noticed something I hadn't noticed before (forgive me if this has been mentioned but I am not caught up on this thread at all, just wanted to put this out there as I'm seeing it).

http://www.wftv.com/video/28058702/index.html (starting around 20:00 mark)

This is when LDB asks CA whether she has looked for Zanny and then asks her when she stopped looking, and CA answers.....OMG watch CA's body language for the few seconds after she says the words 'until six weeks ago'. She tenses up her jaw and her head/neck seems to involuntarily jerk. And I didn't even notice this physical reaction when I watched it live yesterday, probably because I was, like everyone else, digesting the implication of...six weeks.

GA and CA's love for Caylee is so clear....I start to weep too when they weep talking about her :(
Oh my word. I was just rewatching the CA testimony and noticed something I hadn't noticed before (forgive me if this has been mentioned but I am not caught up on this thread at all, just wanted to put this out there as I'm seeing it).

http://www.wftv.com/video/28058702/index.html (starting around 20:00 mark)

This is when LDB asks CA whether she has looked for Zanny and then asks her when she stopped looking, and CA answers.....OMG watch CA's body language for the few seconds after she says the words 'until six weeks ago'. She tenses up her jaw and her head/neck seems to involuntarily jerk. And I didn't even notice this physical reaction when I watched it live yesterday, probably because I was, like everyone else, digesting the implication of...six weeks.

GA and CA's love for Caylee is so clear....I start to weep too when they weep talking about her :(

Did LDB ask CA why she stopped looking for Zani 6 weeks ago?
Oh my word. I was just rewatching the CA testimony and noticed something I hadn't noticed before (forgive me if this has been mentioned but I am not caught up on this thread at all, just wanted to put this out there as I'm seeing it).

http://www.wftv.com/video/28058702/index.html (starting around 20:00 mark)

This is when LDB asks CA whether she has looked for Zanny and then asks her when she stopped looking, and CA answers.....OMG watch CA's body language for the few seconds after she says the words 'until six weeks ago'. She tenses up her jaw and her head/neck seems to involuntarily jerk. And I didn't even notice this physical reaction when I watched it live yesterday, probably because I was, like everyone else, digesting the implication of...six weeks.

GA and CA's love for Caylee is so clear....I start to weep too when they weep talking about her :(

I have wondered if throwing GA under the bus was enough to bring CA on board with the Prosecution.
I'm not convinced she is there willingly. We still have issues surrounding Dominic Casey and possibly even Laura Buchanan.We don't know how much or IF the SA's have knowledge of CA stepping outside of the law. If they do it might have been just the push CA needed.
Is Cindy's testimony about KC's perfect mom/daughter behavior really helping the defense? How is this proving KC lived in a disturbed family environment and reacted accordingly?

It will be interesting to hear Baez questioning Cindy. What route will he go with this one?
IMO the biggest revelation from CA testimony is -- on June 16th the flurry of phone calls CA received at work from ICA - was ICA looking for a sitter - and one of the only few times CA said "NO" - ICA gave CA the ultimate punishment for that ...and CA will have to live with that for the rest of her life

Would you please tell me where this is said. I've read CA's statement twice, I keep missing where this is said. Thanks so much :)
Would you please tell me where this is said. I've read CA's statement twice, I keep missing where this is said. Thanks so much :)

I don't think CA ever said anything about it. I think the SA got it from telephone records. IIRC, she tried to make calls to GA too.
IMO the biggest revelation from CA testimony is -- on June 16th the flurry of phone calls CA received at work from ICA - was ICA looking for a sitter - and one of the only few times CA said "NO" - ICA gave CA the ultimate punishment for that ...and CA will have to live with that for the rest of her life

CA's testimony cleared up for me that those flurry of phone calls had anything to do with sitter service. CA said that Monday's were days she was in meetings and could be late comming home.. it was not a good day to communicate with Casey or have Caylee come to the office and she would not be available to later to sit anyway. June 16, 2008 was a Monday. cha ching so no wonder CA didn't get those flurry of calls, she was probably in a meeting and Casey was probably not calling for a sitter since she would be late for her movie date.
I don't think CA ever said anything about it. I think the SA got it from telephone records. IIRC, she tried to make calls to GA too.

So, if she was calling GA too obviously he was not home. I'd like to ask JB how he will account for that.
They are going to try and talk about the stolen money, but so far the judge is not allowing them to. It is too prejudicial. So they need to find a way to get it in. But since the jury knows she did not really have a job and they see her shopping all of that time, they must be wondering...

Also, the reason Linda did not ask about the incriminating stuff like the fight--it is because Cindy already denied it under oath in previous testimony. So if she suddenly changed her story now, the DT could impeach her and she would not be able to testify anymore.

Could the DT ask CA about the fight?
Did CA testify that she, in fact, removed the pool ladder away from the pool after she and Caylee were done swimming and ICA took Caylee inside for her shower?

The defense, in their opening statement said that CA told her boss/co-worker that someone was swimming in their pool because the she saw that the ladder was up to the pool.

I'm confused.
Thank you!
Did CA testify that she, in fact, removed the pool ladder away from the pool after she and Caylee were done swimming and ICA took Caylee inside for her shower?

The defense, in their opening statement said that CA told her boss/co-worker that someone was swimming in their pool because the she saw that the ladder was up to the pool.

I'm confused.
Thank you!

Yes, she said she took the ladder down.
June 16 2008 – I believe this was just a normal day Anthony style until 16:00 or 4 pm this is when ICA is frantically looking for a sitter – I know others thought this was when something happen to Caylee but I think based on testimony that ICA called CA at worked asked if she could drop off Caylee because she had a “big” event at her pretend job – IMO this is the 1st time CA tells ICA NO- CA states she has a meeting at work- ICA is annoyed (could use other words but don’t want TOS) this is why ICA calls CA repeatedly – Then she tries GA – to see if he can babysit – no go on that either …and IMO at 16:25-18:31 those 2 hours with no cell activity is when ICA did whatever she did and poor lil Caylee met her demise.IMO the biggest revelation from CA testimony is -- on June 16th the flurry of phone calls CA received at work from ICA - was ICA looking for a sitter - and one of the only few times CA said "NO" - ICA gave CA the ultimate punishment for that ...and CA will have to live with that for the rest of her life

oooh that makes a lot of since and this fits into what I have always thought. Since you mentioned that 2 hour time gap of she did whatever she did to Caylee then this is what I think may have happened. I think that since Casey could not find a babysitter she decided to chloroform Caylee to put her to sleep. As for the tape over Caylee's mouth I think that it was used to keep Caylee quiet if she woke up and started crying. IMO a two year old child would wake up and start crying if they were placed in the trunk because they would be scared. This would also fit in with what the state said because the duct tape is what killed her = murder weapon.
I just don't believe for one second Cindy's description of KC at home as mild mannered, sweet, helpful, and compassionate. I don't believe her account of June 15th when she says KC lovingly gets Caylee out of the pool and was so happy to see them having a great time. Then they share a special and emotional moment regarding the grandfather, just another lie IMO. Cindy exagerates the care that KC gave Caylee. She credits KC for purchasing the items to baby proof the house. Sounded like more fluff and I was wondering with what money??

Cindy messed up when she claimed Caylee slept in KC's room every night but, when she was talking about the teddy bear while Caylee was missing, Cindy states she herself was the one cuddling with Caylee every night. She immediately realized her mistake and threw KC in the bed with them. It was an obvious lie. IMO


Casey came home around 7:30. They supposedly watched that video after Cindy and Caylee got out of the pool. Looking at ACandyRose's timeline, Casey was on the phone or texting continuously from the time she got home until after 11:00 p.m. How could they have watched the video?

Did CA testify that she, in fact, removed the pool ladder away from the pool after she and Caylee were done swimming and ICA took Caylee inside for her shower?

The defense, in their opening statement said that CA told her boss/co-worker that someone was swimming in their pool because the she saw that the ladder was up to the pool.

I'm confused.
Thank you!

Gee, that's funny.....it wasn't until Tuesday morning, the 17th that the ladder was noticed being on the pool. (Caylee last seen the 16th, Monday). So, it seems to me if the date matches up to what Cindy said to her boss/co-workers, that blows JB's story out of the water. (no pun intended).

From the timeline calendar by acandyrose: June 17, 2008 (Tues)
Unk Time
Mark Fuhrman:
08/06/08 Greta's OTR
Mark Fuhrman said Cindy Anthony told him she put the pool ladder away Sunday evening 06/15 and that nobody swam in the pool on Monday 06/16. But on Tuesday morning 06/17 the ladder was back at the pool.
Can anyone point me to a transcript of CA testimony?

If you go to wftv.com there's a Casey Anthony case link and than all the days are listed, only by day of trial, 16 being the last day of trial. Day 16 has CA's testimony.

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