2011.05.31 Sidebar Thread

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A potential juror during jury selection.

OH OK, I remember that :) Thanks! The way it was said I thought he (Judge Alex) was talking about today. I thought I'd missed something LOL
After my first born died at 21, I hung on to a little sweater she had made for home ec class in the 8th grade, and her hairbrush, because it still had her smell in it.

It happened in 1984, and I have saved them all these years, and still fall apart when I open the box.

I hope you never know this kind of grief, dear poster. I hope you are spared.

My Mother kept my brothers personal items in a box for 25 years. when she was sick and knew she was dying she gave the "box" to my other brother. I felt like he should have since they were closer (11-months apart).

I don't personally know the pain (thank God) that some of you posters have talked about in reference to CA today. But I have seen the exact same reaction in my Mother over my brother. And it never ended until she passed away.
I honestly believe that Jose Baez has done just as much as ICA to destroy this family. I hope Cindy and George are one day able to forgive themselves for trusting this man.

Why? Are CA and GA responsible for hiring JB? I thought KC hired him on her own somehow.
My peeps, please remember that today has touched many of us in very tender spots.

Give your fellow WSers the benefit of the doubt is all I'm asking.

I honestly believe that Jose Baez has done just as much as ICA to destroy this family. I hope Cindy and George are one day able to forgive themselves for trusting this man.

I don't think they ever trusted JB. Recall the jail visit where GA told KC she was the "CEO".....

KC made the decision to entrust JB with her future.....her parents were forced to go along. She was an adult with a newfound propensity for declaring her independance.

I don't blame the parents...I blame an unscrupulous, media hungry, narcisisstic man for facilitating an even bigger divide between parent and child than already present...for no reason other than his self serving interests.

when does it ever become okay that your child died? After 3 years? Cuz I never got that memo .
If you (anyone) has one child,or many, just imagine when it would be okay with you that they are gone. Imagine your very own child dies and each day that passes takes you one day further away from the last time you were with them.
Three years is just three years without your baby,your everything.Three years is nothing to grief,but an eternity of missing them.

We learn to cope ,we learn to compartmentalize,but the grief comes in waves and you don't always know when.It happens after 2 hours and it happens after 20 years.

Avoid driving by the school,or going down the aisle at the grocery store with their favorite snack.
Love to hear about their friends lives,while dreading hearing how they have grown so ,without him.
A siren coming down the road, a kid in the same soccer uniform, a toy you didn't know was in the back of that drawer.
There is no moving on,friends.
Just gotta clear up that myth. Info like this hurts . No disrespect intended :seeya:

Kinsey didn't say it was ever okay that a child has died. He/she merely stated that people attempt to move on. I don't see what is wrong with that statement. Respectfully, I think you misinterpreted what was written.
hello everyone. I've been using all your posts to fill in what I miss during the ridiculous amount of comercial breaks on the stations where I live.
You all seem very knowledgable and I've learned alot - thanks !

I'm so glad you posted this. I felt like I was witnessing a person having a jolting, soul dystroying epiphany. I've had mixed emotions about this woman through the years & since Saturday I've been filled with shame for having ever judged her. This girl has dystroyed so many people. It's all so sad.
Please don't feel shame. I think many of us have come full circle. We are humane enough to feel others' pain. It doesn't mean (IMHO) that we were wrong to judge...we haven't seen this CA...we wanted to...we begged to...but she was busy propagating Casey's lies. We knew she had to be in pain...anyone who has lost someone dear to them knows of that pain...but she was stuck in the anger phase (as well as denial)...and directed the anger everywhere but where it belonged. We have been here for Caylee and we hear her voice coming through loud and clear. He grandma has made it so.
Why? Because its an opinion? Opinions are not allowed? There's many opinion based questions

because when introducing evidence they have to factually lay the foundation otherwise it is heresay.

there is no factual evidence so far admitted in court that permits this line of questioning

(that is my understanding... imnal)

When my oldest died, I remember the feeling of grief as it hit me in my midsection. I felt like someone had blown a cannonball through there, and it physically hurt. I would bend over to try to stop the pain. It was hard to breathe because of the pain.

When I saw Cindy bent over today, the pain came back. I instantly understood her physical pain, and how she was trying to get it under control.

Anything can trigger this pain. A song heard over the supermarket speakers you remember the loved one liking, a smell you associate with them, coming upon a faded photo in a drawer. For me, I couldn't look at the freeway sign that showed the direction to the town where she died. It took me 8 years to be able to drive by that sign.

Every time, it ripped open the wound all over again. I tried to put the pain away in a little box inside. I hated when something opened it up in an instant, catching me completely off guard, and making me weep uncontrollably.

To have to listen to this tape, unbearable. Cindy's gut was shot through all over again, and she physically suffered the pain even more because of all that has come out in this trial. The only way to relieve it is to wail it away until you are exhausted.

Please pray for Cindy and George. They have made so many mistakes in trying to deal with this horrible mess, and must have regrets so deep that recovery will be so much harder than those of us who lost a child from disease, real accident, or other sudden event.

Casey has put them through hell on earth.

And, pray that none of our children ever betray us in this way.

Housemouse thank you for putting that pain into words. I too lost a 15 year old daughter, almost 20 years ago to an illness. It's a pain that never goes away, and just amazing what can trigger a reaction. I just can't imagine having to deal with having to go through what Geoarge and Cindy have.
At about 4:20 is the end of the day after Amy leaves and the jury is gone. CJBP speaks about the Huggins case, and tells them what to look at this evening.


pertaining to reversible error



((or was huggins a separate issue? I do know he told them the dt to make really sure they wanted to "ring that bell"))
i keep wondering if Casey was jealous of Amy. Is Amy living the sweet life?

When my oldest died, I remember the feeling of grief as it hit me in my midsection. I felt like someone had blown a cannonball through there, and it physically hurt. I would bend over to try to stop the pain. It was hard to breathe because of the pain.

When I saw Cindy bent over today, the pain came back. I instantly understood her physical pain, and how she was trying to get it under control.

Anything can trigger this pain. A song heard over the supermarket speakers you remember the loved one liking, a smell you associate with them, coming upon a faded photo in a drawer. For me, I couldn't look at the freeway sign that showed the direction to the town where she died. It took me 8 years to be able to drive by that sign.

Every time, it ripped open the wound all over again. I tried to put the pain away in a little box inside. I hated when something opened it up in an instant, catching me completely off guard, and making me weep uncontrollably.

To have to listen to this tape, unbearable. Cindy's gut was shot through all over again, and she physically suffered the pain even more because of all that has come out in this trial. The only way to relieve it is to wail it away until you are exhausted.

Please pray for Cindy and George. They have made so many mistakes in trying to deal with this horrible mess, and must have regrets so deep that recovery will be so much harder than those of us who lost a child from disease, real accident, or other sudden event.

Casey has put them through hell on earth.

And, pray that none of our children ever betray us in this way.

we wrote many of the same experiences.My son was in a private school near my older daughters house.Still avoid it 6 years later.Grocery shopping is rough! Cooking his favorite meals is over. You don't move on,you avoid triggers ,whenever possible.
Sometimes I do feel better after a good crying jag,but in Cindy's case I think there is still just too much emotional crapola going on to feel better tonight.
Hugs to you,Housemouse and Mr. Mouse .
Hugs to all the grieving family members reliving their journey during this trial.
Some,like Tulessa,still have a lot to deal with.
Just Breathe.
I had to leave at 2:30 and don't know where to find the rest of the session today. Can someone point me in the right direction? I don't see it on you Tube yet. Thanks much!
Random stupid question...if Zanny was the nanny for "almost 2 years", what did little Caylee say to GA & CA about her? Surely grandparents who were as involved as they were would have asked the usual "How was your day at Zanny's?" or "What did you & Zanny do today?"
I don't. Multiple personality disorder is a very, very rare disorder. Most people who have been said to have it are found to be malingering (faking it). Those who actually have it suffered through such unimaginable, sadistic and repetitive, sustained abuse, that their mind splits in order to cope. It's actually a way to stop from going crazy, even though it is a form of mental illness.

I knew a girl who had it. Her mother used to, when she was a toddler, hang her upside down in the doorway and then slam the door on her, over and over. She also would starve her and then put her in a high chair with a bowl of food out of her reach. She forced her to eat feces, vomit, and basically, otherwise tortured her. And this was the least of it. It began happening when she was very young. She was hospitalized most of her adult life because she could not function in the outside world at all.

There would have been outward signs if something like this was happening to casey. Sexual abuse, although horrific, usually does not lead to multiple personality disorder unless it is coupled with extreme and sadistic torture.

Please don't get angry with me, any survivors out there, because I am not trying to downplay sexual abuse, but let me put it to you this way, if you think of A Boy Called It, or other cases like the young man Kyle who was tortured for years, chained like a dog, before he escaped, out in California, those cases are probably not severe enough to cause MPD.

casey showed consciousness about her lies. She hid them and tried to talk around them when she was caught. People with the disorder don't. They wake up wondering why they are in restraints and why their throats are sore (from screaming). They have zero memory of what happened when their personality changed. All they know is that they started to feel funny (sometimes dizzy, sometimes rapid heart beat) and then they "wake up" with no memory.

I witnessed this several times with the gal I knew who had it. It was frightening to watch her change. You would not recognize her at all. Everything changed and she would not respond to her real name. Scared me silly. I questioned her about what happened when she changed and she told me. She was the most reasonable, kind of shy, logical person when she was not in a Personality. It was sad because it was very unlikely that she could ever live a normal life, outside a hospital.

If casey has this, I will eat my shirt.

Thank you for your reply. I've read "A Child Called It" and "The Lost Boy" Dave Pelzer. WOW, you're right. If anyone suffered abuse it was him!!! So then KC is only a sociopath?
That is exactly what he is doing. You noticed he kept referring to them as imaginary friends. He wants to stress that she is in her own little messed up world due to this alleged molestation.

LDB makes the distinction though when she calls them fictitious friends.
ICA creates these people for one purpose only, to manipulate others.
She is not living in an imaginary world with imaginary friends. There is a huge difference.
i keep wondering if Casey was jealous of Amy. Is Amy living the sweet life?

I would think so...she's working on a cruise ship and all the while ICA is sitting in jail. If not the "sweet life", it's certainly a "sweeter life" than ICA's.:rocker:
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