2011.05.31 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Vinnie is a former prosecutor and he knows that the way the defendant presents herself is very important to the jury's perception.Most DT's go to great lengths to have their client appear upstanding. Sometimes tattoos are even covered up with makeup.
Vinnie knows that in most circumstances a DL would not encourage their client to wear such a tight,form fitting shirt ,in the presence of the jury. Just another :waitasec: moment about the defense.
Now we know that JB wanted a tight shirt to show how Caylee looks NOT pregnant.

I agree. I also think he should acknowledge and apologize for his b00b comment.
Yes it would make sense that Lee would be the next witness, then the first arriving officers, then Yuri, then the forensic folks. But what about Jesse Grund, Tim Miller, Tracey -- not sure if/when they fit in here.



or the tattoo people??? What about Annie Dowling...anybody think she will testify?
Wearing a tight top to show she isn't pregnant now would've fallen flat if I was a juror. When she was pregnant, at that time, they obviously believed she wasn't pregnant. Knowing what they know now, I would bet they'd believe she was. It just seemed flimsy to me on JB's part. Just like the defense's whole case....
When he mentioned her "*advertiser censored*" I assumed he was talking about Baez and Cheney? Seriously. I'm not trying to make a funny or get myself banned.

bwahahaha!!! Nice one! :takeabow:
And HOW ABOUT JB and that whole "did you make money off of Caylee" line of questioning with Cindy.

OMG. I was like...you better not go there Mr. Man.
hope this is ok to say....with the top KC had on today you could tell she also had a push up bra and not the kind of bra she gets from jail.....her top was so tight you could see the out line of the underwire bra.....not trying to be snarky.....just a big differnce today in her appearance then what we have seen before

YES! I noticed that also. Which made her look smaller on the bottom!
hope this is ok to say....with the top KC had on today you could tell she also had a push up bra and not the kind of bra she gets from jail.....her top was so tight you could see the out line of the underwire bra.....not trying to be snarky.....just a big differnce today in her appearance then what we have seen before

:waitasec: Maybe ... she thought Tony L was going to come back to court to testify today ?

OMG.......................there are no words.

[I DON'T THINK THAT WAS VINNIE POLITAN[/B].It was the person videotaping his TV with a camcorder the way PATTY G does. JMO
Listen again.Did anyone hear him say this as they watched?
In Huggins, a correctional officer testified that Huggins had shaved his pubic area to deter lice (LE were attempting to get a hair sample from Huggins when they found out he'd shaved his complete public area) and when asked how the officer knew that he said because Huggins told him so. The prosecution then wanted to introduce his prior felony convictions to impeach his credibility - basically letting the jury decide how credible his statement was about his reason for shaving; this is my very fast rough brief of the issue.

So because Casey was a hearsay declarant making the out of court statement to Cindy which Cindy relayed through her testimony, Casey's credibility (as the hearsay declarant) can be impeached the same way any other witness can.

However, if the matter is collateral, then impeachment is not proper. (perhaps this will be relevant to the testimony that was taking place re: who the father of Caylee was, or who Casey said it was).

Going to

Does anyone else remember the day KC couldn't make it to a hearing because she "had a boil caused by an ingrown hair"?
OK guys.... I am off to go spend some quality time with my hubby on his last day of an 11 day vacation.....he is feeling a bit neglected (don't blame him a bit!)..... and I am feeling as if I have neglected him as well...... thank you for the positive comments! It helps me feel as if I am helping someone somewhere...... see ya'll tomorrow.[COLOR="DarkGreen[/COLOR]"]

Go...enjoy...you deserve it. You are fantastic. Thanks for all you do.
I think the shocking stuff that Lee said to FBI about himself, per Levi, might be about him having an affair with MH's wife.

Tiki who is MH???

I having a total brain freeze. :waitasec:
Leticia Lance just pointed out that the defense's questions to Cindy did reveal that the imaginary Zanny lie was birthed about two years before Caylee's disappearance. It seems it was not just made up because Caylee went missing.
Someone needs to advise Casey about her wardrobe and hair. She also needs a better bra.

I am sure we all recall Rosalie Bollin.... after reading all the links in her thread I learned that while the coating may be civillian the skivvies are jail all the way baby! ((she tried to bring hubby bvd's for his trial and he couldn't wear them.. he pitched a naked fit in his cell)) it is all in the Roalie Bollin thread and related links.. ((I am too tired to link right now))
Poor Cindy. Jose Baez asked her if it ever occurred to her that many of the people that Casey mentioned were not real. CA said she did not. She's made to appear so naive. I don't know why JB is accentuating these fictitious people made up by Casey. It seems like this is what the State would want. Is JB trying to stress Casey's lies to show that she's just not totally based in reality and this explains her nonchalant behavior after Caylee is missing?

She is based in reality- everyone of her fictitious friends is manufactured for a purpose, they don't just appear in her imagination the way JB tries to promote- they are created purely to manipulate people, mainly CA/GA.
Does anyone else remember the day KC couldn't make it to a hearing because she "had a boil caused by an ingrown hair"?

excuse me sleuther....im having lunch......:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
ITA. She's studying Cindy's grief response as if she is truly stymied by it and holds contempt for Cindy because of it. Like "What's wrong with her? Why is she doing that? Why is she crying already?" She knows it is 'expected' of her so she tries to muster up the same but the attempt falls flat on it's face. Authentic grief emotions are totally foreign to her. Her response to Kristina's grief and concern over Caylee's disappearance? "Oh my God. Calling you guys a waste. A Huge waste." More contempt and disgust. All Casey wanted was to find out if Tony was at the house and to get his phone number. She had no time for these 'weak' and foolish people who were only concerned about "getting Caylee back." Pure evil.

WOW! You named it, that's exactly what I was thinking this morning, only I just couldn't think of how to explain what I saw. She did look like she was studying something she couldn't understand! She is spooky!!
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